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Hiring People That Fit Makes Sense, or Does It?

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What is your policy on new hires? Do you attempt to hire people that fit? Does that make the most sense? I’m not so sure that hiring people that fit will make your organization stronger.

It is somewhat of a paradox, or perhaps, counterintuitive. Many hiring managers or Human Resources professionals are sold on the concept of hiring for fit. Certainly, we almost always have some technical criteria. Yet, what matters most, technical requirements or personality compatibility?

Candidate Search

Many organizational development experts will tell you that candidate search systems have significant flaws. The digital age has made finding the best candidates from a pool of hundreds or thousands more, not less, challenging.

After sifting through all the systems-based filters, algorithms, and card punches, hiring agents often still lack confidence about the best candidates.

Worse, they often feel like they may be missing a gem in the group, but they lack the time or understanding of how to find him or her.

These are certainly real-world problems. Difficult problems.

Hiring People

What is your policy or position on selecting the best candidates? Interview them for fit? Assess them for personality or communication style?

Many small business CEO’s will suggest that they must find the personalities that will fit with their organization. On the surface this seems logical and quickly makes most feel more comfortable about candidate choices.

Is this the correct approach?

The easy answer is, maybe. The trouble spot in all of this is that making the team feel good about the new employee may not be the most effective for the organization.

No, you shouldn’t intentionally hire someone who rubs everyone the wrong way. At the same time, hiring someone who doesn’t present any challenge to the process may have disadvantages.

It may feel good for leadership ego, but limit effectiveness.

You may have to challenge your process. What are the tradeoffs?

Should everyone feel comfortable and complacent, or challenged and growing?


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

Dennis Gilbert on Google+

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5 Management Actions that Punish the Customer

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Have you experienced management decisions or policies that punish the customer? Building a brand isn’t always easy and we know that finding new customers is harder and more expensive than maintaining existing ones.

punish the customer

Unfortunately, sometimes organizations or brands with great potential make disappointing choices. Too often policies or procedures aren’t designed to help the customer, they are designed to protect the business. Great brands have figured out how to balance both.

Don’t Punish the Customer

Here are a few management decisions or behaviors that might be hurting much more than helping.

  1. Take a chance it will be okay. When the decision to release a product or service that is noticeably flawed in the hope that maybe the customer won’t notice or complain. Some customers will say little or nothing. They will just go away, quietly.
  2. Belief that the customer has wrongful intentions. Certainly there are some customers who have unfair intentions. However, too many rules to fight the few with wrongful intent might send a signal of mistrust to those who are loyal. Loyalty goes both ways.
  3. Insist that policy is never broken or adjusted. A policy or warranty that is never adjusted might be the first signal that a divorce is coming. A reasonable decision to resolve is better than a strong position to do nothing.
  4. Belief that questions waste time. If you are answering the same question more than once, there might be a reason. Assumptions that the customer lacks the education or intellect to understand will kill your brand. Get to the root cause. Make things easier to use, not harder to understand.
  5. Punish long-term customers. When policies or procedures are designed to give it all away to new customers and recover those costs from long-term customers you’re not being smart. You’re likely hurting the relationship and the customer experience for those who have helped you the most.

Build the Brand

One thing I’ve witnessed time and again. The best customer service and the most incredible customer experiences often come from the simplest ideas that are well executed. Therefore, brands that are built on the premise that everything they do is an investment in the future will outlast brands that feel forced to defend the past.

Most important of all, don’t punish the customer.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and corporate trainer that specializes in helping businesses and individuals accelerate their leadership, their team, and their success. He is a four-time author and some of his work includes, Forgotten Respect, Navigating A Multigenerational Workforce and Pivot and Accelerate, The Next Move Is Yours! Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

Dennis Gilbert on Google+

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