Leadership, Generations, and Customer Service ~ Appreciative Strategies ®
There is an old mantra, “What gets measured, gets done.” It is true that having a consistent and conscious objective in front of us being measured causes most to continue the pursuit. The question may sometimes become, what are you measuring? Many people express their desire for happiness, yet they measure sorrow. People want their
Read MoreWhen you are in the flow and everything in your world is responding, you feel unflappable. You create your future building from one small success to another, and before you know it another, and another. Things are happening fast, and sideliners shout, “keep going, you’ve got this,” and your momentum builds. When things are not
Read MoreMany people start their day with the idea that they need to, “get something done.” It is a great idea and with enthusiasm they often spring into action with just that goal. Later in the day others may ask, “What did you get done today?” Often the reply is delivered with hesitation, thoughts of what
Read MoreThe referee makes a terrible call punishing your favorite team. Your car gets pummeled by a run away shopping cart in a downhill parking lot. You get a traffic ticket and you weren’t the only one speeding. The promotion you were waiting for was given to someone who you believe is less qualified. Your best
Read MoreYou imagine the best sunset you ever saw. The day you look in the mirror and see slim, trim, and fit. The day you obtain a promotion, raise, or new job that comes with exactly the prestige, perks, and salary you’ve worked so hard to obtain. You may visualize good fortune for you, your family,
Read MoreDo you remember your last big decision? Remember when meeting with friends or business associates someone asked you about the best restaurant? Do you remember a time when you felt pressured about political, religious, or personal choices? Do you remember the last time you uttered, “Don’t ask me.”? Decisions are connected with a choice, a
Read MoreWhat challenges us is usually something different. Something we haven’t tried before or haven’t tried in a while. It may be something we don’t do often, something we avoid, or simply don’t like doing. This is true for many people who write a business letter, give a presentation, or are forced into a new job.
Read MoreDo you have the clients, customers, or business relationships that produce the outcomes you wish for and need? Chances are good that you attract what surrounds you. While this may not always be your intention or how you wish it would work out, it may be reality that you own what you attract. Business or
Read MoreA slip of paper and a pencil once was how you recorded a message. A fax machine once was how you shared documents. A paper check once was how you got paid. Things are always changing. Things seem different. Some things we like, some we don’t, and some we really don’t care that much about.
Read MoreWhat is passion to someone is completely unreasonable to someone else. Do you believe in what you are doing? Do you believe in your people, the project, or the new marketing program? Do you believe in yourself? Movers and shakers, fast trackers, and water walkers, they all believe. Their belief may be so deep and
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