Tag Archives: win list

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best results

Best Results, When You’re Doing Your Best

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How are things turning out? Are you getting the best results? What questions are you asking yourself? What are your answers?

When things go right, it often feels like things can’t go wrong. So much so, that people often take for granted the opportunities that are welcoming them along for the ride. Has this ever been you?

Sometimes the opposite is true. One wrong turn seems to lead to another. The only opportunity that you start to wish for is that there will not be more bad news. Could this be you? Have you experienced this in the past?

At the moment, if the chips seem down, it is often hard to see what things will look like on the other side of the crisis. The haste to improve, correct, and redirect the flow is often overwhelming.

Have you searched for more optimism? Is there a path to shifting from doom to bloom?

What will you focus on to get better results?

Best Results

There are two possible paths to shift to better results. The best news is, you can take them both at the same time.

The first possible path is to put the obstacle into perspective. People often lose their perspective when the chips seem down. The half-inch tall obstacles get blown out of proportion and they appear hundreds of feet tall. Step back and look at how big, or how tall, in the bigger picture of life, how tall is this obstacle?

Worry won’t shrink it. Keeping it all in perspective might.

Remember that disappointments are a natural part of life. The risk that doesn’t always blossom, and opportunities that seemed like they would likely appear, but then didn’t. It’s normal.

The second possible path is to start analyzing your wins. You can do this with a win-list. It’s simple really, you stop counting the things going wrong and you shift your focus to your wins. Any win and every win, no matter how small.

Most people are pleasantly surprised when they start focusing on wins instead of drowning in the drama.

Everyone wants the best results.

Doing your best matters. What you focus on always creates your perspective.

You’re taller than your obstacles, and you’ll win.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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small wins

Do Small Wins Lead To Big Gains?

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Are you building from your small wins? Are the big wins the only thing that matters? Never had a big win?

Many people measure luck as linear to success. The truth often is that many people experience luck, but they don’t react to it the same.

A good friend of mine has had great success. He recently told me that he got lucky. In a sense, I disagreed. He definitely had some good opportunities but it was his reactions to those opportunities that have made him appear so lucky.

Forward Motion

There are at least two important aspects to forward motion for your business or your career. The first is, are you constantly moved towards opportunities that are presented, and the second is, are you counting wins or losses?

Not every opportunity is a good one. At the same time, some opportunities are good, only they appear cloaked with risk. In this state, those who are risk-averse choose not to move on them.

Risk is a natural part of life. Risk is a matter of leadership.

Not everyone gets the same opportunities. Not everyone takes opportunities that lead to great success.

In a marathon the people who are still moving eventually finish. This is likely true for your measurement of success as well. It is when the motion stops that is over.

Small Wins

Are you moving or are you stuck? Are you taking any risk or waiting for the right opportunity?

Counting losses often results in fewer risks taken.

Most people have more wins than they count. Small wins compound, they grow, and they often lead to more wins.

Instead of a focus on small wins, people often reflect more on the disappointments, the misstep, or the closing door. Reflection can be healthy. It can also lead to a depressive state.

Opportunities have a funny way of appearing when you are counting wins. The quantity may not be any different, but you start to see more of them.

Counting small wins may be exactly what you need to create big gains.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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developing positive energy

The Art of Developing Positive Energy

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Bad days happen. Tough times happen. Many have heard the aphorism, “Tough times don’t last, tough people do.” How are you using your energy? Are you continuously developing positive energy?

If you want positive energy why are your behaviors contradictory?

While this may feel like a provocative question. One that you quickly find disagreement with, it just may be one of the best questions you get today.

Many people, even people who claim positivity are often repeating, reliving, and existing in a mental environment that supports negativity. Sure, we want to help and support friends and family, but what about our own mindset?

Beating Yourself Up

Do you surround yourself in negativity when you make a mistake? After a bad decision, a wrong choice, or even a slip of the tongue you start to blame, often blaming yourself.

You may say things about yourself. Bad things, things that you certainly wouldn’t accept others saying about you. You point to faults, express hurtful criticism, and even chronically second, third, and fourth guess your actions or behaviors.

The is negativity at its finest. Ironically, it is self-inflicted.

Doing Your Best

Your best work won’t happen in this environment. Your best health won’t happen either.

This negativity takes away part of you. It causes you to freeze, not move, not take action, or just sit in silence. The pressure to improve is overcome by the intense feeling of failure.

No good work is going to happen here. This is not developing positive energy. Why allow this distraction when there is still so much you can do?

Developing Positive Energy

Although it doesn’t always feel this way, there is more positive happening as compared to negative.

Often the feeling of doom develops from comparisons. The view that someone else has it better. Someone else earns more, has an easier life, and never has to worry or feel down.

In modern times this feeling is even more compelling with social networks posting only the best photos, vacations, job changes, money makers, and lifestyles. Be very careful about what you believe.

Do you want more positive energy? Stop beating yourself up, focus more on the positive energies, talk about and relive the things that are good and going well.

One way to do this is by understanding the why and the how of a win list. Try it.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and corporate trainer. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

Dennis Gilbert on Google+

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great win list

Do You Know How To Write a Great Win List?

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Friends are often priceless. Sometimes they are cheap too, but that is a different story. A good friend suggested to me that I’ve written about why, but I failed to tell how to write a great win list.

Impact Matters Most

Writing a win list may be quite different from person-to-person. Some of it really depends on how you absorb information. You must consider what is most impactful for your own learning and the degree to which you are stimulated by factors in your environment.

Some people take in the information and reflect on what it means by writing it down. They take notes, and it stimulates storage, a memory, some reflection. Others may claim they learn by watching, reading, or even just listening.

This is important for how you’ll create your win list. The idea is stimulation, a reminder of moments you are successful, and perhaps an avoidance of reliving negativity.

Great Win List

Here are some ways to consider the how:

  1. Journal. You can keep a journal of wins. A tablet, a spiral bound notebook, or even a leather or hardbound book type journal.
  2. Digital Document. You can place lists of your wins in a digital document. This could be on your personal computing device, cellular phone, or tablet device. You could even record your voice or create a video.
  3. Whiteboard. A white board is a nice place for collective wins. A department or a team may need a reminder from time to time about what to focus on. A white board win list is a nice community engagement tool.
  4. Easel Pad. In my office, I’ve used a Post-It easel pad sheet. I write down wins or messages that are positively impactful and stick it on my bookcase. I change it or remove it as necessary.
  5. Speak About It. While this isn’t necessarily the written word you can ask your colleagues, “What was your win today?” Often, we choose to talk about what went wrong but a win list is the opportunity to discuss what went right.

What is most important about your win list is that it can serve as a positive reminder. It should be the place you go to look when you are feeling off track, discouraged, or disappointed. The win list is a tool in your arsenal for confidence and positivity.

Do you want to know more about why a win list is valuable?

What Goes on The List?

Anything that could be considered a win or that sparks positivity.

Did you have a goal for the day or week? Did you improve, come closer, or gain some ground? Perhaps you hit it!

Has someone mentioned something positive to you, thanked you, or expressed gratitude? Did you make a difference for someone else?

Sometimes we can turn things around. Perhaps you didn’t close the sale, but you did achieve two new inquiries. Or, perhaps you learned how to improve on your next proposal.

It’s your list, writing it, reading it, seeing it, feeling it, recording it, all these matter for impact.

Share it.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and corporate trainer. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

Dennis Gilbert on Google+

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win list

3 Reasons Why Creating a Win List is Valuable

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Do you create lists? A to-do list, a grocery list, or maybe a list of bills to pay. Do you talk about all the things that go wrong? Maybe what you really need is a win list.

Our energy is precious. No amount of caffeine, 5-hour Energy, or Red Bull is going to significantly change the energy requirements you need to perform at your best every day.

Energy Zapping

Negativity is energy zapping. We talk about the failed shipment. We express anger about the sudden shift in priorities for the project. Sometimes we even complain about a co-worker or the boss. Energy zapping!

Why do we engage in counterproductive behavior? Perhaps there are times when it just seems like talking about it makes us feel better.

Yes, talking through some of our challenges may help shed some light on something new or even change our mind to something more positive. Unfortunately, we usually don’t stop there. Consciously or subconsciously, we relive the difficulty and negativity repeatedly.

We drag it around, carry it around, and spread the negativity. We have a list of all the things that make us angry and at any opportunity we’re prepared to dump it on someone else.

Win List

What if we created a different list? Imagine instead, a win list. An opportunity to relive and tell someone else about something positive.

There are many reasons that this is valuable but here are several good ones:

  1. Focus. The win list creates a positive focus. When we think about it, talk about it, or even write it on a whiteboard it creates positive energy.
  2. Sharing. When we share our wins, it helps shift others away from negativity. It helps ignite the whole team with more positivity.
  3. Results. Changing our mindset is often required to change the results. A win list accomplishes both.

Your list can be something small and simple. It could be something big.

Do you want to know how to write a great win list?

Do you want another good reason?

What you think is what you become.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and corporate trainer. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

Dennis Gilbert on Google+

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