Workplace Presence Is Required To Get Started

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workplace presence

Workplace Presence Is Required To Get Started

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Does everyone show up for the meeting? Are some people occupying seats but their intellectual presence is questionable? Workplace presence is where it all begins.

It seems there is always some question if the right people are at the meeting. Sometimes there are too many, other times too few. Meeting effectiveness is critical. Your presence may make a difference.

Right Approach

The authoritarian approach seldom works in today’s society. Commanding performance is much less effective when compared with inspiring performance.

The seats are often occupied, but are the people present?

When the truth is known, much of what happens in the workplace depends on leadership and culture. When leaders are really present, things will happen. If they are not, much less will happen.

This doesn’t always mean the formal boss. This means people who are leading. Leading the meetings, setting the course, and navigating the tough spots. Presence is required.

Workplace Presence

Presence helps you actualize the vision which typically happens when you create compelling opportunities.

Taking initiative is important. Taking the right initiative is even more important. Workplace leaders help steer and navigate everything that happens, or everything that doesn’t.

Goals and objectives are accomplished by tactics. Tactics are how strategy is executed.

What is happening at your meetings? Are the right people attending the right meetings? Are the meetings effective or are they unproductive and energy zapping?

If you’re in the meeting then you have a responsibility to lead. If you called the meeting, that responsibility is even greater.

Make sure you do more than just show up.



Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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