Tag Archives: hiring practice

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hiring practice

Hiring Practice Is Shaped By Culture

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“We can’t find people.” It is a statement I often hear. Closely followed by, “Nobody wants to work today.” Is this about your hiring practice, culture, or the workforce generations?

Likely the truth is, it is pieces of all three. Working on one of these, will make a difference for the other two. Culture.

By now you’ve probably thought about pay. Not so fast, we’ll get there.

Uplifted Veil

Culture is about mindset. A corporate set of values and beliefs that resonates throughout the organization.

Culture isn’t entirely about what is published. It isn’t entirely about the values statements, the mission statement, or the slogan that appears on a plastic disposable pen at the job fair.

Certainly, all those things have relevance and in-part create the experience for onlookers, but you won’t hide the truth for long.

The winner of the Boston Marathon didn’t just lose thirteen pounds on the latest diet shake or meal plan. They haven’t made statements that they are training yet meanwhile they are secretively are doing something different.

The organization may have the best branding video on the planet. When you lift the veil, what do you see?

Clever marketing creates attraction. As some would suggest, it works. Yet what is inside the box or under the cover will ultimately make the difference.

Hiring Practice

It is one of the hardest things to learn about organizational culture. Culture is not just about what you say or the powerful showcase. It is also about what you do and the associated outputs and results.

Human resources and talent management professionals can help a lot, and they often do. However, if the departmental supervisor believes that leading is about how you demonstrate authority, the uplifted veil is something different.

Yes, there are dirty jobs, mindless jobs, and jobs that are dead ends. Yes, there are perfect fits, and mismatches.

Everyone wants to know what is really under the veil.

When what is underneath is unattractive, only pay will make a difference.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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workplace fit

Workplace Fit Has More Than One Meaning

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Ask someone why they didn’t get the job and they may reply, “I guess I wasn’t the right fit.” When someone chooses a GM vehicle over the Ford, it may be about fit. Nike over Reebok, it may be about fit.

All these examples of fit are different, yet similar. Most importantly, they are relevant.

About Fit

Fit for the vehicle brand of choice is probably not about dimensions. The same for a running shoe, we can probably always find the best fitting size.

Brand choice is a different kind of fit.

Many organizations strive to hire for fit. What fit are they trying to fulfill? Does fit come down to the idea of like or acceptance?

Are you employed by an organization that embraces diversity? How does fit work there?

Fit should never be confused with like. When we decide we don’t like something or someone, does that make it the wrong fit?

Who is selected for the board of directors? What about the steering committee or the committee that organizes the summer picnic? Is it based on who fits the best or perhaps who is more liked?

Whenever we base decisions on like we are making a sacrifice. We give up what someone else has to offer. We give up on that brand, the promise, or the possibility of a different experience.

Workplace Fit

Hiring for fit should be considered logically against need. It should be as objective as possible and leaving the least amount of room for subjective analysis.

If the entire board or committee thinks exactly the same then the decisions and outcomes will follow accordingly. In some cases, this could be the path for the beginning of the end. No different points of view and we’re stuck, stalled, or stopped.

Be aware of how you are deciding about fit.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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