Tag Archives: measurements

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good processes

Good Processes May Lack Humanity

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Is your business or organization fixed on making the process better and better? How is performance measured? Good processes may overlook the human side of work.

Manufacturing and production always want to put everything into a system. We can go way back to the industrial revolution to find the evidence.

Today, we may hear things like Lean, 5s, Six Sigma, Kanban, and others.

Most of them are based on ways to structure workflow, ensure quality, and most of all, improve efficiencies. It is the output of the process measured against the cost to produce that output. An hour of work for an hour of pay.

In 2020, everything turned upside down for work in most US businesses and organizations. Those labeled or granted essential status continued on. An hour of work for an hour of pay.

Many others moved to a work from home (WFH) model and suddenly, the process changed.

The model of observed work shifted. It shifted from, “I can see you working” to “Let me know when you’ve finished the task.”

Which is better? Which method is more reliable, dependable, and, well, considerate of humanity?

Good Processes

Chances are good that in 2020 some businesses actually saw productivity increase.

Persons working from home realized that performance measurement was becoming more consistent with output instead of observation.

If a person could compile a report in 90 minutes which normally would take them a half-day, they would do it and then do some laundry, play with the kiddos, or walk the dog. Same pay, same output, but more options for the employee.

In many ways the business wins too. Happier employees, fewer infrastructure costs (when there is a long-term plan), and a favorite, less drama.

Across time, output and time measurements may catch up, but should that happen?

Have the measurements of productivity and efficiency changed?

Stopwatch Costs

Working from a stopwatch always validates a parameter or metric against time. It also often helps establish cost. Yet, that only happens for some work.

Creative work and services may include some measurement of time but often the output is measured subjectively.

That is a beautiful painting.

Your landscaping is fantastic.

The meal was delicious.

Do you want to pay a surgeon by the hour? Should it be based more on the deliverable?

Has the concept of good processes shifted? Should the human side of work only be measured with labor across time?


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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job objectives

Job Objectives and How You Measure

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Doing a great job matters to most workplace professionals. How is on-the-job performance really measured? What are the job objectives and is there subjectivity in the measurement?

Since the pandemic, metrics and measurements have become even more important. Many workplace leaders have been forced to lead in ways that they never imagined. Remote work teams, hybrid teams, and virtual methods of correspondence are at an all-time high.

Health and well-being set aside for a moment, it’s the perfect storm for tech savvy leaders who wanted this game for more than a decade.

For everyone else, it’s been a culture shift, a pivot, and a learning curve.

If you’re a workplace leader or in some form responsible for collective outcomes as a result of human interaction, how are you measuring performance?

It should start with good objectives.

Job Objectives

Objectives should be considered part of the tactics that pursue the strategy. They should be specific, measurable, and meaningful. They may be evaluated as good objectives by passing a S.M.A.R.T. test.

One problem that often arises is that many objectives are hard to evaluate by numbers alone. If the goal is ten, and the result is eleven, things seem pretty good, however, numbers alone don’t always tell the story.

Nearly every sector needs to recognize there is more. There is more when it comes to quality, customer service, and collaboration. Are those items being evaluated in your performance criteria?

How would you evaluate attitude, integrity, or innovation? Is it able to be proven with a number?

How You Measure

It may be assumed that a salesperson who achieves or surpasses a monthly sales goal has a good attitude. Yet, it is only an assumption, not necessarily a fact.

Metrics and measurements are an effective way to lead. They are effective even when you can’t be there in person to check things out for yourself. Keep in mind, however, they don’t tell the whole story.

Subjectivity is likely a part of most human performance measurement. If it is part of yours be cautious of how subjectivity impacts the work that gets done.

Is customer satisfaction a metric? Is it subjective?

Metrics are great a tool and provide part of the picture. Consideration for designing objectives that include subjectivity often helps individuals align with what really matters.

Do great work.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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Virtual Dennis Gilbert Speaker Trainer

Masterclass : Delegation for Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Empowerment

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Masterclass : Delegation for Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Empowerment

Starts in:


Often cited as one of the most common supervisory deficiencies, effective delegation can be the difference between success and failure in leadership roles.

Delegation is not only about letting go, but also about forward-thinking.

Is it time to end the frustration, worry, and risk of delegating tasks? Are you involved in committees, a matrix-management environment, or otherwise expected to get more done through people? 

This masterclass is exactly what you need. 

virtual presenter Dennis Gilbert

There are many barriers to delegation regardless of whether you work closely in the same physical space or whether you are working remotely across town or thousands of miles apart. 

This two-part masterclass will help you:

  • Escape the fears that are stopping you from delegating
  • Knockdown barriers and ease worries about delegation outcomes
  • Gain better balance of your workday by empowering team members
  • Learn six action steps and best practices for effective delegation
  • Improve your leadership prowess by allocating more time for strategy
  • Boost job security and future promotion opportunities with succession pathways

Gain master-level knowledge to eliminate the fear of bad results, wasted time, and anxiety weakening job performance. Gain effectiveness, improve efficiencies and empower others through your delegation efforts. 

Stop wasting time and start leading again.

Create an environment where everybody wins!

Dennis Gilbert Masterclass virtual

Join us – October 7th!

Register now, below…


Where: From your own device. For best results, you’ll utilize a webcam type device (and speakers) to connect to the seminar. Optionally, you can listen in and interact through questions without a video connection.

When: October 7 and October 14, both starting at 10:00 AM (Eastern U.S. timezone) 90-minutes each.

Who: This seminar is appropriate for team leaders, committee leaders, supervisors, managers, directors, and executives. Anyone with the responsibility to lead or manage the work and productivity of employees, committees, or peer teams. 


This virtual (Zoom) seminar will be presented by business consultant and national level speaker, Dennis Gilbert.

Dennis Gilbert


“I delivered my first live, on-line virtual training program in 2009. Much changed since then, and the content and delivery is now better than ever. Make no mistake, this program is not a freebie teaser. It is a specially developed live virtual training (webinar) that is jam packed with tips, techniques, and most of all, value.” – Dennis


Cost: $199 per participant – one ticket buys both sessions!

Register now for $199 $189

Register Now

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Dennis Gilbert

Masterclass : Leadership Metrics and Accountability – Remote Teams

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Masterclass : Leadership Metrics and Accountability

Remote Work Teams

Starts in:


Leading in a remote environment is different from traditional approaches. While there are attributes shared across both environments, a one-size only approach will likely result in additional communication challenges, misunderstood expectations, and workflow or project shortcomings.

None of these things are attractive for your leadership style, respect, and trust-building. Not to mention it wastes other precious resources such as time and productivity.

Many traditional teams have been displaced from the traditional office. Managing and leading remote employees has never been more popular.

virtual presenter Dennis Gilbert

This two-part masterclass will help you:

  • Gain relief from tactical versus strategic roadblocks
  • Balance and manage the stress associated with leading remote teams
  • Approach team workflow more as a collaborative leader and less as an over-bearing taskmaster
  • Learn best practices for leading with metrics and measurements and not guesswork or misunderstood expectations
  • Improve accountability and provide performance oversight without disengaging the person or team
  • Increase morale and improve cohesion across all team members


Session one: Create, Set, and Monitor – Metrics and Measurements (90 Minutes)

Session two: Accountability – Leadership Action Steps and Team Results (90 Minutes)


Gain master-level knowledge to eliminate the fear of slipping projects, declining productivity, and low-morale without accountability. Reduce anxieties and get your employee teams energized.

Start leading again and make more constructive use of your own time!


Dennis Gilbert virtual presenter masterclass

Join us – September 29th!

Register now, below…


Where: From your own device. For best results, you’ll utilize a webcam type device (and speakers) to connect to the seminar. Optionally, you can listen in and interact through questions without a video connection.

When: September 29 and October 13, both starting at 10:00 AM (Eastern U.S. timezone) 90-minutes each.

Who: This seminar is appropriate for team leaders, committee leaders, supervisors, managers, directors, and executives. Anyone with the responsibility to lead or manage the work and productivity of remote employees.


This virtual (Zoom) seminar will be presented by business consultant and national level speaker, Dennis Gilbert.

Dennis Gilbert


“I delivered my first live, on-line virtual training program in 2009. Much changed since then, and the content and delivery is now better than ever. Make no mistake, this program is not a freebie teaser. It is a specially developed live virtual training (webinar) that is jam packed with tips, techniques, and most of all, value.” – Dennis


Cost: $199 per participant

Register now for $199 $189

Register Now

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