Tag Archives: rewards

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bad behavior

Bad Behavior That Works Often Multiplies

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Is bad behavior embraced, and then multiplies? It happens, and it may be happening right now, all around you.

When a well-meaning manager sets a metric and starts to measure it, what happens? If the metric is within reach and within bounds, things may start to improve. Is there a cost connected with the improvement?

Nearly everything has a cost, a pro and con, something good and something that is a price to be paid for the goodness.

Metrics and Measurement

Pushing towards the metric is a good idea. Pushing too hard can start to threaten the ethics and integrity of the person or team.

A metric pushed too hard is often identifiable through two possible outcomes. One outcome is that people start to jump ship. The pot of water is too hot and they jump out. Another possibility is that they’ll find a way to bend the rules.

Of course, a third possibility is that they will improve their performance, that they’ll stay within the boundaries and continue with an honest pursuit.

The challenge often circles back to what is the cost? Part of the equation is also connected to the potential reward.

Bad Behavior Rewarded

It isn’t always intentional. Sometimes it is the belief that everyone is doing it.

This became painfully obvious in 2019 with a widespread college admissions scandal. A pay-to-play advantage that was outside of the rules. Was everyone doing it? No. Were some doing it successfully? Yes. Was it cheating? Absolutely.

When bad behavior is rewarded or connected to enough of an advantage to be viewed as worth the risk, someone will sign up for it.

Bad behavior often creates the illusion of a performance advantage. Drugs in sports and shady business deals quickly come to mind.

It can go deeper. In private business people often have an opportunity to build the business through relationships. It is the, “I’ll scratch your back, you scratch mine.” Other people sometimes call this the, “Good olde boy network.”

If it is private, it’s private. However, when it is government funded it may bring on a whole new twist.

Behavior that has been done in the past doesn’t mean that it is good behavior. Behavior that works to get the job done also may have ethical or legal challenges.

Size up the behavior for good and bad. Size it up for ethics, legal, and integrity.

Reward only the behavior that stays within the bounds.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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Leadership Habit 32: Motivate with Rewards

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Some believe motivation is entirely intrinsic, no outside stimulus will change a person’s desire to perform. Others believe motivation has extrinsic factors and you just might be able to inspire action. Can you motivate with rewards?

motivate with rewards

The truth about motivation is that many things impact a person’s drive or desire to accomplish something. Workplace leaders are often interested in motivation because they see it as a way to increase team effectiveness, improve productivity, and ultimately impact the bottom line.

Some of the poorest choices for motivation are to motivate through fear or by giving an ultimatum. Inspiration is always a better choice.

Rewards might provide some of the backdrop for inspiration. Most of us are taught at a very young age that when we do something desirable for someone else we might get a reward. Perhaps we’re all working for the reward.

Motivate with Rewards

Here are a few examples of rewards:

  • Money. First on the list for many, especially when we are considering job performance, is money. Yes, money is often considered a form of reward largely because it gives people the freedom to choose their ultimate reward.
  • Trophy. You get a plaque on the wall for high achievement, employee of the month, and for being the best seller. This might also include ribbons, certificates of appreciation, and honorable mentions.
  • Position. Advancement for your career might be very valuable. When there is recognized opportunity and proof (others have been promoted) employees might work very hard, be very committed, and loyal. Usually there is another incentive, money.
  • Legacy. Some might be motivated by legacy. They are inspired by the narrative of the contributions of others. This is the picture on the wall, the hall of fame, or the reason for an entire product line or service.
  • Appreciation. Many employees will work hard for a cause or hard for something that creates impact. Impact is when their contribution is recognized (honored, celebrated) and it changes or fixes something important to them.

Most businesses are focused on bringing in the best people, keeping the best team, and accomplishing everything through the reward of a paycheck and benefits. Absolutely these are important, but there might be more to the story.

The Right Performance

The reward might not always be obvious and there is another side to rewards.

A child seeking attention might continue with an undesirable behavior because you’ll pay attention and spring into action. It’s often not much different in the grown-up world.

Give the team lots of rewards. Just be careful of the performance that you are rewarding.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and corporate trainer that specializes in helping businesses and individuals accelerate their leadership, their team, and their success. He is a four-time author and some of his work includes, Forgotten Respect, Navigating A Multigenerational Workforce and Pivot and Accelerate, The Next Move Is Yours! Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

Dennis Gilbert on Google+

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