
Dennis Gilbert Masterclass virtual customer service

Looking for Webinars?

Appreciative Strategies® defines a webinar as a live, video and audio technology driven learning experience. They are not previously recorded events that are replayed through internet technologies, nor are they web-based selling being presented as a learning experience.

In addition to the participants, they include a presenter, speaker, or other types of event hosts.

Webinars will vary in length, complexity, and to some extent style.

Presentation Style

Most Appreciative Strategies® webinars are not short teaser programs. They are live productions that encourage participant interaction and experiential learning. During a webinar participants may break into partnered pair discussions, trios, or various size sub-groups, just like live, face-to-face training.

Style will often depend on the participants willingness to engage, and the type of program. Some programs lean towards informational (which is a common freebie style event) while others are fully interactive.

Audience size will also condition presentation style. Fully interactive sessions are typically designed to work best with up to 25 participants. Informational sessions may include up to 100’s of attendees.

Nearly all Appreciative Strategies® conventional programs can be presented virtually through a webinar type event.

Specialty Webinars

The significant events of Spring 2020 have led to the roll-out of some very specialized and popular programs that are helping businesses and organizations learn to navigate the concepts of social (often described as physical, not necessarily social) distancing.

Managing Remote Work Teams

Mastering Work From Home

NEW Fall 2020 – Masterclass : Leadership Metrics and Accountability

NEW Fall 2020 – Masterclass : Delegation for Efficiency, Effectiveness and Empowerment

NEW Fall 2020 – Masterclass : Customer Service Culture

Please reach out for a discussion of webinars that will address your specific needs.

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