Author Archives: appreciative

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The past 150 years tells us there has been a lot of change, the past month or day may not be so obvious. Many would agree we need change, but many would argue about what change is needed. Still others may argue they like things exactly as they are, and no change is necessary.


The irony of a world of change is this. When you tell yourself you should change your way of thinking, get rid of bad habits, lose weight, eat healthy, get fit, have goals, continue to improve, or simply learn something new; you may discover that things haven’t changed that much at all.

Sometimes we feel that we have been around the block, across the highway, and down the road, but find ourselves right back to where we started. We do it to ourselves and often we do it without intent.

If you’re going to change something, make sure what you show for your efforts is not going to be a rerun.


Photo Credit: Casa Velas Hotel

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What’s Inside?

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What’s inside the mysterious envelope? What’s in the box? What’s behind the shiny paper and colorful bow?


It may not be the curiosity that gets to us, it may be the feeling of value based on the presentation. A social media profile without a picture, a book by its cover, and even a picture without a frame. We often judge based on the presentation.

People who are prepared and packaged sell more than those just loosely hanging around, even when selling isn’t their job.

It is when you get dinner with a white cotton table cloth, a bottle of wine with a cork, and jewelry in a velveteen box. The presentation conditions your judgment.

If people are going to judge you, give them a noteworthy hint.


Photo Credit: Jorge Royan

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Say Something

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“I didn’t like what I heard, but I didn’t say anything.”

“I wasn’t sure I agreed, but I thought it was best to keep quiet.”

“Everyone in the group was already on board; I didn’t want to be the only one to disagree.”

meeting-room-10270_640 (1)

When you roll with it, go with the flow, or think you’ve disagreed by saying nothing, think again. People often read, hear, and see only what they want. Their efforts to build acceptance, gain a following, and discover evidence that supports their plan, goal, or ideology often develops from those who say nothing.

When you say nothing, you most likely convey agreement or acceptance.

Maybe it is time—say something.


Photo Credit: Public Domain Image from

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Right Time

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You were born at the right time, in the right place, and with the right opportunities. After all, a changing world surrounds you. You’re right in the middle of the greatest achievements of mankind. You have the power of technology expanding at a commanding pace, opportunity is everywhere, possibilities abound, and it is unstoppable.


Unfortunately, not everyone sees it this way. Others were born at the wrong place, at the wrong time. They have no opportunities. Change has eliminated any possibility of achieving hopes, dreams, and a brighter future. Technology is the burden of everything in the world today and the world is less because of it. Everything would be better if it wasn’t for this vicious onslaught of change.

Most people will tell you they are focused on being positive, yet defining moments alter their individual outcomes. When there is chaos, uncertainty, doubt, fear, shock, and frustration you decide which mind-set you will use to make decisions.

You decide if it is the—right time.


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Outlast It

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Weather storms build, they may start out softly, but build to a peak intensity that can be very damaging. The same is true for storms in our personal lives, with friends or family, and even while on the job.

As the intensity of a storm builds to its peak, the probability of damaging anything in its path increases. It is at this point the storm causes the most trouble, the biggest problems, and is the toughest to fight. If you can outlast its desperate onslaught it will eventually start to decline, weaken, and dissipate into such a small and minuscule event that you may wonder why you had so much concern in the first place.

In our workplace and personal lives storms are also the strongest right before they dissipate. The key to managing the storm is to be able to outlast it. Sometimes we forget or take for granted that the storm is building to a peak. Often we worry that we cannot outlast its fiery onslaught and we have to remember that we’ll have the hardest fight right before the winds shift, the tables turn, and the situation pivots to our advantage.

You may be facing the biggest storm of your life, it may feel like it’s getting stronger and stronger, but remember it is always the strongest right before it dissipates.

Outlast it.


Photo Credit: Tropical Cyclone,

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Goats, Fish, and Slopes

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Scapegoats, red herrings, and slippery slopes, workplaces everywhere are filled with these social and sometimes cultural complications. Most employees come to work expecting to succeed, not fail, and while it often takes team effort to succeed, individual choices and mind-sets have a lot to do with the outcomes.


Your workplace life is what you make of it, and your focus, a diversion, or even ignorance of what surrounds you may make the difference for your future. People come out for the drama. They show up for the “we are doomed party” and not because they want to fail but because it is sometimes easier to claim your fate is not in your own hands. The unspoken and underestimated belief may be; follow, it makes you less responsible.

Although some do, not everyone wants to lead. Many desire to earn a reasonable living with a reasonable job. We’re all lucky, because individually we measure our success. The problem is that everyone’s chance for their own style of success is conditioned by their individual spirit, added together and multiplied by the spirit of those around them. Negativity and blame subtract from spirit, and build momentum for a loss.

Sometimes it isn’t who you are, but where you hang out. When you celebrate doom, you get gloom. Look for wins, not losses, find solutions instead of chronically highlighting problems. Most important of all, celebrate by doing more of what you do great.

Get out of the barn, away from the stream, and get traction for the climb—your climb, to your style of success.


Photo Credit: Tom Roeleveld

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Too Hot

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Too hot or too cold and we are uncomfortable. In the U.S. most of us live life with the comfort and convenience of a climate controlled environment. Many people go from their house, to their car, to their job, to the store, or nearly anywhere else, in a controlled climate. Our workplaces sometimes get too hot or too cold, but I’m not talking about temperature, I’m talking about people, culture, and job satisfaction.


On the job things can get hot. People are exposed to discomfort through rapid change, unexpected outcomes, and adverse conditions. When things get hot, some people get uncomfortable. Others deal with the heat well, by being flexible, adaptable, and self-controlled. They are often the workplace stars, role models, and those about to advance.

Sometimes things can get cold. People shut down, shut out, or find themselves in an organization that has gone stale. Everything around us is changing; and in a rapidly changing environment, the worst place to be is in the status quo. The status quo is where people and teams grow cold, go stale, and freeze up.

If you’re going to make something happen, you better not get cold. Be prepared to turn up the heat because you can never get—too hot.


Photo Credit: Wesley Fryer

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Both Ways

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In many ways it seems like the rules for work are changing, at least for those organizations that are serious about their success. Rules for work once included following the crowd, personal sacrifice, and doing what the boss says not what the boss does.


Even when unemployment is high, the best organizations report challenges in finding and hiring the right talent for their team. Potential employees and employers are searching for each other, but despite their shouts for a connection, they often miss.

It is hard for employees to commit to organizations. After all, they’ve learned that when the going gets tough, they get going, but not to the executive suite, to the street.

Fear isn’t an effective motivator long term. Employees who are worth it want to work with organizations who are far sighted and encouraging, financially sound and progressive, and perhaps most of all, loyal and committed.

If you’re not where you want to be, or lack a feeling of belonging, it may not be your effort, knowledge, or skills, it may be that you haven’t found the right one, or perhaps one of the right ones, found a wrong one.

It works—both ways.


Photo Credit: Iain Thompson

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Model You

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Do you stand a chance at modeling? I’m not talking about Miss America, or the runway platform, I’m thinking about modeling the behaviors and characteristics of someone who has already achieved what you desire. Role models are everywhere, but should their traits become yours?


Selling yourself for a job, a promotion, or in your business is likely not as easy or simple as mimicking someone’s behavior or performance traits. You are unique, and that is good. When you combine your style, personality, and life’s experiences with the qualities and representation of a role model things will probably only get better. However, when you eliminate your style, personality, and life’s experiences in an attempt to duplicate another person you’ll likely find yourself appearing—worse.

Role models are great, but you are terrific.

Model you.


Photo Credit:

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Know Everything

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Christopher Columbus didn’t know everything, but he was prepared. Perhaps to his crew, he knew everything. When you prepare for a client meeting, a discussion with your boss, or to deliver a presentation it is important to focus on what you believe you will need to know and although you don’t know everything, properly prepared for that moment—you’ll know everything.


Analogies often help us create a clearer picture.

New York City is a big place. The city can be intimidating to visitors and even some seasoned pros. Since the late 1980’s I have traveled to the city upon occasion and in the past 8 years much more. Recently I took the plunge on some shared office space. I’ve had two occasions to flex my metro muscle with clients, and both times, I prepared. I knew when I was driving, walking (in NYC this is a mild sprint), and entertaining. I knew where, how, and I knew what. I certainly don’t know everything about this big city, not even close, but for those moments, I knew everything.

Often the more you learn, the more you realize that you don’t know everything, but when it comes to your professional performance you have to be prepared.

Be prepared to know everything.


Photo Credit: Bob Hall (Replica of the Santa Maria)

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