Tag Archives: energy

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energize daily

Energize Daily, Life Is Like a Battery

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An apple a day? Do you energize daily or just go with the flow? Are you conscious of how you spend your time?

Not everyone makes their own schedule, especially as it relates to workloads on the job, but have you considered what you do and when?

I’m a morning person. Not everyone is, but I happen to be. I’ve also used it to my advantage across my career.

I could force myself to stay in bed and wait on the rest of the world to get up, but what would I be missing?

A better life I believe.

Most people can adapt to one way or another. People who work third shift for years have a tendency to want to stick with the program.

What about you? Have you adjusted your biorhythms to adapt or are you more leaning towards what seems to come naturally?

There are certain things I feel you have to do so that you get the most of your day.

For example, much of my college experience was as a non-traditional student. In order to keep doing some of what I wanted, I needed to get up at 6:00 AM on weekends to study. It worked for me. That way around 10:00 AM I could actually do somethings that I really wanted to do. Discipline and persistence got me through it.

When are your batteries fully charged?

Energize Daily

When it comes to your work or your career how are you working? Are you taking advantage of when you have the most physical energy versus when you have the most mental energy? Are they at the same time or at different times?

The same is true for when you exercise, do household chores, or shop for groceries. It might also be true for when you pay the bills, chat with friends, or catch up with social media.

Gaining high-efficiency and effectiveness comes with being strategic about managing your time.

If you really need to concentrate or brainstorm, considering doing it when you have the most mental energy. If you need to do something physical, try to schedule it when you have the most physical energy.

For your life, or in your job, are you taking care of your energy?

Life energy is like a battery. It works best when its fully charged.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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workplace aggravation

Workplace Aggravation, Are You Creating More?

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How does your day start? Is it a mix of workplace aggravation? Are you a contributor?

Some people like to stir the pot. Ramp up the drama, or just get people negatively fired up.

They consciously or subconsciously want to create destructive tension. Sometimes the belief is that it is fun to aggravate people. In extreme cases it becomes a playful way of the culture.

It’s not a good thing.

Have you experienced this?

People may ask:

I wonder if Mark will leave early again today?

Has the boss made his micromanagement rounds yet this morning?

Did you notice Abigale is wearing flip-flops again today?

Will any of this launch the start of a positive outcome?


Workplace Aggravation

These conversation starters don’t create connection or focus on anything positive. They add to the tension, build more stress, and work towards a cohesive environment of negativity.

Does the tension serve to create anything positive? Will it build something better for your customer or will it impact morale in a positive manner?

Are you adding to or detracting from negative tension?

Why do people want to stir the pot? Has it become part of the culture?

Building on Positivity

There are plenty of ways you can contribute negatively, and just as many ways to contribute with more positivity.

Our customers will love this.

I want to beat last week’s goal.

The new way is definitely better, it’s saving us a lot of time and wasted energy.

You have a choice about how you’ll contribute. Words are often used to create action and sometimes thoughtless words ignite anger, build negative tension, and derail positive performance.

Don’t waste anyone’s time.

Create something worthwhile.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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Competitive motivation

Competitive Motivation Keeps Things Rolling

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Selling is often considering to be about winning. Convincing another party to exchange money for a good or service. It’s commerce. Do you believe in competitive motivation?

McDonald’s and Burger King might have something going on. Don’t forget about Wendy’s and Carl’s Jr., they have a few things in common. Then there is Domino’s, Papa John’s, and Marco’s Pizza.

Businesses who are front runners tend to not like the threat of another player. New players like chasing the front runner.

Could there be some motivation hidden here?

When the football, baseball, or soccer teams hit the field we recognize both are out to win, and only one will. Any kind of tie feels better than a loss, but it is still not a win. It makes overtime even more attractive.

The idea of winning is inspirational. It’s motivational.

Competition may not always be people or businesses.

Competition can be about numbers, metrics, or a system.

Employee teams can aspire to beat the previous record, exceed goal, or overcome a distinct disadvantage.

What we focus on is what we get.

Competitive Motivation

There are some interesting aspects connected to the motivation created by competition. One such aspect is that when the competition knows you’re watching it may give them an advantage.

It may bring about decoy’s, the threat of exposed trade secrets, or espionage.

It could also start a war for talent. Bring on non-compete clauses, wage hikes, and package deals.

How do you size up competitive motivation?

Chances are good that it is keeping you moving.

Roll on.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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Workplace Energy, What Are You Bringing?

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We have choices about everything. What are you bringing to work today? Are you bringing workplace energy or merely just trying to lay low and get through the day?

Many organization leaders blame the individuals. They believe motivation is intrinsic, you either have it, or you don’t. When it comes to workplace energy, they just leave it up to the employees to decide.

Energy of Culture

It may be true that at some level our motivation is intrinsic and it may also be true that each individual has responsibility for what they’ll bring. Does organization leadership have a bigger role?

Chances are good that leadership does play a role. Leaders drive culture. Culture has a direct impact on the performance, attitudes, and even the environment that employees walk into each day.

What do you do?

Workplace Energy

Are you bringing more to your workplace? Are you striving hard, working smart, and staying engaged?

Do you seek to create a bigger impact, be responsible and accountable, and help to stimulate a positive climate?

Some people will try to lay low. Stay out of other more assertive workers way, and watch the clock.

Others will insist that their performance and contribution is industrialized and systematic.

They have set the expectation, lubed the wheels and gears, and have made sure things are efficient. As a result, they can merely arrive and monitor. Anything outside of the established parameters and they’ll take action. Otherwise, it is just roll along and collect the paycheck.

It is a decision you make.

Workplace energy is contagious. Low energy and low output is as contagious as the opposite.

High energy contribution takes more guts. Be the role model you know you should be.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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Workplace thinking

Does Workplace Thinking Still Occur?

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Trying to think through the best path to close the customer deal is exhausting. It is too hard to remember the entire product line. I can’t forget to leave for the meeting at 2PM. Are you committed to workplace thinking or would you rather just brush it off?

Physical work can be tiring, so can intense mental effort.

When we listen to all the problems, the issues, and the drama, we may grow tired. Tired of thinking, tired of worrying, and tired of working.

Workplace Thinking

What we do cognitively can be exhausting so we sometimes brush it off. We ask questions, because we want quick responses that don’t require us to think.

Does Part A fit with Part B or do we need to sell Part C too?

What is the policy on blue jean Fridays?

Does our insurance cover a specialist without a referral from our regular doctor?

Likely, someone will answer. Sometimes people are too tired or lazy to find the answer for themselves. Certainly, helping seems like the right thing to do.

Our memory is important, and sometimes requires energy.

Remind me to lock the door before we leave today.

Don’t let me forget to send that customer order before 3:00 PM.

I have the meeting on my calendar for next week, which day is it?

Tired of Thinking

Our workloads, physical or cognitive, can tire us out. Some people will push harder, own the situation, and be considerate of the load on others. Yet others will try to dump that load on someone else.

We live in a World of creating more ease. Staples has an EASY button. We can order McDonald’s through an app, and we can watch our floor get vacuumed by a Rumba.

Does workplace thinking still occur? Do your teams have the energy, consideration, and respect for others, or are they just dumping work?


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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wasted energy

The Big Frustration of Wasted Energy

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Do you need your go juice in the morning? Bottomless pots of coffee, maybe an energy drink or two? Have you ever thought about wasted energy? The things you do that don’t provide value?

What’s Your Fix?

I’m a coffee drinker. I know it is a sin, but often it is decaf.

Someone once said to me, “Why do you drink decaf? That doesn’t make any sense.”

There are probably several reasons. The best reason is because I like the taste of coffee. No sugar, no cream, nothing added, just coffee.

Certainly, I’ve had a few energy drinks in my day. I’ve drank bottomless pots of caffeinated coffee. Chocolate, soda, and other energy products.

The question really is, do we need more energy or do we need to stop wasting energy? Perhaps it is some of both.

Daily Routine

Everyday people make their move to work. They have a routine, a commute, stops they make and things they do to pass the time. How is that energy spent?

Once on the job, or in the surroundings of other people, there is often chatter, discussions, and usually some gripes and complaints.

Are you wasting energy on non-productive things?

While this may not be you – be sure you self-assess – many people waste gobs of energy reliving the negativity of the past. What this creates is negativity of the future.

Wasted Energy

In very limited measures there may be some relief in getting something off your chest. When most of what you talk about is doom and gloom, you’re going to experience doom and gloom.

Worry, anxiety, and anger, they are not positive energy. When you talk about it, relive it, and tell others, there really isn’t anything positive about that.

Everyone probably has something to worry about and at low or moderate levels worry can help us navigate life and even grow better. Anxiety or feeling anxious can sometimes be twisted and redirected. Even moderate levels of anger can be redirected for a positive outcome.

On the other hand, all this negative energy can eat us alive. It makes people depressed, inappropriately anxious, and in extreme circumstances causes other health problems.

It is your energy. How will you use it?

What does your day look like?


Originally posted on November 1, 2018, last updated on November 5, 2019.

Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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developing positive energy

The Art of Developing Positive Energy

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Bad days happen. Tough times happen. Many have heard the aphorism, “Tough times don’t last, tough people do.” How are you using your energy? Are you continuously developing positive energy?

If you want positive energy why are your behaviors contradictory?

While this may feel like a provocative question. One that you quickly find disagreement with, it just may be one of the best questions you get today.

Many people, even people who claim positivity are often repeating, reliving, and existing in a mental environment that supports negativity. Sure, we want to help and support friends and family, but what about our own mindset?

Beating Yourself Up

Do you surround yourself in negativity when you make a mistake? After a bad decision, a wrong choice, or even a slip of the tongue you start to blame, often blaming yourself.

You may say things about yourself. Bad things, things that you certainly wouldn’t accept others saying about you. You point to faults, express hurtful criticism, and even chronically second, third, and fourth guess your actions or behaviors.

The is negativity at its finest. Ironically, it is self-inflicted.

Doing Your Best

Your best work won’t happen in this environment. Your best health won’t happen either.

This negativity takes away part of you. It causes you to freeze, not move, not take action, or just sit in silence. The pressure to improve is overcome by the intense feeling of failure.

No good work is going to happen here. This is not developing positive energy. Why allow this distraction when there is still so much you can do?

Developing Positive Energy

Although it doesn’t always feel this way, there is more positive happening as compared to negative.

Often the feeling of doom develops from comparisons. The view that someone else has it better. Someone else earns more, has an easier life, and never has to worry or feel down.

In modern times this feeling is even more compelling with social networks posting only the best photos, vacations, job changes, money makers, and lifestyles. Be very careful about what you believe.

Do you want more positive energy? Stop beating yourself up, focus more on the positive energies, talk about and relive the things that are good and going well.

One way to do this is by understanding the why and the how of a win list. Try it.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and corporate trainer. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

Dennis Gilbert on Google+

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performance gaps

Performance Gaps, Energy, and Expectations

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Most business plans solidify the intent to close the gap. This gap exists between where they are today and where they want to be at the next checkpoint. What are your performance gaps and are your expectations compelling enough to keep you moving?

Some of the hardest working people are not content. In fact, being content or comfortable is likely one of the best ways to be left behind.

On The Move

There are people striving to close their gap, the empty spaces on their grades transcript, or the gap in their salary that has existed since before they took the job. Still others are working to close the gap between the car, the house, or high priced luxury item they have been dreaming about for years.

Establishing the gap, the understanding that one exists in the first place, is what sets most people apart. It is not about weakness, it is actually about strength.

It doesn’t require nearly as much energy to sit on the sidelines and watch when compared with the energy expended by those on the field.

You are going to need a lot of energy to play on the field. Your performance gaps can become either your fuel or your obstacle. You can build a bridge to close the gap, or sit on the side looking across insisting you can’t get there.

Performance Gaps and Energy

Most overnight successes really aren’t that, they just look that way. The difference for some exists in how they use their energy.

Here is the real difference. Many people believe that they have to push harder, but the most successful people aren’t pushing, they are being pulled.

They use their energy differently, they are compelled and drawn towards the other side, the gap is inspirational not exhausting.

Sure, they’ll work until they drop, but the next day they can’t wait to get started again.

It is a new day, are you going to look at the gap and wonder, or get pulled towards the other side?


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and corporate trainer that specializes in helping businesses and individuals accelerate their leadership, their team, and their success. He is a five-time author and some of his work includes, #CustServ The Customer Service Culture, and Forgotten Respect, Navigating A Multigenerational Workforce. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

Dennis Gilbert on Google+

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