Author Archives: appreciative

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Two Employees and a Boss

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Jack and Susan are challenged by their boss to read a “new age” marketing book. Eager to get started they both download electronic copies (and order paperback copies) from a popular on-line store. Both order different books, read them in their entirety, and prepare to give their boss a verbal review of what they learned.


One week later, seated in his office, their chairs on the opposite side of his leather lined desk they are asked what title they read. Jack eagerly blurts out, “Marketing 101 : A Summary of Ads that Never Work.” Susan, feeling pressured quickly says, “My book was, Marketing 101 : Ads that Were a Near Miss.”

The boss leans back in his chair, arms crossed he slowly glances back and forth at both of them. Moments later he quickly springs forward, his elbows touching down on the desk with open palms he gestures towards Susan and says, “Susan, congratulations you are going to lead our next marketing campaign.”

Jack and Susan look at each other, then to the boss.

The boss explains, “I know you can’t judge a book by its cover but one thing I know for certain, our success will not come from knowing what doesn’t work, it will come from knowing that there are still more opportunities to try.”


Photo Credit: Erin Pettigrew

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Who’s Buying It?

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They’re playing tennis and washing their cars.

Not that this is an extraordinary task for most people that are physically able, but the fact that they are doing it while obtaining their college degree certainly sparks interest or perhaps, debate.


In a recent on-line “accredited” university television commercial traditional and some non-traditional characters are cast in the role of simultaneously playing tennis and washing their car while also “studying” on-line with an electronic pad device.

It appears that the university is targeting people who have busy lives and who are interested in earning a college degree in the wildly popular on-line environment. Conceptually I have no issues or concerns about educational endeavors that include on-line learning. The debate for me comes from what the potential employers are thinking about a university that makes it so easy to obtain a college degree that you can do it while multi-tasking. A feat that popular wisdom among many “brain experts” suggests is technically impossible.

So once they’ve paid their money, paid their dues, and completed their course work who will hire these scholarly individuals? The employer who also watched the commercial? The employer that believes they will hire  and pay for employees who can multi-task? The employer that will allow employees do things like play tennis and wash their car while being compensated by the business or organization? To that I say, “buyer beware.”

My side of the debate is this, I don’t blame the students, I encourage them. My concern is that the university is marketing to the student to fill their seats (even if those seats are virtual) and they are not demonstrating interest or concern for what happens for the students in the future.

At least they aren’t discussing job placement rates.

Who’s buying it?


Photo Credit:  To the best of my knowledge the photo credit belongs to Derek Harper.

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Build More

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Colgate, Tide, and Pepsi, all are brands. Brands have a reputation built on trust, tested over time, and likely recognized as a leader in a category of product or service. Yet there are other brands, brands that stand for low cost, convenient, or ease of use.


Do you remember something that you paid too much for six months ago? If it wasn’t a major purchase, you probably don’t. Do you remember the brand that let you down? Do you remember when your trust was violated?

Your brand, your image, your product or service are all built from your reputation which likely starts, and ends, with trust. People will pay more, or pay less, and in the long run they probably won’t remember if they overpaid, but they’ll always remember what they trust.

You can build your brand, your talent, and your reputation, but if you don’t build trust you’ll likely build very little.

Build more. 


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Good Ideas

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Just because we do it, doesn’t always mean it is a good idea. Think about the last food or drink you put into your body, the last purchase you made with your hard earned money, the last book you read, the last television program you watched, or the last time you drove your car. Was that activity a good idea?


Just because you have the desire, the will, or the money to do it doesn’t always mean that it is a good idea. In business it is often said that good ideas sell themselves and that money follows good ideas. Could it be that having the resource generates a following regardless of whether it is a good idea?

Just because it was once a good idea doesn’t mean that it is still a good idea. Ask the person at the video rental store, your milkman, or the operator when you dial zero.

Just because you are doing it doesn’t mean it is a good idea and just because you have the resources doesn’t mean you’ll create (or maintain) a following. Evaluate your actions, ask tough questions, think forward, and make sure it is a good idea.

Why? just because—it’s a good idea.


Photo Credit: Alan Levine

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About What

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Success is what many people will tell you they seek. While definitions vary, the goal is similar. Unfortunately much of what many people wish for, they never attain. Not because they aren’t particularly smart, skilled, or interested, but because they aren’t willing.


Once upon a time people walked, rode horses, or sat in wagons to discover more. Besides the threat of the unknown, violent storms, sickness, disease, and potential starvation they pushed on, they navigated streams, rivers, mountains and valleys. It wasn’t about how, it was about what.

What they needed to accomplish, what they were winning to risk it all for, what they stood for, cried for, bled for, and were labeled crazy for. The difference for people who accomplish more isn’t about how, it is about what.

How is strategic and that is important, but what will make the difference when the going gets tough.


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Choose Esteem

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Confidence is a people characteristic that many claim to want more of. They see others who appear very confident. They sell, buy, trade, get the job, get the promotion, get the raise, they get-get-get and take-take-take. There is something about them that is different, it may be charisma, their posture, or something we call presence, but it probably begins with their mindset.

Confidence is a product of two primary factors, self-esteem and self-efficacy; and both can be built or destroyed, but it is your choice. People can be difficult, critical, and often uncaring. They seldom consider the consequences of their actions and behaviors before they find a way to tear you down, break you down, and make you feel like they are trying to keep you down.

Their influence, or not, is a choice, your choice.

It is up to you, choose their mindset or choose yours. 

Choose self esteem.


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Crossing Bridges

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There is the G.W., the Golden Gate, and the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway, all bridges, all carefully built, and all serving a purpose. None of them burnt.


In the workplace the phrase, “don’t burn your bridges” is probably good advice and much more than a simple whisper heard nearby the Human Resource office. The analogy that people connections are bridges is often used to describe workplace communication, relationships, and even employers. They connect people, to other people.

Bridges are built, and most are built to last. They are typically two-way, sometimes one lane, narrow, or even slippery, but they serve their purpose—they connect. They endure storms, heavy loads, and seasons, their life is long.

A day at work may feel long, but not nearly as long as the culmination of all the years in your career. A bridge may not seem important today but before your life is over you may want to, or have to, cross it again.

Burn a candle, the midnight oil, or lots of calories.

Build bridges.


 Photo Credit: Lucas Maystre

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Genuine is Smart

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Genuine sells. People know when they are getting something genuine, not because someone says it is so, or because the marketing, literature, or propaganda say it is so. We have genuine parts, genuine draft [beer], and genuine authentic foods, but it doesn’t matter what they say, it matters when you know.


We are a product of our life experiences; buy, sell, trade, feedback, opportunities, success, and failures. Active people are interpreting data, analyzing feedback, and considering observations from others actions and behaviors. They learn, or they don’t.

It is the person who over does it, under does it, speaks nonsense, repetitively acts foolish, or uses others ideas as their own brand. They stand out, but not because they are great, because they are obvious.

Genuine is part of character, part of trust, and part of your success. Just like in marketing and advertising, you can have a good idea and spend too little, or a bad idea and spend too much. The idea that works and supports your mission is what you constantly seek. You strive for it because it is real, it is genuine.

Some will always want genuine, some are satisfied with a knock-off. When it comes to people, products, and services, genuine sells, genuine is smart.

Be genuine.


Photo Credit: Mark Morgan

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Win, Happiness, and Wealth

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There seems to be a correlation in many minds that winning equates to happiness. That happiness only exists if you win, that you must win at all costs, and that wealth is winning.


If you’re working towards a win at all costs, then the temptation to alter the goal, take unusually high risks, or worse, engage in unethical conduct to further support your obsession with the win; may lead you to a path you didn’t think you would choose. But you did, or perhaps, you will.

You may feel like you don’t want to do it personally, but your boss, your neighbor or your judgmental mother-in-law is ready to remind you of your position in life, wealth, and assumed happiness. This creates pressure for action.

Winning is great, but it isn’t always about the win. More real estate, faster cars, and bigger investments don’t necessarily lead to more happiness. Winning at all costs bears a price tag that most shouldn’t be interested in paying. The price may be too high when happiness is confused with wealth and wealth is confused with winning.

Measure for happiness and not the win, measure against past performance first, bench-mark data second. Focus on why you do it, not what you get paid. Focus on the people who benefit from the product, good, or service.

The win exists at happiness, not necessarily luxury, money, or what someone else defines.   


Photo Credit: Jeff Belmonte

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Out to Lunch

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There is always talk about being positive, staying positive, or discovering the positive approach. Perhaps most alarming is that the talk is coming from people who are often very pessimistic, perhaps optimistic, and may self-identify as a realist. Their voice screams opportunity but their heart bleeds excuses. Why? (public domain image)

The opportunist may tell you that your energy is best utilized pursuing opportunities rather than discussing why things may not work, arguing about the risk, and claiming that the goal is unrealistic. How do you spend your time and energy? Do you argue, fight, or debate the next steps?

While you may have heard that the opportunist is out to lunch. Keep in mind it may just be your lunch that is being consumed.

Hurry, there is still time.


Photo Credit: Jon Sullivan

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