Category Archives: discipline

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Right or Convenient?

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Convenience is sometimes taken for granted. We flick a switch and we have light, we adjust the thermostat and we have climate control, and when we want to talk to someone across town or across the country we simply use a little device that is probably already in our hand.

man's hand on cell phone

It may be convenient to hire the first job applicant, to pick the lowest priced proposal, or do something for someone who (you expect) can do something for you. It may be convenient to label the email as urgent, become unavailable when a decision is needed, or simply slow down to prolong the length of the job if you’re being paid by the hour. None of that makes it right.

What is right may not always be the most convenient, it may not always garnish the most support, or it may not always seem like the most attractive.

Doing what is right (or convenient) shows everyone who you are.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a keynote speaker, corporate trainer, and consultant that specializes in helping businesses accelerate their leadership, their team, and their success. Reach him through his website at or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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Know Everything

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Christopher Columbus didn’t know everything, but he was prepared. Perhaps to his crew, he knew everything. When you prepare for a client meeting, a discussion with your boss, or to deliver a presentation it is important to focus on what you believe you will need to know and although you don’t know everything, properly prepared for that moment—you’ll know everything.


Analogies often help us create a clearer picture.

New York City is a big place. The city can be intimidating to visitors and even some seasoned pros. Since the late 1980’s I have traveled to the city upon occasion and in the past 8 years much more. Recently I took the plunge on some shared office space. I’ve had two occasions to flex my metro muscle with clients, and both times, I prepared. I knew when I was driving, walking (in NYC this is a mild sprint), and entertaining. I knew where, how, and I knew what. I certainly don’t know everything about this big city, not even close, but for those moments, I knew everything.

Often the more you learn, the more you realize that you don’t know everything, but when it comes to your professional performance you have to be prepared.

Be prepared to know everything.


Photo Credit: Bob Hall (Replica of the Santa Maria)

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Listen to Yourself

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Being positive is not a statement. Being positive is a mind-set.

So many people talk with me about motivation, positive thinking, and accomplishing dreams, but few really understand that being energized and positive is a mind-set, not a statement. Often people will tell me that they are “trying to stay positive,” or “think positive.”  Sure the concept of pushing towards the positive is, well, positive; however it is not the same as actually changing your life with a positive mind-set.

You can’t fake mind-set and you can’t, “fake it to make it,” when it comes to being positive. A focus on past negative experiences, dreading some upcoming event or activity, or chronically discussing everything that is wrong in the world with anyone who will listen is not a positive mind-set.

Not feeling particularly positive?

Listen to yourself.


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Create Demand

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Nearly everyone has probably heard or commented on the idea that some people look for or take the “easy road.” It is that view on choices, outcomes, and life that appear to be simple, less obstructed, and a shortcut. Despite some of the obvious outcomes of the easy road, one that is not so obvious is that easy, provides little value.

When someone needs help with a tough assignment, a problem they’re not so skilled at solving, or a circumstance where they have no experience, they look for someone who can help. This is not the easy road kind of person, it is the person who can and is willing to do the tough stuff, with this there is value, and where there is value there is demand.

Be the person who can, and does, the tough stuff. You’ll be paid more, valued more, and perhaps most important—in demand.


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Same Old, Same Old

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Routines become part of life, if you allow it. A routine of getting prepared, being organized, exercise and healthy eating may all be considered good. Routines in support of the status quo, limited learning opportunities, and only accepting what comes easily in life may not be so good.


Many people pursue life as one big habit. They move through daily, weekly, monthly, seasonal, and annual routines. They look ahead to holidays, vacation time, and the start of a new year. Suddenly, they find themselves asking—where did the time go?

You see the same old routine doesn’t really get you anywhere, unless of course, some misfortune or luck affects your future outcomes. Oddly enough, this seems to be representative of many of the same people who claim they are victims. Victims of no luck, no opportunities, and a mundane life that has them experiencing a mid-life crisis for twenty or thirty years. Suddenly (or maybe not)  it is too late and they find themselves xperiencing end of life resentment for unfulfilled expectations. People and circumstances are blamed but they seldom accept responsibility for their own outcomes. 

This is exactly why the ability to Pivot and Accelerate has never been more important.

Your time is now.

We may not know what the fox says, but we know what the victim says: “same old, same old.”


Photo Credit: Domenico Salvagnin

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Good Intentions

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We seem to believe that good intentions mean something. I thought about trying to improve, but I didn’t take any action. I thought about calling the customer to offer the special but then I got busy with email. I thought about changing my diet, but then I thought it really doesn’t matter that much anyway.


Good intentions, while a noble gesture, are really just that, a gesture. They seldom produce any results on their own. It gives people something to talk about, it allows them to feel like they have given effort, but in reality, they have given very little.

Three things are important for people with good intentions:

  1. It means they have considered a plan, but now it is time to get started
  2. They have to start someplace, most start small, or at the bottom and work up
  3. Once started, it is a plan in-action and no longer just an intention.

Right now, if you are thinking—is this me? Then you already have the answer. If you ask the question, you’re likely in the company of good intentions. Break the mold; break the habit, break-free of limitations. Today is the day you take action, don’t just think about it, and make your next move—intentional!


Photo Credit: Andy Melton

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