Shared Knowledge, Are You Using It?
Do you move through your day by analyzing or utilizing shared knowledge? Is the knowledge you seek or use, universal? Is it manipulated?
Many people accept what they discover in writings or pictures as valid and reliable. It’s been a universal truth for thousands of years. Belief systems develop from the amazement of things that can’t otherwise be explained.
It is certainly nothing new.
Do you remember something from when you were five years old? What about ten years old, or just three or four years ago?
Do you member what you did during this month last year?
Memory Recall
Humans are blessed with the ability to learn and recall. The power of your mind is amazing. Your mind can also play some tricks on you. You might remember details a little bit differently across time.
Like the big fish story, your memories once recalled get stored again. When you store them for the second, third, or one-hundredth time, that memory might be a little bit different from the original.
What we learn and believe is based on information. Information shared from others or searched for and discovered.
What is being shared?
Shared Knowledge
The story that you tell in your workplace today is something you’ve shared. It may be something you don’t even realize that you’ve shared. How you dress, interact, and set the example. What you do or how you react to pressure, stress, and the unexpected.
Recognized, or not, you’re sharing something.
Across time in your workplace all of the daily interactions whether they are considered good or bad, become part of the culture.
What you pass along, pass down, hand down, or teach, has an opportunity to become shared knowledge.
What people remember and how they remember it may shift or drift from its original meaning. The written word, pictures, signs, and videos may be searched for and honored or subject to ridicule and disbelief.
It’s not really anything new. It’s been happening for many centuries.
How you use information will determine its value.
Be cautious of information that has been manipulated, misunderstood, or misused.
What you share comes with responsibility.
Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.