Tag Archives: performance feedback

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Comparing Good Outweighs Illustrating Bad

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Do you focus on what worked well or what needs improvement? There is a big difference. Comparing good performance is often more effective than pointing out shortcomings.

The psychology of work has never been more important. Worker engagement and performance need to be better than ever before and finding ways to build a high-performance team is more complicated that it seems.

The “do it or die” approach died long ago. While there may be still be pockets of this authoritarian approach it often only exists in the most remote rural areas where there are not many choices for employment.

Feedback on performance is critical to enhance the productivity and efficiency of the team. How feedback is delivered or experienced by the recipient will determine its effectiveness.

Is there a way to deliver feedback on what needs improvement without emphasizing the shortcoming? Some argue yes, some no, and some will say, “It depends.”

Novice feedback navigators will often suggest the sandwich method. It can work, but is only about as good as two-week-old pastrami.

This is where the psychology of work really comes into play. In simple terms, you’ll get more of what you focus on. For that very reason, it is more important to focus on good results instead of on poor or bad results.

Illustrating Bad

Here is a great example.

A call center manager suggests that to improve agent performance she works with each agent on an individual basis. An agent who receives poor feedback or gets a call elevated to the manager is subject to some individual performance review. The review begins with listening to the recorded call. Then corrective action on the poor performance is suggested.

This is illustrating, highlighting, and comparing performance against the bad.

A better way is comparing to good performance.

Comparing Good

A different call center manager decides morning huddles are an effective way to start the day. The huddles get everyone on the same page and positions the team to launch.

Appropriately preparing, this center manager listens periodically to some of the highest performers previously recorded calls and chooses one to highlight. In advance of the huddle she dissects the call looking for good moments of agent to customer interaction.

During the huddle she plays challenging parts of the previously recorded call, except she pauses the recording right before the agent interaction is delivered. During the pause she asks the team key questions, such as, “What would you do at this point? What would you say?”

This is a form of experiential learning, it invokes self-reflection. She asks openly for some reactions to her question and debriefs the whole group by highlighting the good, illustrating the good, and focusing on what went right.

In turn, her team delivers more and more of the good.

Higher Performing Teams

You get higher performing teams when you focus on positive performance instead comparing bad performance to good and asking for change.

That’s not all. When this performance management approach is used across time individual reflection starts to occur more often. It inspires learning and often employees start to self-identify short-comings on their own.

Consider that this a pull process, instead of push.

It is playing offense instead of defense. Both are important but be cautious of when, where, and how you place your emphasis.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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performance feedback

Performance Feedback, What Are You Serving?

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Many people dread the performance review. It is common that both the supervisor and the direct report have some anxiety connected with the process. How are you navigating the performance feedback process?

Whenever I speak to groups about feedback, one of the most fundamental but important comments I make is that we need to remove the word criticism from our vocabulary. This word alone can start the process off on the wrong foot.

Performance feedback is a delicate process. It can be powerful and motivational, and it can also knock people off their feet, derail positive performance, and be destructive for relationships.

No Picnic, No Sandwich

You may have heard of the sandwich model. This is an old managers tale of how to deliver a performance review. Start with saying something great, give the tough (negative) feedback in the middle, and end with something great.

Research exists on the results of both positive and negative feedback. You can study it (example research) and draw some of your own conclusions.

I’m a big believer in positive reinforcement. I believe positivity yields more positive results. When you focus on growing talents and stop focusing on fixing weaknesses amazing things can happen.

This has something to do with why I chose the business name, Appreciative Strategies, and why I own the registered trademark for these words.

At the same time, we cannot always ignore areas that require improvement. How should that be managed?

My professional opinion is, “Differently for everyone.” Just like the most effective communication involves flexing of style to best reach everyone, similar rules apply for communicating performance feedback.

Performance Feedback

When you consider that you may have three categories of performance, exemplar, fully performing, and those who are not adequately performing, you can make better choices about feedback.

Consider that the “sandwich” may not yield the best future outcomes for the exemplar or fully performing employee. Also, consider that the sandwich may be too soft for those who are not adequately performing.

Most important is that performance feedback should be happening often, not just at the once per year performance evaluation.

Your best employees may be the hungriest. Skip the sandwich. Feed them well.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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