Tag Archives: success

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Speak Early

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Another meeting in the cycle, it’s weekly, monthly, or quarterly. You know the drill, it’s report outs, lectures, and stories of where everything comes up short. Change is what you want and change is part of the talk, but no one challenges the true status quo.

Three businesspeople having a meeting in the office with a laptop computer and a digital tablet

You tell yourself it’s not the right time, the right place, or that it has all been said before. You want to speak up, but you’re feeling the end result will find you black listed, your reputation tarnished, and you’ll be overlooked for future advancement. You know your point is valid and that others agree. It’s been said, discussed, and supported privately with your colleagues and peers.  

Change has at least one consistent outcome; its path is always a bell curve. It starts with positive growth on the up side, a peak, and then the dreaded downward slide. The key for best success then will come to those who join in early, benefit from the up side, and ride to the top. Procrastination or waiting won’t work. You can’t coast, stall, or stop, not if you are planning to be ahead of the peak.

Speak early, not late. 


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker, and coach that specializes in helping businesses and individuals accelerate their leadership, their team, and their success. He is the author of the newly released book, Forgotten Respect. Reach him through his website at http://DennisEGilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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Talk About Good

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What is the worst experience you’ve ever had? What is the best? Often people talk about bad customer service, they talk about mistakes, and they are chronically obsessed with what happens if they fail. The sad but brutal truth about this is that we all experience some bad customer service, we all make mistakes, and we all experience failure.

At meeting

Let’s face it; it is harder to deal with bad customer service when compared with acceptable or fantastic service. It is easier to accept the outcomes when we received a top score, didn’t drop the ball, or surpassed the competition. Those stories feel good, they are easy to deal with, but yet many people only talk about the shortcomings, let downs, and disappointments.

Sometimes you have to wonder, is a focus on the bad preventing you from becoming great?

Try something new, talk about the good.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, corporate trainer, and keynote speaker that specializes in helping businesses accelerate their leadership, their team, and their success. Reach him through his website at http://DennisEGilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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Goats, Fish, and Slopes

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Scapegoats, red herrings, and slippery slopes, workplaces everywhere are filled with these social and sometimes cultural complications. Most employees come to work expecting to succeed, not fail, and while it often takes team effort to succeed, individual choices and mind-sets have a lot to do with the outcomes.


Your workplace life is what you make of it, and your focus, a diversion, or even ignorance of what surrounds you may make the difference for your future. People come out for the drama. They show up for the “we are doomed party” and not because they want to fail but because it is sometimes easier to claim your fate is not in your own hands. The unspoken and underestimated belief may be; follow, it makes you less responsible.

Although some do, not everyone wants to lead. Many desire to earn a reasonable living with a reasonable job. We’re all lucky, because individually we measure our success. The problem is that everyone’s chance for their own style of success is conditioned by their individual spirit, added together and multiplied by the spirit of those around them. Negativity and blame subtract from spirit, and build momentum for a loss.

Sometimes it isn’t who you are, but where you hang out. When you celebrate doom, you get gloom. Look for wins, not losses, find solutions instead of chronically highlighting problems. Most important of all, celebrate by doing more of what you do great.

Get out of the barn, away from the stream, and get traction for the climb—your climb, to your style of success.


Photo Credit: Tom Roeleveld

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About What

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Success is what many people will tell you they seek. While definitions vary, the goal is similar. Unfortunately much of what many people wish for, they never attain. Not because they aren’t particularly smart, skilled, or interested, but because they aren’t willing.


Once upon a time people walked, rode horses, or sat in wagons to discover more. Besides the threat of the unknown, violent storms, sickness, disease, and potential starvation they pushed on, they navigated streams, rivers, mountains and valleys. It wasn’t about how, it was about what.

What they needed to accomplish, what they were winning to risk it all for, what they stood for, cried for, bled for, and were labeled crazy for. The difference for people who accomplish more isn’t about how, it is about what.

How is strategic and that is important, but what will make the difference when the going gets tough.


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Fresh Starts

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So many people are happily adopting what is traditionally known as a New Year resolution. They enter the year with refreshed excitement and enthusiasm for the opportunity to get a fresh start. The running joke sometimes is, how long will they stay motivated and engaged in their new or refreshed pursuit?


I believe the New Year resolution process is valuable in many ways. You may lose weight, get in shape, improve your career, get more education, or even have a better attitude. Actions on any of those ideas are positive and productive, that is, as long as you get some results.

There are two additional themes associated with New Year resolutions that are worth mentioning, they are resolution failure and the concept of fresh starts.

The word failure makes most people cringe, but I believe the reality of failure is what also makes us great. We likely learn more from failure than we learn from success. These learning opportunities help us pivot to newfound success, make us smarter than we were before, and in a strange way create more strength. Additionally, it makes those who dared to dream, but never tried, respect us more.

Fresh starts are great! It gives us the chance to clear our mind, engage our heart, and feel more energy. Fresh starts only occur when we dare to try, risk being labeled, ridiculed, and misunderstood; but we do it anyway.

Fresh starts happen often, it doesn’t require a New Year to create a new you!


Photo Credit: Michael McCarty

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