Technology Discomfort Creates Leaders And Followers

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technology discomfort

Technology Discomfort Creates Leaders And Followers

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Have you ever been the victim of technology discomfort? That hesitation, fear, or unwanted risk to try something you’ve never done before?

Many people are making big leaps. It is more than giant steps, they are leaping.

The rapid deployment of video technologies used in a time of crisis has forced the hand of the slow to adopt.

Some will suggest that it has to do with age. Others may suggest that it has to do with beauty, perception, or the fear connected with the unknown that causes discomfort.

Digital isn’t new. It is just being wildly adopted by the feeling of need.

We need to communicate better. We need to have a meeting, broadcast some information, or participate in the next discussion. It may be for a decision, for something to learn, or because we miss our family and friends.


There is nothing wrong with recognizing the need and driving change.

The question to ask though, is, why did you wait so long?

The early adopters and those who embrace. The risk takers, and the rain makers. Many of those have already been there. Everyone else has just been waiting. Waiting to follow.

There might be a lesson here.

Technology Discomfort

The lesson may be about exploring your discomfort and not leaping back when you see your shadow on the wall.

No more hiding away and waiting behind.

Stepping back keeps you in your comfort zone. There is no courage required. No reason to face the fear and discomfort for growth. Just unknowingly waiting to be driven by force.

Leaders lead. Leading requires risk. Following matters too. Yet, following out of force is different from following by choice.

Choosing is leading.

Having no choice feels like a push.

Nobody likes being shoved.

Making the choice is much more productive.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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