Positive Language is a Different Story

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positive language

Positive Language is a Different Story

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Are you choosing positive language? If so, has it made a difference? Have you had to change your language to change your outcomes? Did that work?

When you don’t know what else to say, what do you bring up?

Of course, the answer is easy. You bring up the weather.

I’m sick of this rain.

It’s too hot, too humid, and I can’t stand it.

It’s so cold, I can’t wait until spring.

These might all be stories. Perhaps they aren’t made up and perhaps they are only moderately dramatized.

Either way, it is something that you’re telling yourself and probably others.

The language affects mindset and mindset affects what happens next.

Talk at Work

What happens at work?

There is pressure to perform. Pressure from the boss, your colleagues, and perhaps the customer.

Often the concept is, do more, be more efficient, and never ever sacrifice quality.

There are two choices.

The first is, you can tell yourself a story that will signal some relief.

I need to finish this project and get it out of the way.

If I give this to the boss at the end of day, I won’t have to make more changes until tomorrow.

If the customer doesn’t use this feature, they won’t notice.

The other choice is to hunker down. Be resilient, committed, and give yourself feedback (self-talk) that applies more commitment to the future outcomes.

I’m not rushing through this project, it’s too important.

My best work happens when I look at my work with fresh eyes, I’m going to re-read this in the morning before giving it to the boss.

Getting this last feature just right makes it more valuable even though not every customer requires it.

The difference is in the story you tell yourself.

Is your language positive?

Positive Language

What you look for is what you get. The story that you are telling yourself right now is that story that you’ll seek to see unfold.

When there is pressure to perform you can find your way through or grind your way through. Either might work to energize you.

One way may relieve stress, the other may create it. One way or the other, you’ll find the way to get to the next step.

Anger or embarrassment springs one person into action. For others it is an energy zapping confidence reducer.

You see the story in the way you choose to believe, or for the outcome that you want to create.

Using language that connects you with the desired (positive) outcome is good, but it always depends on how the story is told.

Even when you’re telling it to yourself.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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