Author Archives: appreciative

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What’s Next

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A slip of paper and a pencil once was how you recorded a message.

A fax machine once was how you shared documents.

A paper check once was how you got paid.


Things are always changing. Things seem different. Some things we like, some we don’t, and some we really don’t care that much about. We sometimes acknowledge this difference by stating how it once was. We do that with technology, society, and even our jobs.

The next time you’re weighing your options; don’t think about what once was.

Think different.

Think about what’s next.


Photo Credit: Rick Harris, “These old booths”

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Create It

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What is passion to someone is completely unreasonable to someone else.


Do you believe in what you are doing? Do you believe in your people, the project, or the new marketing program? Do you believe in yourself?

Movers and shakers, fast trackers, and water walkers, they all believe. Their belief may be so deep and with so much conviction that they are labeled as cocky, arrogant, or narcissistic. If they stray from mainstream thinking or action they may face ridicule, mockery, and negative labels.

That isn’t what bothers them, it is what motivates them.

Walking a different path tells them they are on the right path, because the same path is the path of the average, the unwilling, and the status quo.

Don’t believe in average, believe in excellence.

Create it.


Photo Credit: John Morgan

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Ask Why

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Young children often ask, “why?” Again and again they plead for an answer. Curiosity? Perhaps, but what they discover is the beginning. The root cause is at the beginning and it is found by repetitively asking why, not how much, when, or where.

ask why appreciative strategies


Fixing problems never starts with the most recent action, it starts at the beginning. The difference for people who are engaged in positive change starts the moment they discover why.

You may not be at the beginning, but you must find the right path. Most people are willing to spend their energy on something they care about; most problems are solved by those who are willing to put in the effort, find the resources, and ask, “why?”

They don’t ask because they are told, they ask because they care.

You already know when, now you have to care. Ask why.


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Late December is a time of year that many start to consider a New Year resolution. What people are really looking for is a fresh start, a do-over, or an opportunity to make things right. Most people start with a plan, which is a good choice, but what leads them astray is not their plan, but their future choices.


What is sometimes obvious to others seems least obvious to those embedded in the plan. Often cited is the standard escape of, “I didn’t have a choice.” When in reality it was the only choice they chose to see. Consciously or not, it was a choice. Typically, it is the choice that required the least action, felt less risky, or had the least amount of push back.

Many New Year resolutions fail not because of a lack of a plan, but because of a plan that lacks good action.

Your next year is all about your choices.



Photo Credit: Quinn Dombrowski

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What You Do

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Perhaps we’ve all heard the idea that it is better to give as compared to receive. I put together a short video as a simple reminder of how our actions, reactions, and attitude have a direct relationship with outcomes.  Watch:

Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday season!


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Best Time

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Are you motivated to do what needs to be done? Are you prepared to take the time, use the resources required, and appropriately measure the results? 


Everyday people search for the motivation, dedication, and energy to produce at minimum what is required or at a premium something extraordinary. What is sometimes taken for granted is the opportunity associated with the timeliness of the delivery.

Sometimes the best workout occurs when you are dreading it the most, the email you’ve been waiting for arrives when you’re not actively engaged in your inbox, and your next opportunity occurs when you least expect it. The best time isn’t always when you’ve planned, when you haven’t, or when you want.

If you need that extra push to get started, consider that the best time may be right now.


Photo Credit: Green Traffic Light, Lee Jordan

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Overcommitted, Undervalued

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What many people really want is a commitment. What they expect is what you promised. When you try to express your value by showing your overwhelming commitment the best thing that can happen is that you prove your worth, the sometimes thing to happen is you prove you were overcommitted. The result of over-commitment is that you may be undervalued.

Appreciative Strategies overcommitted


The overcommitted administrative assistant, supervisor, or emerging executive doesn’t show value, they show incompetence. Ouch! At least, that may be the perception held by others, since their expectation was not met.


An overflowing bucket lacks value; the perception is that a bigger bucket is necessary. A bucket half full lacks value, it is not being utilized or has too much waste, and an empty bucket is likely the worst of all. A bucket filled just right, the one carrying the most without any waste, not too big, not too small, and delivering exactly as promised is the most valued bucket of all.


Commit to doing too much while accomplishing less and you are undervalued.

Commit just right.


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Cheap or Valued?

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Many people believe that building your email list, creating a social media following, or blogging your thoughts will get someone’s attention, and do it with little or no cost. In a world where everything is free, nothing has value, and people regard you, your message, or products and services as worth very little.


A twenty dollar watch keeps reasonable time, but it is not a Rolex. A five-thousand dollar used car may get you where you need to be but it is not a Rolls Royce. Of course, you may suggest that there is a market for both extremes and a lot of space to be occupied in between. True.

If you are wondering how to position yourself (your job), your products and services, or your entire business, it is important to remember that just because we have the means, the price of entry, expansion, and growth are not free. That is, unless you want to attract the market (or job) that doesn’t pay you much, the person who wants your services only if they are the lowest price, and a business that survives solely on goodwill without any income or budget.

You don’t have to change anyone’s mind. You don’t have to fight for market share. Not when you realize that your success lies at the intersection of price and value, not cheap and unwanted.


Photo Credit: Mark Rain

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Make a List

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What is on your list? Many people make lists to manage their to-do’s. Some make lists to figure out the best choices and direction for their life, and others sometimes make lists for shopping, and still others make lists for their spouse or significant other.


Right now if you made a list of obstacles you’ve overcome, hurdles you’ve jumped, and challenges you’ve conquered, what would be on that list? Optionally you could make a list of the times you messed up, came up short, or roadblocks slowed or halted your progress. If you had two lists, one of successes and one of shortcomings, how would these lists be different? Which list is longer? Does it matter?

What may matter the most is making the best use of your energy. If you had the time and energy for only one list, which list would you make? 

Make a list. Make it of your success!


Photo Credit: Stacy Spensley

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Thrill of Success

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Every year millions of people visit amusement parks, some of them small home town carnivals and others gigantic theme parks such as Disney World. It is only a guess how many of those visitors visit for the rides, you know, the true thrill seekers. They may enjoy the food, the theme, or the atmosphere, but what they are really looking for is the thrill.


They aren’t really interested in the comfort of the ride; they want to experience firsthand the heart pounding, white knuckled, high speed scare. They don’t really care about the energy spent to make the ride work; they probably aren’t that sensitive to the price that they pay. What they really want to know is, “how fast will this ride go?” or perhaps, “how scary is it to go that high or twist upside down?” They don’t have a death wish, they have a thrill wish.

Organizations and people that are on the move, that are forward, progressive thinkers have a similar outlook. They know there are costs involved to get what they want, it’s a price they are willing to pay. They aren’t that into a normal ride, they don’t want the Crazy Dazy Tea Cups; they want the Talocan in Germany, or the Top-Thrill Dragster in Ohio, USA.

They don’t just want to get there. They want to enjoy the ride. They know change is scary but that is what makes the reward so enjoyable. The Crazy Dazy Tea Cups aren’t going to create the result they seek. They want to push the envelope, and by the way, that is kind of fun.

They will find their success, not because they have a death wish, but because they have a thrill wish.


Photo Credit: Andrela Bohner

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