Author Archives: appreciative

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Keep Things Easy

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The first block laid on the foundation of the great pyramid and the count remaining probably didn’t matter all that much. It would have been much easier to count accomplishments.

One block laid. GreatPyramid-byDavidStanley

When there were ten blocks remaining, they were likely no longer counting how many were laid, only what remained, because it was easier.

Ten blocks more.

Half way finished may be the hardest because you have the most to count, but it is also the shortest point in the production cycle.

That is as long as you keep things easy.


Dennis Gilbert is a keynote speaker, corporate trainer, and consultant that specializes in helping businesses accelerate their leadership, their team, and their success. Reach him through his website at or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

Photo Credit: David Stanley

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Pivot, Trend, Start Over

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Cut off denim shorts, telephone booths, and toaster ovens. We don’t see as many of these today as we once did. We could add many other things to this list such as, 8-track tapes, cassettes, big corrective eye glass lenses, vinyl records, fanny packs, typewriters, cameras with film, brief cases, and wooden clog shoes.


Most of these items were once wildly popular, now they are almost completely extinct. It may be a sign, a course of reckoning, and evidence of social and economic change.

Social media experts look for discussions that are trending, YouTube wants viral videos, and Instagram wants you to capture and share your photographic moments. None of these are permanent.

There may be a lesson here. The lesson is that no one person, thing, or feeling will stay on top. The limelight is reserved what’s new, different, changed, less expensive, more expensive, fast, slow, easy, or hard. Popular will never be permanent.

Your best chance for continued success is not to grow and stabilize, it is to pivot, trend, and start over. 


Dennis Gilbert is a keynote speaker, corporate trainer, and consultant that specializes in helping businesses accelerate their leadership, their team, and their success. Reach him through his website at or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

Photo Credit: kc7fys on Flickr, The Classic “Dyno-mite” 8 Track Player

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What Gets Measured

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There is an old mantra, “What gets measured, gets done.” It is true that having a consistent and conscious objective in front of us being measured causes most to continue the pursuit. The question may sometimes become, what are you measuring?


Many people express their desire for happiness, yet they measure sorrow. People want their job or workplace to be more simple, kind, and generous, yet they measure difficulty, anger, and how often they feel short changed. People push for the accomplishment of milestones, goals, and objectives, yet they often measure only the gap or shortcomings.

If what gets measured gets done, then perhaps we should be mindful of what we measure. What if we started to count or measure smiles, hellos, and things that make our lives easier? What if we count or measure every time we feel happy, relief, or a sense of accomplishment?

It seems like what you measure should be want you want, because that is what gets done.


Dennis Gilbert is a keynote speaker, corporate trainer, and consultant that specializes in helping businesses accelerate their leadership, their team, and their success. Reach him through his website at or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

Photo Credit: Bradhoc, Flickr, Tape Measure

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When you are in the flow and everything in your world is responding, you feel unflappable. You create your future building from one small success to another, and before you know it another, and another. Things are happening fast, and sideliners shout, “keep going, you’ve got this,” and your momentum builds.


When things are not flowing so well, and every twist and turn feels like you are falling deeper you also tend to self-create. Your analysis of the opportunity is that whatever appears good must be a trick, a setup, or a false hope that isn’t going to happen. It’s different from unflappable, and you hear sideliners shouting, “I told you so.”

Which sideliner was right? The answer is, you create your flow. Input conditions output, garbage in, garbage out. When you create your own story, when you decide the flow, you change the input.

Your choices are conditioned by input. That choice will alter the outcome, produce results, or do nothing. You will be in the flow, or not.  You’ll decide the pace, you’ll coast, accelerate, or stay stuck.

You’ll start today, and start tomorrow, and start the next day with input. Be your own sideliner (critic), create your flow.


Dennis Gilbert is a keynote speaker, corporate trainer, and consultant that specializes in helping businesses accelerate their leadership, their team, and their success. Reach him through his website at or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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Never Finish

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Many people start their day with the idea that they need to, “get something done.” It is a great idea and with enthusiasm they often spring into action with just that goal. Later in the day others may ask, “What did you get done today?” Often the reply is delivered with hesitation, thoughts of what was accomplished sometimes are absent from their mind; perhaps not because they accomplished very little, but because they are still focused on getting something done.


Completing a task, a project, or a work of art is important, it gives us (or someone) value and a sense of accomplishment. However, the real story here may be that true success comes from never being finished. Because when you are finished, you are in fact, done.

People, machines, and technology get something done. They build the fastest car, the most luxurious home, and the tallest building. Other people use skills and technology to create the funniest TV commercial, the tear jerker movie, or the greatest marketing campaign. Still other people prescribe a drug for relief, help heel a broken bone, or perform life-saving surgery. And there are still other people who teach children, monitor investments, and wait tables or serve food.

They do all of these things, but they are never really finished. Only until the next car, building, movie watcher, consumer, client, patient, or someone else does it different or better. Only until they do it with less cost, less waste, and with better profit margins.

When you approach your work today strive to get something done, enjoy the moment when you finish, because tomorrow you will start all over again. That is of course, unless you want to be done.

Never finish.


Dennis Gilbert is a keynote speaker, corporate trainer, and consultant that specializes in helping businesses accelerate their leadership, their team, and their success. Reach him through his website at or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

Photo Credit: Stephan Ridgway

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Good Fight

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The referee makes a terrible call punishing your favorite team. Your car gets pummeled by a run away shopping cart in a downhill parking lot. You get a traffic ticket and you weren’t the only one speeding.


The promotion you were waiting for was given to someone who you believe is less qualified. Your best client chose a different vendor after years of honorable service. You lose your job because the company was bought by a larger organization and they are moving the entire operation to another state.

We often want to fight for what is right or what we feel is fair. For many, we learned as children to scream about what appears unfair and a resolution will appear. We believe that fighting hard and demanding justice will somehow alter the end result. Unfortunately many things that we spend energy fighting for, will not change the outcome.

What if you took a different approach? What if you focused on the next play in the game, concentrated on the car repair and moved on, or paid the speeding ticket and didn’t dwell on it? What if you looked to a different department or company where your skills are more valued or turned your second or third best client into twice what your former best was? What if your next job paid more, with more benefits, and is work you absolutely love?

What if you use your energy exclusively on thoughts, activities, and actions that move you forward, not leave you fighting for a past that is better left behind? 

Why fight yesterday’s fight? The good fight is in front of you.


Dennis Gilbert is a keynote speaker, corporate trainer, and consultant that specializes in helping businesses accelerate their leadership, their team, and their success. Reach him through his website at or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

Photo Credit: Steven Depolo

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Your Vision

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You imagine the best sunset you ever saw. The day you look in the mirror and see slim, trim, and fit. The day you obtain a promotion, raise, or new job that comes with exactly the prestige, perks, and salary you’ve worked so hard to obtain. You may visualize good fortune for you, your family, and your friends. You may picture that long overdue vacation, a new car, or a dream home.


Vision is very clear for some people, others not so much. Often behind the vision is a well-structured plan, or for some there is not. Some people obtain their vision, and others do not.

When the plan fails, there is a chance so will the energy, excitement, and confidence that your vision will appear. But the ensuing shut down, shut out, or blow out that may happen only happens to those who don’t plan for the unplanned. Because often it is not about what you planned for, but how you’ve planned to adjust.

Plans will not always happen on time, at the right time, or just in time. It may not happen when you need it, when you want it, or when you said it would be done. Not everyone will celebrate or appreciate what it took for your vision to become reality. People will come and people will go. Some will stay friends and some will move on. Promises will be kept and others lost. Directions will change and paths won’t cross.

The secret to achieving your vision doesn’t come from the best laid plan; it will come from knowing how to respond to everything about your plan that was unplanned.


Dennis Gilbert is a keynote speaker, corporate trainer, and consultant that specializes in helping businesses accelerate their leadership, their team, and their success. Reach him through his website at or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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Ask You

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Do you remember your last big decision? Remember when meeting with friends or business associates someone asked you about the best restaurant? Do you remember a time when you felt pressured about political, religious, or personal choices? Do you remember the last time you uttered, “Don’t ask me.”?


Decisions are connected with a choice, a recommendation, and risk. Some people jump at opportunities; others decide it holds too much risk. Some suggest saying nothing is the right path. Perhaps it is, until nothing implies consent or agreement.

Making a decision holds you accountable, responsible, and requires risk. Suggesting the wrong move, the wrong restaurant, or the wrong strategy will not only end bad, it will label you. At least that is what you fear more than the bad choice itself.

Choices give us options, options give us freedom, and you have the right to choose. Culturally many of us seek to stand tall with those values, yet our instincts on making decisions often find us withdrawn with self-doubt and fearing the responsibility of choice.

If you want different, think different.

Ask you.


Photo Credit: Ron Cogswell, Jessop’s Tavern, New Castle, Delaware, USA

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Get Some

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What challenges us is usually something different. Something we haven’t tried before or haven’t tried in a while. It may be something we don’t do often, something we avoid, or simply don’t like doing.


This is true for many people who write a business letter, give a presentation, or are forced into a new job. It’s different and some elements of the potential outcomes make us afraid. It really isn’t all that hard, it is the fear of failing. It is the improper grammar, the forgetting what to say, the size of the audience, and the one thing we thought we would never have to do.

What is really true for most people is that they simply have not practiced. They haven’t written enough business letters, or at least not recently. They haven’t talked to an audience that big or that level of importance, and that new job, once you do it, it really isn’t that much different.

After all, we are adaptable, flexible, and smart.

Practice is what will change your comfort level. Write yourself a note, speak to the mirror first, then to your pet, and work up from there. Dig into the new job, use your energy to focus and create the expected outcomes. Practice getting it right.

It’s not about different, it is about practice. Some people call that experience.

Get some.


Photo Credit: Sure2Talk from Flickr “Quill”

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Attracts Flies

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Do you have the clients, customers, or business relationships that produce the outcomes you wish for and need?


Chances are good that you attract what surrounds you. While this may not always be your intention or how you wish it would work out, it may be reality that you own what you attract. Business or personal.

Is the customer database for low priced economy automobiles the same as the database for mid-sized business sedans, or to go one step further, high priced super cars? Most would quickly say no, the demographics are quite different. And with that, I suggest so are the people and those relationships.

Sure, marketing and advertising have something to do with all of this, but sometimes the results aren’t so apparent. So we do more of the same, yet we expect something different.

Do you want something different? Different customers, different interactions, and perhaps most importantly different outcomes?

What you attract is what you’ll get. Don’t attract flies.


Photo Credit: William Cho

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