Avoiding Hassle and Other Great Time Wasters

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avoiding hassle

Avoiding Hassle and Other Great Time Wasters

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Change surrounds us, yet everyday someone avoids learning something new. What becomes more of a hassle, learning something new or the change that it entails? Are you avoiding hassle or really avoiding the time it takes to learn?

Something New

Who reads the instructions? Buy something that requires assembly and many people will dig right in. Certainly, they often get it right, but sometimes they cost themselves more time through a tear down and rebuild.

Software version upgrades, they are often a hassle too. A new phone, a new printer in the office, or even your brand-new microwave oven. Learning something new sometimes feels like a hassle. It feels like a waste of time.

A Required Change

When the customer changes a work order. It is a hassle. There is time involved. The machine will need calibrated, the materials put back in storage and new materials acquired. The shipping container will change and so will the costs. It is a hassle.

The same is true when the customer forgot to order the sandwich without the tomato, the taco without the guacamole, or an extra order of fries. It is hard to change your order at the drive through when you are between the “order here” microphone and the pay window.

Some things we learn to live with because it feels easier. We learn that avoiding hassle is easier than living it.

Avoiding Hassle

It is true for our careers too. Many people decide that they don’t want to re-tool. They don’t want to do-over, start fresh, or learn something new.

It stops becoming about getting better. There is more focus on the hassle. The value of leverage has changed or is not understood in the first place.

The habit of avoiding hassle crosses all generations. Many traditionals feel there is not a compelling reason to learn something different and yet much of Generation Z has learned to avoid the hassle altogether by asking Google.

Everything we do for our job, our career, or our business is done better with leverage. Instead of getting into the habit of avoiding hassle, consider the time you will save by leveraging the value of learning something new.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and corporate trainer that specializes in helping businesses and individuals accelerate their leadership, their team, and their success. He is a four-time author and some of his work includes, Forgotten Respect, Navigating A Multigenerational Workforce and Pivot and Accelerate, The Next Move Is Yours! Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

Dennis Gilbert on Google+

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