Digital Age Stereotypes and The Challenge for Integrity
How do you manage cold calls? Do you take them? Ever? Do you know who is on the other end of the call? What is the opportunity cost? Have digital age stereotypes contributed the challenge of sales or integrity?
Recently, I spoke with a client about the aspect of selling consulting or training services through cold calling. We chuckled a bit about how things have changed across the years. Things are much different now.
Digital Age Stereotypes
Once upon a time there wasn’t caller ID, there wasn’t voicemail, and it seemed like there was more time to politely address callers. Any caller.
Today it is the agony, I believe, that keeps us away from answering cold calls. The agony of trained callers who are not permitted to accept “No,” as an answer. They just keep pushing, and so it is easier to avoid the call.
It’s a stereotype. “All callers we don’t know are pushy sales people.”
Challenge for Integrity
Put up a website, create an eBay store, or sell on Amazon. There are basically not any rules of engagement or integrity.
If the website looks decent, and the content is compelling, we may buy. If the picture of the eBay item looks reasonable and there is evidence of a “good seller” we may place a bid.
Amazon is selling lots of product that never makes it to a retail shelf. We can argue that is good. It means more opportunity.
We can also argue that it is bad because what is being sold may be junk.
Social media channels are broadcasting get rich quick schemes, work from home and make easy money, or try this new diet with our eight-week meal plan.
Integrity and Risk
Digital age stereotypes have extended our feeling of risk.
It is true for the job seekers (and employers) who find themselves buried in the pool of thousands of candidates. It is true for the unknown caller, and it is true for the online shopper.
Remember, it may be a new age, but your integrity at every level still matters. Build a good brand.
Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.
Dennis Gilbert
January 9, 2019at 2:33 pmAre you asking how to build a good brand? The easy answer is have a high level of integrity in all matters. High integrity in customer service, satisfaction, and the customer experience. High integrity in products that balance quality and price with environment friendly raw materials. High integrity with loyal relationships, including employees and vendors. These are a few off the top of my head. Hope this is touching upon your question. Thanks for asking.
January 9, 2019at 11:50 amHow?