Tag Archives: ownership

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workplace responsibility

Workplace Responsibility Starts with Owning the Work

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It’s the big aggravation, trying to figure out what went wrong. Does your team accept workplace responsibility?

When there is a fender bender (or worse) on the corner of 4th and Main onlookers want to know who is responsible. The same is true for delayed products or services, poor customer interactions, and why quality has declined.

Much of the acceptance begins with purpose, the why of what you do. It is also connected with the concept of ownership. Not necessarily formally, but the informal aspect. Who is engaged enough to be accountable for this outcome?

Most people care about something. Their family, the car, rent, or the house payment. Perhaps it is their own image or reputation.

The psychology of work is not really about the paycheck. Yet, that is always a part of it.

Should it be something more?

Workplace Responsibility

Responsibility is about the psychological connections to the work. Yes, it is about a feeling.

People often start off on the right foot. Something new, something exciting, or that big chance to make an impact or difference. Sadly, it often deteriorates to something less.

The feeling may become, the workplace doesn’t care about me, so I don’t care about the workplace. Translation, I don’t give a crap about what goes on here. Where is my paycheck?

It’s an easy trap for management. Easy because they sometimes lack interpersonal relationships. They measure accomplishment and success not by the effort of the people but by the results on the spreadsheet. The human side is off balance or missing completely.

One of the objectives of leadership should be connected to the people. Connected to building and nurturing relationships that create a united effort to accomplish the mission.

In the smallest company to the largest that is probably how it all started. A person or persons who cared enough to build a product or service worthy of being replicated.

It is easy to hide from responsibility.

Encourage ownership. Ownership is not a title or a matter of fact. It is about a feeling. Instead of removing all of the emotion, encourage it.

Responsibility comes from people who care.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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workplace accountability

Workplace Accountability Starts With Purpose

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Frustrated, many employees feel that there is a lack of accountability. Have you sized up your workplace accountability?

As an individual, team lead, manager, or the CEO, are people accountable?

In the workplace people can be accountable for many things. They can be accountable for knowledge, skills, and abilities. They can also be accountable for their time and turning in good work.

There’s still more. People should be accountable for their attitude, commitment, and interpersonal relationships.

It’s not okay to show up and do nothing.

It’s not okay to claim, “I’m a little weird.” and then refuse to engage or form appropriate relationships.

Most of all it’s not okay to blame others, waste resources, or contribute less than what is expected.

How should you hold yourself or others accountable?

Workplace Accountability

It starts with a creating a sense of purpose.

People are much more accountable when they are connected with why their work matters.

For managers and other workplace leaders, showing them that you don’t care about them is the fastest way to have them not care about you.

Often, unconscious, thoughtless, or misinterpreted actions will undermine purpose and accountability.

Leaders who can transfer the feeling of ownership, connection, and purpose to every job seem to have an easier path to accountability.

It is easier said, than done though.

Accountability Pathways

Connecting people with purpose requires time, effort, and trust. It will not work for the person who doesn’t care about building lasting relationships.

You can’t treat people like machines. If you do, they may complete the task, but the organization will suffer from the high cost of employee turnover, low morale, and bad attitudes.

Accountability might be measured on a spreadsheet, but those results are connected to the human factor.

Connect everyone with purpose. Give them ownership in the work.

Holding people accountable can be a tough job. Creating a culture that inspires accountability lessens that effort.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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