Tag Archives: procrastination

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Procrastination Is Something You Own

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Do you struggle with procrastination? Does it haunt you, sabotage your productivity, and leave yourself or others disappointed?

Many people are busy. Just being busy doesn’t mean that you are productive.

Ask someone in your workplace, or ask a small business owner, “What’s up, how’s it going?” They may often reply with, “Busy.”

When you knock on the door jamb of a colleague’s office, you may ask, “Are you busy?” Commonly followed by, “I just have a quick question.”

Likely the most confusing part about busy is that no one is really inquiring about productivity. You can make yourself busy if you want to.

I’m too busy…

for exercise.

to get involved with a Zoom meeting.

to connect for lunch next week.

Busy is a state of being occupied but certainly does not confirm productivity or efficiency.

Everyone has the same amount of time each day. Seconds, minutes, and hours, it’s all the same. How are you spending your time? What will you do in the next five minutes?

Procrastination Ruins Productivity

Procrastination, in-part, may be a state of making yourself busy.

Nearly all professions and all workplaces have choices about what they’ll do next. What are the priorities? Who will do what, and when?

Busy never addresses the question of productivity.

Procrastination is the act of delaying something or putting it off until a later time.

You can learn to be busy. You can learn to look busy. Another different choice is to be productive.

Being productive is a skill you master. It comes with a few hooks though. It means you’re willing to measure the value of the work you are creating each day.

Everyone works from the position of 24 hours in a day.

What will you accomplish, or are you too busy?


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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delayed decisions

Delayed Decisions Can Become a Bad Habit

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Do you hurry to make decisions? Is your pause something that becomes a habit? Do you feel more accurate after strategically waiting? Delayed decisions can become a bad habit.

Cool Off, Slow Down

We’ve learned about the cooling off period. If we are making a big purchase, a major life choice, or something of very high risk, a delayed decision seems appropriate.

Confidence, or a lack of, may drive how rapidly we make decisions.

Across time we may develop a learned pattern that the act of delaying decisions keeps our options open, provides more clarity, and allows our emotions to calm down. All of which may be true, and sometimes good, but is it required?

Do you have a habit of delaying decisions?

Delayed Decisions

In 2006, you may not have heard of Facebook, when you did, you may have decided to wait to join. By 2010, if you wanted engagement on Facebook, your advantages were already lessening. Sure, there were still many more people to join, but Facebook was already contemplating strategy for controlling and securing their platform.

If you wanted to be a Facebook Influencer, early adoption was a good strategy.

When we jump in early, there is often an advantage. This is true with many decisions. First on the bus, first to the fresh buffet, or first in line for the Black Friday electronics deals. All may be advantageous.

There is a bell curve of value connected with change. Decisions drive change.

As humans we are creatures of habit. We often launch, analyze, learn, change, and repeat. Sometimes we label this as a fluid process. Fluidity can be good.

At the same time if our habits drive us to hesitate, wait, slow down, and analyze more, we just might miss the bus.

Careful consideration is always valuable. Procrastination on deciding can become a bad habit.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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Do You Let Issues Fester?

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Are you in a leadership or supervisory role, and if so, are you timely with feedback?


During my career I’ve held several positions where I was fortunate enough to supervise employees who supervise other employees. Although some people dislike the word boss, I was the boss of other bosses. This is not sarcasm or boasting, but simply setting the stage for what I’m about to mention next.

I remember a time when several complaints about a similar issue made their way to my office. Team members knew that I liked customer feedback and they presented me with a scenario that included a front-line employee treating customers in an inappropriate manner. On this given day I also observed a displeasing attitude from the employee they referenced. I have always been a chain of command supporter and I believe that supervisors should have full responsibility and accountability for their segment of the employee population, and this employee was a direct report of my direct report.

A short time later on that same day I offered my concerns about the situation to the supervisor responsible for this area, and the response I received was that it would be addressed shortly. Unfortunately, this is not where the story ends.

Over the course of the next several days additional undesirable interactions with the front line employee and other customers occurred. Upon my later investigation into this problem I discovered that because the front line employees supervisor was “too busy” to address the problem with the employee we nearly lost a very large repeat customer. Some may argue that as the supervisor of the supervisor I should have taken more action. Eventually I did, or should I say, I had to do so, but was it too late?

Timeliness of Feedback

Everyone usually enjoys giving kudos, it is easy to offer praise, bring smiles, and make everyone feel good. Dealing with problem performers is often one of the most procrastinated supervisory duties. The right timing means everything, we can be too early or too late, but in many cases supervisors wait too long.

Procrastinating about difficult feedback situations can cause several problems, here are a few:

  • More errors or problems occur between the time of the first notification and the corrective feedback from the supervisor.
  • The effects of waiting cause the employee to be disconnected from the original problem and as a result when finally brought to their attention they lack the understanding of its importance.
  • Additional employees become involved in poor behavior because they learn from, or role model, the inappropriate actions or behaviors of others.

While these are just a few, they certainly are significant enough to support why timely feedback is so critical.

Festering Issues

When a problem or situation arises and feedback is not timely, the issues can get worse. Often well-meaning supervisors tend to gloss over issues at the expense of a weakened customer experience or increased harmful conflict and negativity within the team. Allowing issues to fester is much more costly as compared to addressing the problems or issues in a timelier manner. In addition to some of the already identified problems, supervisors who don’t take action might be repeatedly troubled by the same (and growing) problems and issues causing a loss in their own productivity and a much higher level of stress since they are repeatedly dealing with the process in their mind, but still failing to take the appropriate action. Poor performance or bad behavior continues and everyone becomes more frustrated. Frustration costs organizations deeply in high anxiety, which reduces productivity, and stifles effective communication.

Back to the presenting problem, was I too late? Yes and no. We were able to save the customer and improve the long-term performance of both the front line employee and that employee’s supervisor. However, corrective action from everyone sooner would have minimized this impact.

Don’t let issues fester. You’ll be doing everyone a favor.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and coach that specializes in helping businesses and individuals accelerate their leadership, their team, and their success. He is the author of the newly released book, Forgotten Respect, Navigating A Multigenerational Workforce. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

Dennis Gilbert on Google+

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Best Time

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Are you motivated to do what needs to be done? Are you prepared to take the time, use the resources required, and appropriately measure the results? 


Everyday people search for the motivation, dedication, and energy to produce at minimum what is required or at a premium something extraordinary. What is sometimes taken for granted is the opportunity associated with the timeliness of the delivery.

Sometimes the best workout occurs when you are dreading it the most, the email you’ve been waiting for arrives when you’re not actively engaged in your inbox, and your next opportunity occurs when you least expect it. The best time isn’t always when you’ve planned, when you haven’t, or when you want.

If you need that extra push to get started, consider that the best time may be right now.


Photo Credit: Green Traffic Light, Lee Jordan

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