Tag Archives: grit

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On The Subject Of Grit

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“Day after day,” an important part of the lyrics from Dobie Gray, in the hit song Drift Away. Day after day it feels like the grit required to get through becomes more challenging. People start their Monday and hope to survive it all until Friday.

Not bad for a Monday. 

It’s hump day!

Is it Friday yet?

People are required to show up day after day. Not just physically, but really, show up. For many people this is about 250 or more days per year.

Hanging In

What do you walk into each day? The same old grind? Or you have to love this one, “Same stuff, different day.” (If you can’t say it on TV, don’t write it.)

Do you want a better day, a better week, and a better career?

What may matter most is that you show up. It seems that showing up, having the grit to do the work that must be done is the single biggest factor for success.

That project you’re working on. It likely won’t single handedly change the culture.

The customer call you must make. It won’t shape the future of everything that happens next.

Your early morning sales or staff meeting, the one that always runs long, probably won’t matter much across the lifetime of the organization.

Certainly, all these things may contribute to the impact, they are all part of the build.


All the greats, they aren’t the overnight success they appear to be. Good companies that become great, weren’t just about a project, a day, or a meeting.

The grit that you are going to put in today, tomorrow, and about 250 days per year, across 40 or 50 years, that is a career. It all happens one day at a time.

If you do nothing else today, consider that your grit matters.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and corporate trainer. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

Dennis Gilbert on Google+

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little more

Humpfrey, Can You Do Just a Little More?

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Career minded people are trying to change. They want to achieve something better, greater, and more robust. The true love comes from what they do, what they become, and the good things that follow. Can you do a little more? Will you?

It is common that people in the workplace feel dumped on, piled on, and burnt out.

Camel Syndrome

Dumped on and piled on, you feel like a camel. Standing, waiting, looking over your shoulder. You see someone lingering with just one piece of straw, eager to throw it on someone’s back. Will it be yours?

It is difficult to dump the metaphoric load. The emotional labor required grows. No straws seem to fall off your back, just more piling on.

Carrying the load is often intensified because we relive that feeling. Even if the load is gone, we’re still carrying it. Worse yet, we feel compelled to share the story. We relive it once again, giving some burden to another weary traveler.

Big Loads

Of course, it is possible you’re carrying a big load. Perhaps the biggest load you’ve ever carried. It isn’t a test. It is reality.

Yet, another straw is hovering just above your shoulders waiting to drop.

If you want to make a difference for your career you are lucky then. You’re lucky that you have the opportunity to carry more.

It will show your strength. Your ability to overcome adversity and eliminate any perceived weakness.

A Little More

You should ask yourself, “Can I do a little more?” Can you push through the emotional labor? Will you find a way to be more responsive, more caring, and more patient?

Can you find the strength for one more straw?

Here is the thing, that one more, it makes you different, better.

If the journey is going to be tough the weakest camel is never selected.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and corporate trainer. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

Dennis Gilbert on Google+

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grit attitude

Do You Have a Grit Attitude? Should you?

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Someone may ask, “Do you have a great attitude?” What about grit? Do you have a grit attitude? What about employee engagement, loyalty, and the commitment to excellence, do you have it?

Ever Changing

Social networks have invited a societal change. So much so, that I am expecting we’ll see a new generation emerging with birth dates starting around 2009.

Societal change and the external forces that are putting pressure on people, are often overlooked. What is different now, what has changed?

Years ago fantasy was purchased from racks strategically placed in supermarket checkout lines, the tabloids.

I remember working as a clerk at a retail pharmacy in the early 1980’s. Commonplace was the customer who purchased two packs of cigarettes, a jumbo sized candy bar, and a couple of tabloids.

I guess nicotine, sugar, and some tabloid articles gave them an escape from an otherwise busy workday.

Buying the Good Stuff

Today our tabloids are micro expressions from friends, family, and frenemies on social media platforms.

When we want another hit of dopamine, we do a little thumb scrolling. What we find shapes our attitude.

We see someone trying to sell the best products, the latest invention, or some other must have merchandise. There are sales channels and pictures taunting us from our previous digital activity.

That is not all though, we see more pictures than ever before. We see selfies, pets, sunsets, and beaches. There are mountains, food, and weather reports. And still more, there are politics, religion, and alien invasions.

Mostly we see things that are tabloid ready.

Grit Attitude

Does this inspire people to work at their best? Is it a concoction of ingredients that forms a great attitude?

Can you turn it off? Will you put down the tabloid?

Sometimes you may have to. It is OK if you aren’t buying it.

A grit attitude is not always convenient, it requires tenacity. In the long run it surpasses the tabloid quick hit.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and corporate trainer. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

Dennis Gilbert on Google+

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daily grind

Daily Grind, Why Grit Means You’ll Stand Out

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What is in your daily grind? Do you have the grit and determination to go all the way? Does your tenacity develop your assets or is it all for nothing?

There is an old adage, “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” We’ve heard it, and maybe we’ve even said it.

Sand, Kittens, and Clovers

Have you ever stopped to think about what makes up your daily grind? What are your habits? Are you building something that makes you stand out?

We may often strive to live in the moment, feel the moment, and enjoy the moment. However, when it comes to our careers or lifelong endeavors, it is often the compilation of moments that sets us apart.

Go to the beach and pick out a grain of sand. Just one, one single grain. Not a handful, not a dozen, one tiny grain. Why did you pick it?

How about picking a kitten from a litter of  five when they all have similar markings? In the lawn or field, can you find a four leaf clover?

Daily Grind

When was the last time you stopped to think about what you are building?

Who you are, what you become, it is all based on a collection of outcomes. The outcomes from daily habits that are produced across a period of time.

I heard recently that the designation of expert is when you practice a kraft, trade, or skill for ten-thousand hours or more. I don’t know how scientific that statement is, but it may work as a measurement tool.

If you’re doing the calculation in your head now, it may be, on average, about five years of what you do at work.

Stand Out

Being just like all the rest makes it hard to stand out in the crowd. It will be hard to get picked for advancement if you aren’t an expert.

Everything you are doing each day is building something. Everytime you skip a day, a week, or a few months it will cost you irreplaceable time.

The decisions you make today about your habits across time will condition the assets you are building for tomorrow.

Build the right assets. Stand out.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and corporate trainer. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

Dennis Gilbert on Google+

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