Tag Archives: persistence

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achieving goals

Achieving Goals Has a Runner-Up

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The day a marketing campaign launches. When the big order ships. The sale that puts you above the forecast. A high school graduation, college degree achieved, and a bank loan paid-off. Achieving goals is a feel-good experience. Yet, there just may be a runner-up.

Managers everywhere want team success. Success may be measured in many ways and is usually compared to a key indicator, a forecast, or some form of metric.

It’s been said in racing and other sports, “Second place is the first loser.”

Loser is a harsh word. Sure, it may motivate some by sparking anger, creating a feeling of disappointment, and invigorating a competitive spirit. Yet, it is certainly not a confidence booster.

I don’t like it.

Meeting and exceeding goal is fantastic. However, coming up just a little short doesn’t always mean the effort was wasted.

Is there a runner-up?

Achieving Goals

Perfection is a nice thought. All or nothing can be inspiring. Being the runner-up in any situation can still mean a lot of value.

Did you make something better? Have you achieved something more when compared with your last best effort? What have you learned?

Life has many second chances. You may have a second chance to close a sale, another opportunity to exceed customer expectations, or a refreshing reset as a new month with new goals begins.

The next best thing to winning the race is to be the runner-up. If you didn’t achieve the goal did you break a personal record? Did you overcome an adverse condition, or make something better than it was before? Maybe you learned what not to do.

Runner-up just might be the second winner.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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good decisions

Good Decisions Come From Good Character

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Is it easy to make good decisions? Considering a lifetime of decisions and choices, does your character define you?

A good friend of mine asks the question, “How does someone get discovered?”

He is referring to things like musicians, authors, and even great business leaders. Evidence suggests that there are many talented people who go through life undiscovered.


Has the playing field been leveled? Are there too many in the category of average?

What will set you apart?

Wealth of Information

We live in a World saturated with information. There is so much information, so many media options, and so many opportunities worthy of consideration that nearly everyone has an opportunity to contribute or learn something.

In professional settings there are countless sources for business information. There are thousands of schools and universities, and even more books, seminars, and other learning opportunities.

It would seem that both knowledge and opportunity are everywhere.

What makes a difference for people in their career? If information and knowledge are abundantly available, what sets some apart?

Good Decisions

Setting aside the concept of luck or being at the right place at the right time your best moves probably develop from your character.

When you consider that all of the people who seek knowledge have similar resources for knowledge gain or accessibility to information, then it really comes down to decisions.

The missing skill becomes your sense of good judgment.

Every decision made today will have consequences. Some of those may be labeled as good while others may be labeled as bad.

Everything that you do and become is a part of the decisions you’ve made. Across your own lifetime, it is part of your character.

Perhaps the most scarce resource of all, is the character required to make good judgments that lead to good decisions.

Decisions made are part of who you are. How you change what happens next is part of who you’ll become.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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remote team connections

Remote Team Connections Still Matter

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Are you staying connected? Remote team connections will matter because not only do they keep everyone up-to-date, they create camaraderie that is irreplaceable.

Human interaction has mattered long before we had sophisticated systems that enable commerce opportunities. Long before quality was measured and before customer service became a thing.

As modern people we rely on the people that serve us.

It may be friendly help at the hardware store to make sure we get the right kind of screws. It may be the pet food supplier who gives us comfort that we’re giving our pet the best. Perhaps it is our medical doctor who pauses long enough to really listen and make us feel that someone understands.

In your workplace, there is often more happening than just the art of the actual work performed. There is the fulfillment of other human needs that may not be what the CEO is directly paying people to accomplish.

Remote Team Connections

People working together accomplish more than what a single standalone person may achieve.

There are different talents and abilities, backgrounds and education, and even motivation and team enthusiasm styles.

This is the root why connections still matter. Sure, there are many other aspects of your connections. However, when things split apart and more and more people are working remotely for the greater good of the organization, those relationships are still going to matter.

People are disrupted, disconnected, and many are afraid.

It is during times like this when reaching out, doing the hard and exhausting work, listening, caring, and demonstrating empathy make a difference.

During a disaster or major disruption connections take center stage.


Two important webinars are happening soon. Managing Remote Work Teams and Mastering Work From Home.

Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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continuous effort

Continuous Effort And The Mindset For More

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Let’s be honest, it is easy to get discouraged. Are you persistent and giving continuous effort? Do you have the right mindset?

People often talk about achieving the best mindset.

The mindset that keeps you focused, on-track, and stops at nothing.

The core concept may be that adversity is an opportunity, keep your eye on the prize.

In sports people will often suggest that they gave their best effort. They tried their hardest, used everything they had, and can walk away (even in defeat) proud.

One of the most important aspects of a positive, progressive mindset is that your best effort is always a stretch goal.

You may have given it your best today, yet that is not the same as your best next time.

Adversity has a strange way of halting progress for those who allow it. For those who are really committed to continuous effort and growth adversity is simply part of the process.

Continuous Effort

It is good to leave the playing field feeling like you gave it your all.

The same is true for your next meeting, client engagement, or your attempt to close the sale.

If you weren’t as successful as you had hoped, consider that you gave it your best. The key though, is that you gave it your best effort so far.

Settling for the concept that your best today is the best that you can ever give means your progress will stop. It will never get any better than today.

That’s not you.

With continuous effort and the right mindset, you’ve only just begun.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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workplace reciprocity

Workplace Reciprocity is Connected to Friendships

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Do you have friends at work? Many would quickly suggest that they do. Is workplace reciprocity the real force behind your connections?

We start to develop the basics of reciprocity at a very young age.

You give me your best Pokemon card and I’ll give you one of mine.

You pony tail my hair and I’ll pony tail yours.

Let’s switch bikes. You ride mine and I’ll ride yours.

All grown up and navigating a career many people carry the concept of reciprocity along with them. Everything is done, or not, with the expectation of reciprocity.

Transparency is great buzz word. People throw around the idea of being transparent as many times as they hit the coffee station before noon.

Are your friends at work really transparent? Do you know what their motives are? Are they genuine or more self-serving?

Workplace Reciprocity

Much of our success can be attributed to our relationships.

Make friends with the boss and she’ll help you get ahead. Make more contacts, always be friendly and kind, then people will refer you.

Relationships matter but the real question is, “Are they authentic?”

It may all circle back to the concept of reciprocity. What do you have that I want? What leverage can I build from our relationship?

Funny the values or techniques we develop in childhood. Funnier still how adulthood finds us not too far away from the earliest concepts we learned.

Build relationships and make good friends. Keep in mind that business will always be business.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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repetitive workplace problems

Repetitive Workplace Problems and Solving Them

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Problems always exist. In part, that is why we have supervisors and managers. Are you suffering from repetitive workplace problems?

One aspect of leadership is that sometimes supervisors and managers think that they shouldn’t have any problems. The view is that more advanced roles are the luxurious ones. A place to get comfortable, relax, and enjoy.

In you don’t realize it by now, that is a myth in most organizations.

Repetitive problems probably exist because they are hard to solve.

Hard to Solve

Hard to solve doesn’t mean impossible to solve. It does probably mean that the solutions aren’t obvious, aren’t easy, or require additional risk.

Most problems are quickly addressed through experience or theory. People learn to spot resolutions based on previous similar scenarios. They apply their knowledge and expertise and the problem gets resolved.

We solve lots of problems every day. Sometimes we don’t even realize that we are doing it. Yet, the lingering or repetitive problem nags at us.

Repetitive Workplace Problems

You attend the meeting, intending to solve a problem. The team gets sidetracked, the discussion becomes about obstacles, hurdles, and why things won’t work.

Maybe the problem definition is not clear. Maybe you can’t seem to get to the root cause, or perhaps you need more data or information before applying your expertise.

Don’t procrastinate about the problem. It is likely going to require some risk.

Get to the root cause.

If you don’t solve the problem at the root, it may repeat. When you don’t clearly understand the problem, it may continue.

When you get to the root and are willing to get a little uncomfortable and risky, you may discover a new path to problem resolution.

Otherwise, you may stay stuck.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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Relentless effort

Relentless Effort is a Part of Service Interactions

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Are you giving relentless effort? Sometimes it feels like a thankless job. Does it make a difference for future outcomes? Yes.

Mindset is powerful and often we need to shift the concept of problems to opportunities. Opportunities can be much more attractive when compared with problems. Mindset starts with a choice.

When it comes to service interactions, you have a choice about how you will accept the outcomes of your efforts.

Say, “Hello.” to a stranger and you may or may not get a response. You took the risk and you accept the possibility of no reaction, or worse, perhaps a negative reaction.

Applying Relentless Effort

Relentless effort is about multiplying this effect across time. A one-time deal isn’t nearly as effective as repetitive daily pursuit.

One stumbling block for relentless effort is having the willingness (it’s a choice) to accept what happens next. When you are committed to your choice, you’ll have the energy, even in the face of adversity, to try again.

You may ask yourself this simple two-part question, “What is the opportunity in front of me and am I willing to pursue it relentlessly?”

Persistence matters, and persistence across time is relentless pursuit.

You have to be willing to accept what happens next, even when the results may not be desirable.

It makes a difference for what you’ll do next, and that, makes a difference for what happens next.


Two Resources

I wrote both of these books to help with relentless effort. Get them on Amazon.

Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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educational illusion

Is an Educational Illusion Stopping You?

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It seems that there are always two sides. On one side people worry that they’re not enough and do nothing about it. And on the other, they never stop trying to prove their credibility. Are you suffering from an educational illusion?

It is quite simple really. People make decisions about the reasons why. They decide on the placement of blame.

Why you weren’t hired, promoted, or respected by peers. Many blame education, and throw their arms up in disgust, or are constantly enrolling in the next degree program.

Make no mistake that education matters. It matters a great deal and often, especially in an on-line World of “punched cards” coming up short can be problematic. If you can’t check the box, you’re not getting in.

A medical doctor isn’t going to be able to practice without the degree. A lawyer needs a degree and to pass the bar exam. Most university professors need a doctoral degree.

Educational Illusion

Outside of specific professions there is wiggle room. Some career opportunities, good paying ones, only require a high school diploma.

Which camp are you in?

Are you working hard, taking advantage of gaining experience while also exploring opportunities for additional education?

Or, perhaps you are working hard and have tried to explore advancement, yet have come up short? Are you convinced that the reason you didn’t advance was because of a lack of education?

In either case, additional credentials may not be the obstacle.

There are many cases where the advanced degree, the credential, the certificate, or the card punched is not the real obstacle.

Sometimes the real obstacle is a lack of persistence, determination, and courage.

Sometimes there is a difference between reality and where you place the blame.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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following advice

Following Advice Should Get You There

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Everyone has an opinion. Nearly everyone has some advice. Following advice seems to make sense but does it always?

First, there are some people who shouldn’t be advising anyone. There is plenty of advice out there, especially on social media. Self-proclaimed experts lurk around every corner and in every shadow. Buyer beware.

Let’s assume though, that the information you seek, good information, is abundant. What will you do with that information? How will you use that advice?

Tweak the Plan

Often people modify the directions and information they receive.

When you make your IKEA purchase are you going to follow the directions? That may be good advice. Will you take a quick glance and then start assembly only checking in when you get stuck?

The same is true for the frozen pizza, the pre-cooked Easter ham, or the Thanksgiving turkey. It is true for the Cowboy Casserole, the chocolate fudge brownie, and the banana bread. Do you follow the directions or sort of do your own thing?

Chances are good that advice surrounds you. Much of it may be good. When we don’t follow it, follow it exactly, it may become bad advice.

That is often the difference. What we receive gets modified. It gets bent a little, twisted a little, turned upside down, yet the partial followers proclaim it must have been bad advice.

Following Advice

If you substitute milk for heavy cream in the recipe, you’re going to get a different result.

When you try to run a business or manage a department on hope, instead of hard work or action, you’ll likely get a different result.

If you believe your marketing and advertising will work just as well when you cut the budget in half and replace it with free advertising, you better think twice.

Finding good advice probably isn’t the biggest challenge. The bigger challenge is following it.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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Tough choices

When Tough Choices Are Good Decisions

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People make decisions every day. We decide what clothing we will wear, what food to eat, when to get a drink of water and how much we will drink. How do you navigate tough choices?

Decisions, Decisions

Several family members trying to decide what they will eat for dinner can be a challenge. So can finding just the right movie to watch on Netflix. Picking the fastest moving lane in traffic without destroying your drivewise score, forget it.

In the workplace, we often must make decisions about priorities, the best person for the job, or even onboarding a new employee. Is there a perfect decision or is it about the best decision based on available choices?

If we wait, will a better choice emerge or will we start losing some of our already adequate options?

Tough Choices

If I skip the bread at dinner, I may be able to eat a small slice of pie. Diet soda is fewer calories than regular soda, but water is the healthier choice. My car will run on 89 octane gasoline, but the manufacturer recommends using 91 minimum, what should I use?

Around the office employees have mentioned that there is just too much drama. In order to deal with it they want more pay. Should we fix our culture or silence them with more pay? What will work best? (If you don’t know the answer to this, email me for help.) 

Sometimes it is hard to decide. We face tough choices. Delaying a decision can sometimes be valuable, so can a quick decision. In other cases, a decision to do nothing may be a good decision.

Waiting for the absolute, the risk free, or the one hundred percent guarantee is probably expecting too much.

We are always making choices. Keep making them. Yes, even the tough ones.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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