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Change Readiness, Are You Prepared For Change?

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Ask around, you can find many people who will tell you that they want change. Asking about the desire for change might not be the best question though. You might want to ask them about change readiness.

I often speak to groups about change. I’ve encouraged people to think differently about change in my book, Pivot and Accelerate. It’s common that when I ask people if they want to change or if they are committed to change, they tell me that they are.

It’s interesting though because when it comes to giving up something to replace it with something else they are often not so eager to let go. Perhaps it should be more like an episode of Tiny House Nation, where people are forced to let go of things they might not need.

People who believe that they are interested in changing their future need to discover what they will let go, after all, they want their future to be different, right?

Change Readiness

While there are many things to consider about change here are three important things to think about:

  1. Path of least resistance. This path or something close to it might be what we are naturally drawn towards. There is a good chance that this path won’t produce the kind of change you truly seek.
  2. Test of time. People often cite the test of time. “We’ve always done it this way.” is commonplace when discussions of change pop up. The test of time has relevance, but when you want different results, the test of time might be exactly what is holding you back.
  3. More than one method. A specific course of action is good. It might mean your strategy has focus. Remember though that there is often more than one-way. Insisting on a specific method might limit the potential for a necessary breakthrough.

Fear of Failure

The next time someone brings up the fear of failure, remind them that they really might be more afraid of success.

If you’re serious about discovering more success and you’re willing to give up something to make that happen. Things are about to change.

Are you ready?


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and corporate trainer that specializes in helping businesses and individuals accelerate their leadership, their team, and their success. He is a four-time author and some of his work includes, Forgotten Respect, Navigating A Multigenerational Workforce and Pivot and Accelerate, The Next Move Is Yours! Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

Dennis Gilbert on Google+

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How Do You Prepare To Gain Confidence?

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More confidence is something that so many people seek. If you’re inspired to gain confidence, it should never suggest that you are not already confident, but when we step out of our comfort zone we might need to find some more.

Gain confidence

One of the most important factors to make a difference will be how you prepare. So many professionals feel rushed with schedule pressures and effective time management. Procrastination can often lead to individuals denying the necessity for preparation and taking the approach that they will deal with things as they come.

Less Confidence

You might be familiar with the phrase, “Failure to plan is planning to fail.” Unfortunately I don’t know who to credit for these wise words but they are very applicable for those seeking to gain confidence.

Here is why. Perhaps nothing will more adversely affect your future confidence than your past performance. When you make a blunder, get tripped up, or have some type of performance failure you can grow from it, or you can set self-limiting beliefs which might make you feel less confident.

Gain Confidence by Preparing

Much of our confidence has roots in feedback or expectations that have been set by others. Our confidence might also be closely connected to self-efficacy and self-esteem. The best way to build more is to be prepared for any actions you are about to take or encounter. Here are a few tips to help you prepare.

  1. Visualize. Whatever you are about to do, whether it is giving a sales pitch, starting a new job, or giving a presentation to a large group imagine yourself in action. Really visualize what you might say or do. What the room or surrounding environment might be like, and most importantly visualize the positivity you will illustrate as you deliver. Visualize the event or situation in its entirety with you nailing it as you finish strong.
  2. Rehearse or practice. Practice in your mind (as part of visualization) or consider physically going through the motions depending on your circumstance or situation. Give yourself a test, do what you have to do to get it right, every time. Working out any kinks or bugs and connecting what you’re practicing to positive end results is important.
  3. Double-check. In the fable of Santa Claus he makes a list and he checks it twice. Consider everything you will need to have or do. In a professional role you might think about things like business cards, marketing materials, a tablet and a pen. In some cases you might think about the type of shoes you’ll wear, the possibility for bad weather, or changing temperatures. You might think about how you will visualize any distractions and you might also consider your nourishment, meals, and the timing connected with eating and resting.

Over Prepared?

Yes, it might be true that you can over prepare. Preparing too much can set you up to underestimate the intensity required for your success. For example, if we rehearse too much it might make our interactions appear unnatural or not authentic. It is also possible that your level of confidence is so high that it creates self-deception about the reality of the circumstances or situation you face.

The most confident people are probably the most prepared, the depth of their preparation will be conditioned by both the specific situation and their level of experience.

What about you, are you prepared? What is your level of confidence?


See also: 5 Actions to Build More Confidence

Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and coach that specializes in helping businesses and individuals accelerate their leadership, their team, and their success. He is the author of the newly released book, Forgotten Respect, Navigating A Multigenerational Workforce. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

Dennis Gilbert on Google+

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Know Everything

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Christopher Columbus didn’t know everything, but he was prepared. Perhaps to his crew, he knew everything. When you prepare for a client meeting, a discussion with your boss, or to deliver a presentation it is important to focus on what you believe you will need to know and although you don’t know everything, properly prepared for that moment—you’ll know everything.


Analogies often help us create a clearer picture.

New York City is a big place. The city can be intimidating to visitors and even some seasoned pros. Since the late 1980’s I have traveled to the city upon occasion and in the past 8 years much more. Recently I took the plunge on some shared office space. I’ve had two occasions to flex my metro muscle with clients, and both times, I prepared. I knew when I was driving, walking (in NYC this is a mild sprint), and entertaining. I knew where, how, and I knew what. I certainly don’t know everything about this big city, not even close, but for those moments, I knew everything.

Often the more you learn, the more you realize that you don’t know everything, but when it comes to your professional performance you have to be prepared.

Be prepared to know everything.


Photo Credit: Bob Hall (Replica of the Santa Maria)

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