Better Service Is Typically Not Cheaper
Are you prepared to deliver better service? In your workplace, at your job, for the customer, or because you care?
It sometimes appears that everyone is dumbing things down.
Does it make sense? If it does, for whom?
Doing It Cheaper
Why send a direct mail piece when you can send an email? Why walk into the grocery store when you can order ahead and pick it up at the curb? No need for a face-to-face meeting, let’s stay in our offices or cubicles and meet through technology.
Is less expensive better?
On the flip side, someone is always looking for the expensive car, the high priced bottle of wine, or a pair of shoes with a red sole.
When is better, better, and cheaper, cheaper?
The answer is pretty easy, “Always.”
For your commute to work you may not need the most expensive car. A nice tasting wine may not necessarily come with the highest price tag. And, there is a good chance you can make a great impression around the office without wearing Louboutin.
While all three may be great and make you feel like a million bucks (literally) they are not a requirement.
Better Service
There is a difference when you get to the bottom though. The cheapest of the cheapest feels, well, cheap.
We wonder why there is so much frustration with the tech support hotline. We wonder why the burger just doesn’t taste like a burger. For the business, they wonder why no quality candidates will apply for their job opportunities.
The answer is simple.
Some things are good enough and some things are better.
The lowest price is probably the wrong option.
The cheapest will always be the cheapest.
Every time.
Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.