Leadership, Generations, and Customer Service ~ Appreciative Strategies ®
There is so much chatter about baby boomers and millennials that the other generations almost appear silent. Gen X workplace professionals are rapidly occupying more of the formal supervisor space and this shouldn’t be a surprise. Many exhibit an excellent combination of youth and maturity, curiosity and experience, while also being well educated and technology
Read MoreSoon, if not already, many people will start planning how they are going to turn things around, make a difference, and make things better for 2016. If this is you, or someone you know I want to share two things that could be worth considering. 1) Failure is part of every success story. People who
Read MoreYou cannot lead across all generations with the do as I say, think as I think, work as I work approach. Like it, or resent it, leadership today requires careful consideration and an in-depth understanding of multigenerational approaches for creating buy-in, establishing credibility, and effectively managing communication. As if that is not enough, creating a
Read MoreNearly everyone knows that not all conflict is bad. In fact, in some cases conflict may be necessary or even helpful with things like change and innovation. Conflict is a natural part of working with other people regardless of your generation. In fact, there is often a significant amount of conflict when working with others
Read MoreRecently I had a great conversation with a colleague about the perception of millennials and motivation. Many believe that motivation is intrinsic. Either you have it or you don’t, and in some ways I agree. In other ways, I believe the magic for anyone exists in their own individual sense of purpose. Perhaps everyone needs
Read MoreIt may be a stereotype to assume that baby boomers believe millennials are over the top on their feedback needs. Workplace professionals representing earlier generations often suggest to me one problem the latest generations bring to the workplace is the expectation of frequent and continuous feedback. Granted, societal shifts which play a significant role in
Read MoreMany believe the generations are to blame. Some are convinced that cross-generational workplace communication simply does not happen. Still others believe that when people stop trying to change things and adapt to the tried and trusted method everything will work out for the best. If you listen you can’t miss it in the news, millennials
Read MoreMany people know how to ride a bicycle, and they are taught at a very young age. People ride bikes for pleasure, exercise, or transportation. They are economical, long lasting, and low maintenance. You can ride it, carry it, or stow it on the back of your car. The cost of entry is typically low,
Read MorePeople sometimes wonder if the concept of self-fulfilled prophecy is real. They ask from their heart, but the question is only heard in their own mind. To everyone else they don’t get the question, because it hasn’t really been asked, but instead shown in the result. Some people commit to trying their best, others actually
Read MoreIt is in the news every day. Millennials this and boomers that, millennials are quitting, and boomers need retirement money. Millennials are on their phones, and boomers won’t change. Human resource professionals grow tired of the complaints and the revolving door. While we single handedly won’t solve all of society’s issues overnight, we can take
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