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build personal brand

5 Tips To Help You Build Personal Brand

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Do you care about your career? Have you ever wondered what leads some people to have many opportunities while others stay stuck? Certainly, there may be many reasons. Have you considered how you’ll build personal brand?

It comes up often. Frustrated, hardworking people, trying to navigate their current job, advance within the organization they work, or find a new employer. Don’t underestimate your personal brand.

Build Personal Brand

Here are just five tips of many to help build personal brand:

  1. Be Responsive. Perhaps nothing shows more courtesy and respect than being responsive. This may be peers, direct reports, customers, vendors, and even your friends. Too busy doesn’t build relationships, it weakens them.
  2. Give First. Many people are subconsciously (or consciously) asking themselves, “What are you going to do for me?” This should never be the question. The better approach is, “How can I help someone else?” Engage to give, not to take.
  3. Social Networks. While there certainly are pros, cons, and danger zones, being at least moderately active on social networks is a good idea. Many people believe they don’t need to build a quality LinkedIn profile, until they do, and then it is too late.
  4. Network. Yes, you can network through social networks, but that often is not as powerful as face-to-face. The best may be at the intersection of both. If you meet face-to-face, follow-up by connecting online. If you met online, when possible, build your relationship face-to-face.
  5. Follow-up. This is simple, if you make promises, keep them. If you say you’ll call back, call. When you tell someone you’ll email them tomorrow, do it. If you have a great thought after making contact, send a short email or make a quick call.

Why Brand Matters

These five tips are critical if you are serious about building your brand. Your reputation is on the line.

Who gets picked for opportunities?

People who are visible with a great personal brand!


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

Dennis Gilbert on Google+

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