Tag Archives: accomplishment

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future forecast

Future Forecast and the Reality of Accuracy

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What is the future forecast? Do you have a prediction?

Ask around, most people have something to say about what the future will hold. They have a prediction about the fate scheduled for tomorrow or the next day.

Some see opportunities, some see bigger challenges, and some will predict total doom and gloom.

There are parallels to the weather forecast.

When you get it correct:

See, I told you so.

I knew it.

This is exactly what I said would happen.

When you get it wrong there may be a tendency for silence, some withdraw, or keeping a low-profile.

What is your percentage of accuracy?

Future Forecast

Most people are always forecasting the future. Consciously or subconsciously they are making predictions about what will happen next.

Certainly, some things are beyond our control. Yet, in other cases we control our future. Perhaps, it is a little of both.

What would happen if you put a good plan into action? What would happen if you followed the plan, monitored it, and kept a fluid approach making changes as necessary?

Imagine if everyone just dug in, dug deep, and put forward the best that they could possibly do?

Is the underdog ever a hero? Yes.

Do people sometimes get the positive benefit of a little luck? Yes.

Are there opportunities to create the future you have been imagining? Yes.

Sometimes the best thing you can do is simply work towards the goal.

A strange thing often happens.

As you work towards the goal you realize that the gap isn’t as big as it once was. You realize that through effort and hard work the future has started to shape itself.

Don’t lose sight of what you can build today and tomorrow. You just might create the reality of accuracy.

See, I told you so.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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Workplace accomplishments

Two Paths for Workplace Accomplishments

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In life it seems we often have at least two choices. Since childhood we’ve often embraced it as good or bad. When we consider workplace accomplishments, there are at least two paths for getting the job done.

Which path are you on?

Your Choice

Imagine there are two organizations. Both employ a sizable number of people. You have a choice about which organization to join.

Inside the first organization you see people interacting. As you listen in, you notice the talk is about short-comings, observations of work are critical and not highly appreciated. Days are spent in defensive postures, covering up mistakes, and hoarding work.

You look to the second organization and peel back the cover. You look inside and you see energy, excitement, and congratulatory appreciation for work accomplished. The environment appears supportive, hands are helping hands, and the work is largely accomplished in teams.

Now for your choice. Which one would you join?

Seems pretty simple and clear, right?

If so, then why do we engage and help co-create the type of organization which no one would really enjoying working in?

Some may quickly suggest money. Perhaps one pays more.

Someone else may suggest one organization has a better work schedule, benefits, or is a slightly shorter commute.

What are your trade-offs?

Workplace Accomplishments

One organization is going to accomplish more.

One organization is built on purpose, values, and the consideration of a long-run game.

The other is built on drama, criticism, and blame. No one is interested or understands the path to the future because the spotlight is on the past, self-protection, and playing defense.

Both organizations have movement, yet only one is accomplishing something important and valuable.

How would you assess your workplace accomplishments?

Life is about choices.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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What Gets Measured

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There is an old mantra, “What gets measured, gets done.” It is true that having a consistent and conscious objective in front of us being measured causes most to continue the pursuit. The question may sometimes become, what are you measuring?


Many people express their desire for happiness, yet they measure sorrow. People want their job or workplace to be more simple, kind, and generous, yet they measure difficulty, anger, and how often they feel short changed. People push for the accomplishment of milestones, goals, and objectives, yet they often measure only the gap or shortcomings.

If what gets measured gets done, then perhaps we should be mindful of what we measure. What if we started to count or measure smiles, hellos, and things that make our lives easier? What if we count or measure every time we feel happy, relief, or a sense of accomplishment?

It seems like what you measure should be want you want, because that is what gets done.


Dennis Gilbert is a keynote speaker, corporate trainer, and consultant that specializes in helping businesses accelerate their leadership, their team, and their success. Reach him through his website at http://DennisEGilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

Photo Credit: Bradhoc, Flickr, Tape Measure

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