Tag Archives: experience

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More Experience–A Generational Dilemma?

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People who have been on the job longer have more experience. At least traditionally that has long been a popular mindset. Working for five years is better than five months, working for ten years is better than five years, and working for thirty is twice as much as fifteen.


There is an Abraham Lincoln quote, “And in the end, it is not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.”

Millennials and generation 9/11 (Gen Z, iGen) are stereotyped with having values associated with immediate gratification, needing minute-by-minute feedback, and expecting a participation trophy. Traditionals and boomers are stereotyped with resistance to change, nose to the grindstone, and as being highly disciplined; perhaps as viewed by some, to the point of being a fault.

But those are all just viewpoints, as recognized by the observer.

Life is about experiences and it may not be so much about how long, but more about how often. So it seems to me that experience isn’t about stereotypes, it isn’t about age, and it is certainly not about your generation.

Experience comes from having more. (Yes, more experiences!)


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker, and coach that specializes in helping businesses and individuals accelerate their leadership, their team, and their success. He is the author of the newly released book, Forgotten Respect, Navigating A Multigenerational Workforce. Reach him through his website at DennisEGilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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Are Millennials Entitled?

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One of the most prevalent stereotypes about more recent workplace generations is that they believe they have a sense of entitlement. Could this be true, or is it just a meaningless stereotype? Many argue that millennials and generation Z (Gen 9/11) are products of the participation trophy era. A societal trend which started in the mid to late 1980’s and grew in popularity during the 1990’s and beyond.

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Examining this more closely let’s consider values for entitlement across all five workplace generations:

Traditionals (Born 1930-1945) – Generally believe that entitlement comes from seniority. The longer you’ve been in the workplace, job role, or employee classification, the more entitled you become. This is where they see their true value and expertise, in longevity.

Baby Boomers (Born 1946-1964) – Experience matters to baby boomers and when it comes to entitlement they want to side with experience. Many boomers believe knowledge is important but experience is king. Arguably, it may be what they have the most of.

Gen X (Born 1965-1976) – Somewhat stuck in the middle, the generation X population will likely link entitlement to merit. While they don’t possess the most workplace experience and at the same time are not the most recently educated, they tend to occupy the middle and we can label this as merit. Through merit, they are entitled.

Millennials (Born 1977-1994) – Recognizing that they may lack some of the experience of the more seasoned workforce, millennials will likely view entitlement values as being measured by their contribution. If they can contribute and make a difference they should be entitled to as much as any earlier generation.

Gen 9/11 or Gen Z (Born after 1994) – One important quality this most recent generation will bring to the table is knowledge. Keep in mind that earlier generations do not view knowledge and experience as the same, and generation Z will view their contribution as coming from knowledge (likely technology). Solve a problem with technology (saving both time and money) and you are entitled.

What values are driving your sense of entitlement? Societal values are constantly shifting and this is in part what forms different generational frameworks. Could it be that entitlement really depends on what generation is making an observation on another different generation? Do you feel entitled?

Reading this post has earned you a participation trophy.

No, not really.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker, and coach that specializes in helping businesses and individuals accelerate their leadership, their team, and their success. He is the author of the newly released book, Forgotten Respect, Navigating A Multigenerational Workforce. Reach him through his website at DennisEGilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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Get Some

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What challenges us is usually something different. Something we haven’t tried before or haven’t tried in a while. It may be something we don’t do often, something we avoid, or simply don’t like doing.


This is true for many people who write a business letter, give a presentation, or are forced into a new job. It’s different and some elements of the potential outcomes make us afraid. It really isn’t all that hard, it is the fear of failing. It is the improper grammar, the forgetting what to say, the size of the audience, and the one thing we thought we would never have to do.

What is really true for most people is that they simply have not practiced. They haven’t written enough business letters, or at least not recently. They haven’t talked to an audience that big or that level of importance, and that new job, once you do it, it really isn’t that much different.

After all, we are adaptable, flexible, and smart.

Practice is what will change your comfort level. Write yourself a note, speak to the mirror first, then to your pet, and work up from there. Dig into the new job, use your energy to focus and create the expected outcomes. Practice getting it right.

It’s not about different, it is about practice. Some people call that experience.

Get some.


Photo Credit: Sure2Talk from Flickr “Quill”

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