What Gets Measured
There is an old mantra, “What gets measured, gets done.” It is true that having a consistent and conscious objective in front of us being measured causes most to continue the pursuit. The question may sometimes become, what are you measuring?
Many people express their desire for happiness, yet they measure sorrow. People want their job or workplace to be more simple, kind, and generous, yet they measure difficulty, anger, and how often they feel short changed. People push for the accomplishment of milestones, goals, and objectives, yet they often measure only the gap or shortcomings.
If what gets measured gets done, then perhaps we should be mindful of what we measure. What if we started to count or measure smiles, hellos, and things that make our lives easier? What if we count or measure every time we feel happy, relief, or a sense of accomplishment?
It seems like what you measure should be want you want, because that is what gets done.
Dennis Gilbert is a keynote speaker, corporate trainer, and consultant that specializes in helping businesses accelerate their leadership, their team, and their success. Reach him through his website at http://DennisEGilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.
Photo Credit: Bradhoc, Flickr, Tape Measure