Brand Experience Impacts and the Unexpected
At the car wash, the grocery market, and the restaurant you have an experience. What are customers feeling from your brand experience impacts? Are you sure about every touch point?
The valet at the 5-star hotel, the guy sweeping up cigarette butts in the parking lot, and the janitor plunging the clog in the bathroom.
An incredible waitress, a kind flight attendant, and the nurse at the doctor’s office.
A fast-food voice on the intercom, the hardware store clerk, and shipping verification from an eBay purchase.
All of these things, no matter how big or how small they may seem, are part of a brand experience.
Unexpected Experience
Many people believe that your brand sits entirely on the hands of the graphic artist, the photographer, or a clever press release.
Indeed, all of these things matter. They matter a great deal. Yet, often, your brand is about unexpected touch points.
Businesses want to train their sales team, the customer service team, and managers. These are not the only people or places where your brand is exposed.
Where is your brand exposed?
Brand Experience Impacts
What is the weakest link in your business? It may be a touch point where your brand is exposed.
What employee teams are not customer facing? Who is in the backroom, the warehouse, or on the R&D team? They’re still building your brand.
Who answers the phone, responds to social media, or sends email messages? To the customer, in each of those moments, that is what they know as your business. Not the CEO, not the beauty of your website, and certainly not the marketing speak in your mission statement.
The impacts of your brand are loud and clear.
They’re often developing from human interaction.
Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.