
learning more

Learning More, Are You Doing It Regularly?

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Are you in the habit of learning more? Do you find pleasure in learning, or do you feel forced? There is the formality of learning. Go to school, attain a high school diploma. Go to college and attain an advanced certificate, a degree, or maybe go all the way, maybe even multiple times. We might

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good processes

Good Processes May Lack Humanity

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Is your business or organization fixed on making the process better and better? How is performance measured? Good processes may overlook the human side of work. Manufacturing and production always want to put everything into a system. We can go way back to the industrial revolution to find the evidence. Today, we may hear things

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Stronger points

Stronger Points May Be Exactly What You Need

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Have you made your point? Does anyone buy it? Making stronger points may be the difference between having a vision and creating reality. In polite debates making your point might make a difference. Stronger points might make a difference in the meeting being held in the conference room, the chance encounter with your boss or

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catchy projects

Catchy Projects, Do They Really Work?

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Do you have catchy projects? Do they attract interest, bring in new customers, keep existing customers, or engage your workforce? People often discuss the law of attraction. One version of the law of attraction tends to suggest that what you think, is what will become true by your own creation. Think positive and you’ll see

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cultural leadership

Cultural Leadership Demonstrates Upstanding Qualities

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Do you have cultural leadership in your workplace? Every workplace has a culture, but is it one of leadership or is it proclaimed leadership? There is a difference. Proclaimed leadership is self-described. It is the authoritarian approach. Leadership dictates and people listen. The concept is that people listen because they are less powerful. They have

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Decisions Are Stackable, Like It or Not

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Are you making good decisions? Is every decision, every choice, a good one? People often blame outcomes on a decision. A choice to move forward, step back, or perhaps go side to side. Most fortunate, or unfortunate circumstances are not the result of only one good or one bad decision. That’s because decisions are stackable.

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business story

Business Story, Are You Telling It?

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What is your business story? Are you being clear, or vague about what you do and what you offer? Is your story worth sharing? Gaining customers is part of every business. It doesn’t matter if it is a for-profit or a non-profit, people engaging with your work mean that you have something of value. A

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workplace tenacity

Workplace Tenacity, Turtle Race and Bunny Hops!

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How do you approach work? Are you in the groove of getting by, or are you charging ahead by giving the best example of workplace tenacity? Having the commitment and approaching your work with rigor are characteristics that should not be forgotten. Work is called work for a reason. One of the best examples of

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time value

Time Value, Are You Getting The Benefit?

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Time value might be a measurement you’re familiar with even if you don’t recognize it at first. It seems most people believe that good things take time, but how is that value measured? When you first learned how to tie your shoes it may have taken some time, and some additional practice. Now you can

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punished customer

Punished Customer, Do You Feel Like One?

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Have you ever felt like you are being punished? Being a punished customer seems to be more prevalent than ever. Are you punishing your customers? What is a punished customer? A punished customer is a customer who is forced to accept something less in terms of service or quality while the business offering those products

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