Tag Archives: negativity

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wasted energy

The Big Frustration of Wasted Energy

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Do you need your go juice in the morning? Bottomless pots of coffee, maybe an energy drink or two? Have you ever thought about wasted energy? The things you do that don’t provide value?

What’s Your Fix?

I’m a coffee drinker. I know it is a sin, but often it is decaf.

Someone once said to me, “Why do you drink decaf? That doesn’t make any sense.”

There are probably several reasons. The best reason is because I like the taste of coffee. No sugar, no cream, nothing added, just coffee.

Certainly, I’ve had a few energy drinks in my day. I’ve drank bottomless pots of caffeinated coffee. Chocolate, soda, and other energy products.

The question really is, do we need more energy or do we need to stop wasting energy? Perhaps it is some of both.

Daily Routine

Everyday people make their move to work. They have a routine, a commute, stops they make and things they do to pass the time. How is that energy spent?

Once on the job, or in the surroundings of other people, there is often chatter, discussions, and usually some gripes and complaints.

Are you wasting energy on non-productive things?

While this may not be you – be sure you self-assess – many people waste gobs of energy reliving the negativity of the past. What this creates is negativity of the future.

Wasted Energy

In very limited measures there may be some relief in getting something off your chest. When most of what you talk about is doom and gloom, you’re going to experience doom and gloom.

Worry, anxiety, and anger, they are not positive energy. When you talk about it, relive it, and tell others, there really isn’t anything positive about that.

Everyone probably has something to worry about and at low or moderate levels worry can help us navigate life and even grow better. Anxiety or feeling anxious can sometimes be twisted and redirected. Even moderate levels of anger can be redirected for a positive outcome.

On the other hand, all this negative energy can eat us alive. It makes people depressed, inappropriately anxious, and in extreme circumstances causes other health problems.

It is your energy. How will you use it?

What does your day look like?


Originally posted on November 1, 2018, last updated on November 5, 2019.

Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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win list

3 Reasons Why Creating a Win List is Valuable

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Do you create lists? A to-do list, a grocery list, or maybe a list of bills to pay. Do you talk about all the things that go wrong? Maybe what you really need is a win list.

Our energy is precious. No amount of caffeine, 5-hour Energy, or Red Bull is going to significantly change the energy requirements you need to perform at your best every day.

Energy Zapping

Negativity is energy zapping. We talk about the failed shipment. We express anger about the sudden shift in priorities for the project. Sometimes we even complain about a co-worker or the boss. Energy zapping!

Why do we engage in counterproductive behavior? Perhaps there are times when it just seems like talking about it makes us feel better.

Yes, talking through some of our challenges may help shed some light on something new or even change our mind to something more positive. Unfortunately, we usually don’t stop there. Consciously or subconsciously, we relive the difficulty and negativity repeatedly.

We drag it around, carry it around, and spread the negativity. We have a list of all the things that make us angry and at any opportunity we’re prepared to dump it on someone else.

Win List

What if we created a different list? Imagine instead, a win list. An opportunity to relive and tell someone else about something positive.

There are many reasons that this is valuable but here are several good ones:

  1. Focus. The win list creates a positive focus. When we think about it, talk about it, or even write it on a whiteboard it creates positive energy.
  2. Sharing. When we share our wins, it helps shift others away from negativity. It helps ignite the whole team with more positivity.
  3. Results. Changing our mindset is often required to change the results. A win list accomplishes both.

Your list can be something small and simple. It could be something big.

Do you want to know how to write a great win list?

Do you want another good reason?

What you think is what you become.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and corporate trainer. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

Dennis Gilbert on Google+

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accelerate forward

Accelerate Forward or Race To The Bottom

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I love mornings. Every day is a new chance. It is a clear slate, an open path, and full of new opportunity. Each day people and business ventures will make a choice to accelerate forward or race to the bottom. What is your choice?

Bottom Racers

Some people get it wrong. They believe that louder, angrier, and meaner, is the way to move forward. It creates attention, makes people look, and temporarily causes them listen.

When we approach an opportunity, assertion is acceptable and is often appreciated. Aggression on the other hand, may cause action and short-term influence, but for the long-haul, aggression is usually not so attractive.

Aggressive behaviors, poor decisions made in haste, and strike backs to people, clients, and anything in the path are not flattering. In fact, even when passion or support for something you believe in takes over, it is not forward motion. It is a race to the bottom.

Accelerate Forward

Forward momentum is hard to stop. For most of us we are lucky for that. As people we’ll often engage with the wrong approach. We’ll inappropriately use tactics that feel like threats, and words that drive fear.

The best way to accelerate forward is to focus forward. Saying we are positive while we recite negative emotions is not forward motion. It is a race to the bottom.

The bottom is not desirable for most. It represents a change that leaves people exhausted and with their confidence shattered. Worse, their spirit is emotionally torn.

It’s interesting that it all begins with choice. A choice for what we’ll say, a choice for where and how we’ll engage, and a choice to accelerate forward or race to the bottom.

Accelerating forward is not shallow, it is a deeper path. It makes it much harder to get to the bottom.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and corporate trainer. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

Dennis Gilbert on Google+

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your list

Your List Is Your Treasure, Unless It’s a Bad List

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Competition excites many people. It positively excites me. I like analogies connected to winning and being appropriately assertive. People sometimes suggest that they are, “taking names.” Who is on your list?

Taking Names

Many connect the concept of taking names to mean you’re creating a list. Likely, it is a list of people to be excluded, removed, or otherwise outperformed. There may be a few other variations, but I think you have the picture.

Your list is something you may keep track of, stew over, and get angry about. The question to ask then is, “Are you keeping the right list?”

People often want to track those who work against them. They want to be sure that when opportunity knocks, the list will be pulled out, and someone is going down.

I remind people all the time that what you focus on is what you get. A focus on negativity will produce more negativity. You can count on it.

If you are making a list, would it make more sense to keep a list of people who are helping you succeed?

Is there more value to creating a list of the people who support you? The people who really have your back. Those people who are giving of time, attention, and spreading goodwill?

Your List

You may not owe anybody anything, but reciprocity still always has some value.

When you use your time to focus on a list of negativities you’re not only hurting yourself but you’re not honoring those who honor you.

The next time you offer up that you are taking names, make it a list of the good people. Remember their consideration, caring, and unbridled support.

If you are going to have a list, make it worthwhile.

List the good ones. Tell others, find more, build connections, and start a tribe.

You’ll be more successful. Your list is your treasure.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and corporate trainer. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

Dennis Gilbert on Google+

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