Tag Archives: outcomes

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Creating Outcomes Is Exactly What We’re All Doing

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Are you responsible for your own fate? Are you being positive about what the future holds for you? In your life or career, do you feel like you are creating outcomes?

Most people probably do this much more than they realize. Their mindset directs what happens next.

Someone coughs. “Stop spreading your germs! I better not get sick.”

Traffic is backed up. “I knew this would happen.”

Sales are down. “The marketing plan was a bad idea from the start.”

Our Vision

We get more assignments when we attend the meeting. The phone rings as soon as we get engaged in our work. We nearly the finish the project and then the boss decides it isn’t needed anyway.

It happens to us when we don’t get the job. Perhaps when the weather takes a turn we don’t like. And, it especially happens when we feel overwhelmed.

Is it coincidence, is it fate, or just bad luck?


We get more of what we expect. Yet we’ll argue that we would never, ever, do that. In fact, we may even argue that we are being positive but bad things keep happening.

Do you talk about what’s positive? Do you recite the feeling you had when you closed the sale, drove straight through without traffic, or felt pretty good after a brisk walk? This is option one.

Option two is talking about the coworker that appears to be goofing off, how you were running a few minutes late and then traffic was at a standstill. Or, perhaps you’ll mention the scratchy feeling in your throat and worry about an oncoming sickness.

Creating Outcomes

Life isn’t always as complex as it seems to be. Creating outcomes is what we do. It all starts with our vision.

When we expect a bad day. We’ll find a reason to see a bad day. Do this repetitively and we’ll develop confidence that our vibes are correct. Our intuition is our guide and we trust it.

All of this affirms that you get what you look for, and what you look for is what you’ll get.

Stop telling everyone what went wrong. Look for what worked, what went right, what is a win. You’re not bragging, you’re not narcissistic, you are turning your life around.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and corporate trainer. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

Dennis Gilbert on Google+

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powerful belief

Powerful Belief and the Facts Surrounding It

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Believe you are going to have a good day or a bad day, and you will find lots of evidence to support your belief. Belief has an amazing effect on performance. Do you have powerful belief?

We see it in religion, in politics, and with innovation. Belief often creates power. Have you considered how your belief is guiding your outcomes?

Just the Facts

“Show me the facts!” is often proclaimed as a requirement to establish belief. Yet, much of our discussion, our presentations, and what is repeated is based on theory or opinion.

In the business meeting when people are looking for a reason why the strategy won’t work, they’ll probably find some. Of course, in contrast when the group seeks reasons why something may work or is worth a try, they’ll likely find some.

People with experiences (we all have some) want to share those experiences as facts. We tried this once, it didn’t work, and that is a fact.

Manifested facts become beliefs, and beliefs manifested are often presented as facts.

Seeing Is Believing

We believe what we see. Throughout many forms of media, the persuasion to buy this product so you can look like me, feel like me, and have success like me is overwhelming.

Social media attempts to remind us of how people live large, have luxurious homes, vacations, and “life is good.” We also see some of the opposite. The bad boss story, the customer service horror stories, and the passing of people and pets.

We live surrounded by stories of fame and fortune. And stories of tragedy and gloom. There is not much room for average, yet on the bell curve it is exactly where most people or businesses exist.

Powerful Belief

Powerful belief happens every day. It is connected to decisions, a choice, and what you look for.

Most of what comes true for your career, for sales revenue, or the marketing plan starts with belief.

You decide what you’ll look for. The why’s or the why not’s.

You’ll find it and you’ll believe it.



Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and corporate trainer. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

Dennis Gilbert on Google+

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worked yesterday

This Worked Yesterday, So It Will Work Today

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Habits are what carry most people through each day. Self-improvement experts are always suggesting that people should change their habits. If it worked yesterday, will it work again today?

Many people stick with what is familiar.

Right arm in the right sleeve first, it is the way to put on a jacket.

Coffee before any work begins.

The number four combo in the drive-through restaurant.

In the workplace people often groan about boredom. They can’t stand Monday, start a little happy dance on Wednesday afternoon, and are excited for the end of work on Friday. Included in their status quo are the grumbles about their repetitive, monotonous, and humdrum jobs.

They retire there, but before they do, in their final days, they discover something. They discover that it is their chance to leave something behind. Perhaps it is a legacy, a chance to make an impact, a chance to tell the story of how to make it better and why the work matters.

Risk Change

Some of the best companies have failed. Some of the best companies have changed.

People sometimes proclaim, “Nothing will ever change around here.” Yet it is that same story that they work for each day.

Some businesses strive for process improvement through Six Sigma, or other cleverly named methods of perfecting a process. Reduce waste, improve efficiency, and have no defects.

It is fantastic during the build. It accomplishes something. Long term it creates a mindset of perfect it, lock it in and never change. Then there is the concept of continuous improvement, but then people are at odds with the philosophy. Do we change or stay exactly the same?

Habits are micro steps to creating an outcome. They build confidence or destroy it. Lessons are learned, some should be kept and others discarded. This worked yesterday, it took a while to perfect the process, lock it in. It will work today.

What is familiar is comfortable. Habits are supposed to be the process that creates the desired outcome.

If it worked yesterday, it will work today.

Worked Yesterday

Some things never change and some shouldn’t. Some shouldn’t be the way they are, and some should never have started.

One of the best ways to start your day may be with the optimism of your first day.

I am not completely sure what is going here, but I really want to learn something new.

Maybe this is the best habit of all.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and corporate trainer that specializes in helping businesses and individuals accelerate their leadership, their team, and their success. He is a five-time author and some of his work includes, #CustServ The Customer Service Culture, and Forgotten Respect, Navigating A Multigenerational Workforce. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

Dennis Gilbert on Google+

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expectations control

Expectations Control Your Future

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Several times recently, I’ve chatted with friends and clients about expectations. Expectations really condition the feeling that we have about an outcome. Do expectations control your future?

Future Expectations

When we embark on something new, sometimes our expectations are high, the new restaurant, the new digital device, or even the new job. We often expect a lot.

Social media is an interesting example. Many people grab their phone, tap an icon and expect to be engaged by a post from a life they aren’t living. They may be looking to live vicariously.

However, social media just like many things in life do not always meet or exceed our expectations. Sometimes, or often, it is something less.

For many others their daily commute is too crowded, the internet too slow, and the weather often seems undesirable.

High Hopes

Hopes, faith, or some form of conviction, it keeps many people going. Yet nearly everyday someone will find a way to describe a dream that is shattered.

High expectations and high hopes can eventually drive a feeling of disappointment. Feeling disappointed people stop dreaming, they stop hoping and they lose faith in a favorable outcome.

Management Expectations

In management circles, workplace expectations drive goals and an outcome is produced. How is that outcome measured? Often it is measured against management expectations.

Do lowered expectations change the results? They can, but they can also shatter dreams.

Expect to Win

There may be a difference between the athlete who wants to make it to the Olympic Games and the athlete who wins. Often one expects to get there, for another, they expect to win.

We can’t lose sight though of reality. Reality is the brutal truth. It pinches us, and lowers the expectations of the dream. The feeling is disappointment, and it often goes unexpressed. It is the social media thread that only illustrates bad news, no good news.

Disappointment is part of life, growth, and ultimately a path to a happier place. Is it about expectations control?

Expectations Control

Expectations can satisfy or leave you wanting more. The trick then is learning to adjust your expectations to the reality of the situation.

You may believe you deserve better or the business goal may be too short sighted, but your expectations will help you determine what happens next.

Don’t give up on your dream. You deserve it, but the hope and faith that will keep you going is based entirely on your expectations.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and corporate trainer that specializes in helping businesses and individuals accelerate their leadership, their team, and their success. He is a five-time author and some of his work includes, #CustServ The Customer Service Culture, and Forgotten Respect, Navigating A Multigenerational Workforce. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

Dennis Gilbert on Google+

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