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workplace disqualification

Workplace Disqualification, Does It Happen Often?

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If you are navigating outside of the boundaries you might get disqualified. Arriving too late, doing too little, or fighting the system are all matters possibly leading to workplace disqualification. Have you ever been disqualified? Do you know someone who should be?

It has happened at the Kentucky Derby, it has happened at the Olympic Games, and it has happened in baseball, golf, and racing. It happens in the workplace too.

Sometimes disqualification isn’t apparent but it is still present.

Skipped on the list of meeting participants? Overlooked for a promotion?

It may not always mean that you are not qualified, it may mean that you’re not working up to a standard.

Being disqualified likely means that you haven’t met expectations. Did you promise something that you didn’t achieve? Did you agree to do your part on the project but let others down?

You may not realize it, but you might have been disqualified.

Workplace Disqualification

The workplace is filled with lots of variants when it comes to ebbs and flows. There certainly are workplace dynamics and politics. Are you effectively navigating them? Are you winning with customers and vendors, or are you feeling short-changed?

Walk onto a car sales lot. You may find a number of people who can take your order for a car. You may only find one or two that you wouldn’t quickly disqualify.

When the boss distributes workflow. There may be several employees who are qualified, but there may be only one who doesn’t get disqualified.

It is true for on-the-job advancement or getting promoted too. Theoretically, there are a number of people who are capable, but many of them are disqualified from the beginning.

It is even true for job seekers. The interview process is not always about qualifications, that may have already been established. Often it is about finding the one or two nuggets that will boot you from consideration. Disqualified!

Aligning outcomes with expectations is where you should apply your best effort. Commit to both understanding and delivering on what is expected and you’ll be much less likely to face disqualification.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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Career Growth, It Sometimes Happens Off The Job

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Making a difference in your career will make a difference in your life. People often associate their career growth with what happens on the job, and while that is important it is often equally or more important to consider what you do off the job.

Career growth read more

Balancing work and life has been a popular topic area for many years. People often talk about working too much, getting stressed out, and even about being burnt out. It’s true, it happens, and often it feels like it sneaks up on you and grabs you from behind.

When I’m coaching or training people I hear a lot about the desire for career growth, the desire for a bigger paycheck, or some combination of health and wealth personal improvement.

That’s not really a surprise. Most people might assume that is the kind of conversations that might be uncovered. What is often somewhat surprising is when they learn that the suggestions for improving their position or circumstances are often just as much about what happens off the job, as on.

On The Job Mindset

There is a mindset that has great intentions. The mindset is that once you are active in the workforce, once you’ve had some formal education and on the job training, everything that happens next will be about what you do on the job.

Your work, your effort, and your focus, you play by the rules, you work honestly and with integrity. All of this, yes, it’s incredibly important.

You pay your dues, you gain more experience, and you’re committed to the organization so you’re expecting more. More opportunity, more responsibility, and often more money, that is great and certainly part of the process but it is likely not all of it.

Career Growth

Sometimes, your opportunities for growth and development have to do with what you do off the job. This isn’t the first time I’ve written about some of these opportunities. Recently I wrote about, 5 Ways to Grow Your Career, which included some on the job, and off the job considerations.

Are you looking for a great way to improve your skills and get more opportunities? Are you seeking more respect and confidence in your abilities among your colleagues or boss? You should strongly consider what you read. Yes, I said read.

While it could be argued that reading anything, romance, drama, or even horror, is better than reading nothing. Those seeking business or personal improvement might want to consider content that directly relates. Consider genres for self-improvement, management and leadership, or something technical or scientific that has a link to your profession.

Reading will help to improve your focus, your grammar, and certainly your intellect. It will help you with direct knowledge about a skill area, make your conversations more powerful, and improve your presence while also making your interactions more compelling.

If it is technical and related to your field it might help you to gain knowledge on the latest trends, best practices, or lessons learned.

If it is motivational or self-improvement it might help you to become more focused, stay focused, or find the strength to continue moving forward.

Books or articles about business, management, or leadership might help you strengthen your professional relationships, build better teams, and become a better communicator.

Doing this off the job helps create better positioning for you on the job, which just might mean, career growth.

Start Reading More

Therefore, you might want to consider reading more. It seems like starting conversations with friends or colleagues differently might help too. Instead of asking, “What’s up?” you might want to ask, “What are you currently reading?”

I know time is precious. There are on the job requirements, and also time requirements for family and friends. There is shopping, chores, and even getting appropriate amounts of exercise, rest and relaxation. All of those are critically important but if you want to grow in your career you should consider taking the time to read.

What are you reading?


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and corporate trainer that specializes in helping businesses and individuals accelerate their leadership, their team, and their success. He is a four-time author and some of his work includes, Forgotten Respect, Navigating A Multigenerational Workforce and Pivot and Accelerate, The Next Move Is Yours! Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

Dennis Gilbert on Google+

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5 Ways to Grow Your Career

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Growth in your career or job role isn’t always about waiting patiently, getting lucky, or being someone’s buddy. While any one of those might help out, they don’t represent what allows most people to move forward. Do you want to grow your career?

Grow your career

Through my consulting and coaching practice I come across a lot of people who tell me that they want job or career growth. They will often deliver a very compelling story to me about how they’ve waited in line, paid their dues, and still they find themselves stuck.

Sure, sometimes we might see someone who appears to have good luck give them a helping hand or someone in their family provided a connection, or their opportunities come from family money, but there are plenty of ways to grow your career without any of those.

Grow Your Career

Here are five of my favorites:

  1. Extend your network. Today more than ever before we have options to create a broader reach. It’s important to get to conferences, association events, and seminars, but you also have to make the best use of your time while there. Purposely meet some new people, introduce yourself, and then be sure to secure the future of that effort by connecting in your social media network such as LinkedIn.
  2. Read. Some people believe we are operating in an information overload environment but that is really the good news. You have millions of opportunities and choices to read something every day. It doesn’t matter what platform you choose (digital or more traditional hard copy) but you should try to squeeze some of this in every day or at least weekly. Subscribe to blogs that offer both validity and reliability, download a book, go to a library, or buy a book from a retail bookstore or Amazon.
  3. Be more visible. I swear there are many great people out there who go completely unnoticed. It’s true, there are plenty. Extending your network will help and you can even find some additional tips online. Consider attending meetings, asking a question or two, and sometimes even tooting your own horn. In many circles anyone can be just another face in the crowd unless they engage with others.
  4. Listen better. It might feel like you’ve heard this too many times, but you must always strive to listen more and listen better. Listening is not the same as hearing and as such you have to develop good listening skills. Listening takes a lot of energy and because of this we often don’t listen well. Fatigue is sometimes a factor, so no kidding, get your rest, but also be patient, don’t form quick judgments, be sure to appropriately paraphrase, and avoid bias.
  5. Role model. One of the best things you can do is select one or more good role models. Find someone you admire and look up to, consider how they interact with others, how they are building their network and what they’ve done to progressively accomplish more. It doesn’t mean you agree with all of their actions or behaviors but there is definitely something positive you can learn.

Create Goals

If you’re reading this improving your job role or improving your career is probably important to you. Don’t stop with just reading this, don’t think about it off and on today or tomorrow and then go right back into your same old routine.

Create some goals for all five of these areas, or at least pick three of the five. Have specific measurements such as identifying (which ones, how many?) and attending meetings, meeting (5, 10, or 100) new people, or selecting one or two role models for observation. Each day, week, or month check in on your goals.

Hold yourself accountable. Grow your career.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and corporate trainer that specializes in helping businesses and individuals accelerate their leadership, their team, and their success. He is a four-time author and some of his work includes, Forgotten Respect, Navigating A Multigenerational Workforce and Pivot and Accelerate, The Next Move Is Yours! Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

Dennis Gilbert on Google+

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Too Hot

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Too hot or too cold and we are uncomfortable. In the U.S. most of us live life with the comfort and convenience of a climate controlled environment. Many people go from their house, to their car, to their job, to the store, or nearly anywhere else, in a controlled climate. Our workplaces sometimes get too hot or too cold, but I’m not talking about temperature, I’m talking about people, culture, and job satisfaction.


On the job things can get hot. People are exposed to discomfort through rapid change, unexpected outcomes, and adverse conditions. When things get hot, some people get uncomfortable. Others deal with the heat well, by being flexible, adaptable, and self-controlled. They are often the workplace stars, role models, and those about to advance.

Sometimes things can get cold. People shut down, shut out, or find themselves in an organization that has gone stale. Everything around us is changing; and in a rapidly changing environment, the worst place to be is in the status quo. The status quo is where people and teams grow cold, go stale, and freeze up.

If you’re going to make something happen, you better not get cold. Be prepared to turn up the heat because you can never get—too hot.


Photo Credit: Wesley Fryer

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Model You

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Do you stand a chance at modeling? I’m not talking about Miss America, or the runway platform, I’m thinking about modeling the behaviors and characteristics of someone who has already achieved what you desire. Role models are everywhere, but should their traits become yours?


Selling yourself for a job, a promotion, or in your business is likely not as easy or simple as mimicking someone’s behavior or performance traits. You are unique, and that is good. When you combine your style, personality, and life’s experiences with the qualities and representation of a role model things will probably only get better. However, when you eliminate your style, personality, and life’s experiences in an attempt to duplicate another person you’ll likely find yourself appearing—worse.

Role models are great, but you are terrific.

Model you.


Photo Credit:  en.wikipedia.org

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