Project Details Bring It All To Life
Are you working on a significant project? Have you revealed the project details?
In the seventh grade, it wasn’t okay to only have the correct answer on the Algebra exam, the teacher insisted that you show your work. On the vocabulary test, you had to express the exact verbiage. Skimpy answers didn’t show comprehension.
In your workplace, giving answers, much like giving your statements about your beliefs, is not always enough. Proving the concept or theory behind the work justifies its validity.
Bringing your ideas forward in the product development meeting, marketing meeting, or the strategic planning session may be more factual and justified when you provide the details. Sometimes the vision for the finished work is hard to believe unless you know the details.
Certainly, there are many situations when it is important to only provide the highest level. Details take time, require energy, and of course, comprehension.
Project Details
When you present the details, you’ve proven your work. Others can follow the logic and get committed because they see what you see. Once they understand, they believe.
Sometimes it isn’t always about history. Sometimes it has never been done before. When you help others follow the logic it brings the picture to life.
Logic often develops from best practices. Components that can stand on their own, and when combined, create a new end result.
Standards apply too. Standards have been proven and feel safe. Outcomes feel more certain and less like an enthusiastic guess.
In many cases the new project isn’t rejected because it was a bad idea or simply won’t work. It is rejected because no one believes in the outcome.
Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.