Author Archives: appreciative

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Under the Bus

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We see it in action thriller movies and we hear it used metaphorically in the workplace, but one outcome most of us never want is the feeling of being thrown under the bus. That undesirable situation when a trusted peer, direct report, or boss completely breaks down any trust and respect by taking advantage of your relationship, placing blame, or otherwise sabotaging your job, career, or even personal relationships.


Do you have tire tracks on your back? If that trusted ally, partner, or confidant does the seemingly unforgivable you have at least three choices on how to respond:

  1. Confront them tactfully (think conversation not confrontation)
  2. Strategically manage future interactions (think situation management)
  3. Do nothing and prepare yourself for more tracks in the future

The proper choice may vary drastically from situation to situation, but most likely preparing to get more tracks is not the answer. It is unlikely that we will change other people, but we can change how we manage our interactions with them.

The first step should be to consider what led to the opportunity for their action or behavior, and how can you better manage future interactions? Bus throwers are opportunists and when they don’t see an easy opportunity they typically move on. Next we have to realize that it is not a one size fits all approach, every circumstance or situation is unique. Tactful conversation may help as well as being strategic (not tactical) when managing future interactions. People walk through open doors and opportunists seldom knock. Don’t leave open doors for the wrong people.

If you are picking yourself up at the curb, brush off those tracks, and think more strategically about how to better manage your future interactions. We may not always be able to remove difficult people in our lives, but we can change how we interact with them.


Photo Credit: Katie Hargrave

Dennis Gilbert is a national level corporate trainer, speaker, consultant, and coach. He is leading people, teams, and organizations to new levels of personal and professional growth. He latest book is: Pivot and Accelerate, The Next Move Is Yours!

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People Numbers

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We’ve heard quality over quantity, law of large numbers, and the economy of scale. While all of these may have importance for achieving your goals or creating your success, the single most important factor may be surrounding yourself with the right people.


It is often suggested that positive thinking, seeking the positive from any situation or circumstance, and shutting out negativity are key components for achieving good results. Of course, this makes perfect sense, it relates to self-fulfilled prophecy and to our mind-set, which will not only condition outcomes but may also improve efficiency, reduce mistakes, and create a clearer focus.

I believe that the entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well, and that from individuals, to small groups and teams, to mid-size or even large corporations we can achieve greater results. What is most important to recognize is that all of the quantity, laws, and scaling won’t make a difference if you are not surrounding yourself with the right people. It isn’t quantity over quality, you don’t necessarily need lots of people, you need the right people. In your life or in your business, you’ll get it done when you are surrounded by the right people.

Ten of the wrong people in your network, life, or business is far, far worse than having only one of the right people. Choose people over numbers.


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Crowd Appeal

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Sometimes it seems like everything in life or business is a paradox. What seems to be real, logical, or a truism, somehow can be twisted or manipulated into something completely different. We see a lot of paradoxical thinking in advertising or marketing. There are metaphors, analogies, and symbols that are somehow targeted to make us think differently.


The idea is, being different makes you remember. The belief is, it builds the brand or gets the sale.

What is so alarming about this line of thinking is that while the strategy is to appeal to the crowd, our best work, the work that is the most innovative and creative will have to be different. Then what starts out as being different, circles back to become appealing to the crowd – a paradox. But this only happens when the crowd is ready, or when the something different is compelling enough to move them.

This is true for movies, books, job seekers, promotion seekers, your business, your car, your house, and your technology choices. Most people and businesses are working towards crowd appeal, but yet they all believe they are offering something different.

You or your business can choose. If you want the job, the sale, or to build the brand, you can appeal to the crowd, or you can offer something different, an option, but you’ll likely never do both at the same time. 


Photo Credit: James Cridland

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I Dare You

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What do top CEO’s, entrepreneurs, athletes, artists, engineers, graphic designers, landscapers, and photographers have in common? They all visualize the end product or outcome before it is completed. 


Visualizing where you are headed, what it will look like, and perhaps most importantly, how you will feel should be an integral part of your plan. If we lack vision, we lack focus, if we lack focus we will most likely lack results and if we lack results we will probably end up being average, or worse, slipping below the realm of mediocrity. Average isn’t always bad, but for people who want to do more, the thought of being average is worse than the risk of failure. 

Visualizing your future is different than dreaming, hoping, or having faith that the desired results will magically appear. Visualization is the ability to picture it, feel it, and create it because you know it is not only possible, it’s probable. 

Like everyone, people with vision have heard it can’t be done, they’ve been told no one will like it, or they have witnessed ridicule, embarrassment and defeat.

Different from everyone, people with vision don’t worry so much about what people will say, they are willing to be doubted by others, and they expect where they are headed to feel risky, not safe.

In the year ahead what will set the top achievers apart from the crowd will not be ridicule, doubt, or the possibility of being misunderstood. It will be all of those, but more importantly, it will be that they dared to be different.

Be different—I dare you!


Photo Credit:  Honey Badger by Bruce McAdam

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Fresh Starts

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So many people are happily adopting what is traditionally known as a New Year resolution. They enter the year with refreshed excitement and enthusiasm for the opportunity to get a fresh start. The running joke sometimes is, how long will they stay motivated and engaged in their new or refreshed pursuit?


I believe the New Year resolution process is valuable in many ways. You may lose weight, get in shape, improve your career, get more education, or even have a better attitude. Actions on any of those ideas are positive and productive, that is, as long as you get some results.

There are two additional themes associated with New Year resolutions that are worth mentioning, they are resolution failure and the concept of fresh starts.

The word failure makes most people cringe, but I believe the reality of failure is what also makes us great. We likely learn more from failure than we learn from success. These learning opportunities help us pivot to newfound success, make us smarter than we were before, and in a strange way create more strength. Additionally, it makes those who dared to dream, but never tried, respect us more.

Fresh starts are great! It gives us the chance to clear our mind, engage our heart, and feel more energy. Fresh starts only occur when we dare to try, risk being labeled, ridiculed, and misunderstood; but we do it anyway.

Fresh starts happen often, it doesn’t require a New Year to create a new you!


Photo Credit: Michael McCarty

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