Cultural Deception and Why You Still Have a Chance
We often try to find a place to put the blame. It’s the economy, it is low unemployment numbers, or it is the younger generations. Cultural deception is problematic and it may be part of your struggle.
It is easy to agree with or make assumptions that are consistent with what we wish is the truth. The danger of false perception and self-deception are problematic. In some cases, the more experienced we get the more these issues raise their head.
Here is a newsflash. In a strong economy with low unemployment numbers the best employees are going with the best employers.
Cultural Deception
Does a strong economy with low unemployment numbers impact businesses and organizations? Yes, of course, yet consider that the people are working somewhere. Why aren’t they working with you?
Many people then shift the conversation to pay, benefits, and flexible work schedules. Again, these situations are a reality, and how does your organization measure up?
Have you ever have discussed the aspect of, “paycheck only” employees? Those people who only come to work for their paycheck?
Certainly, money matters and it is important, but if your employees seem to be in this category you have a problem.
There is a simple truth. When employees don’t feel that the organization cares about them, they in turn don’t care about the organization.
Why You Have a Chance
Your opportunity is to see culture through a different lens. Gain understanding and wisdom about the psychology of work. Manage to the metric that employees are an asset, not an expense.
When you hire a person to do the work of a robot and expect that you can coerce the employee to commit to the organization you are likely wrong.
If you hire an employee to pack the box with widgets for eight hours a day and go home only to come back tomorrow and do it all over again, you hired a robot. Hire that same employee and invite them to help you find a better way, and you just hired an engineer.
Which culture will create more loyalty?
You have a chance. The question is, “Will you take it?”
Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.