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Should Your Workplace Loosen Up a Little?

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What is better, tight or loose? So much energy is put into the concept of getting closer, tighter, or squeezing. Should your workplace loosen up a little?

Running a tight ship may be desirable but does it always make sense?

Tight Ship

Sales teams want to get closer to the client. Closer to understanding the customer needs and building closer, tighter relationships.

In manufacturing the push is on for closer tolerances, perfecting the output, and creating less space for errors or poor quality. Make it perfect, never deviate.

Savvy procurement teams may suggest squeezing the vendor. Forcing a sharpened pencil for the deal, extending terms, and decreasing shipping costs and time.

Accounts receivable teams may squeeze the other way. Perhaps attempting to force customers to pay faster, narrow the terms, and be less forgiving for late or missing payments.

Everyday workplaces try to squeeze out a little more work, do more with less, and get tighter. In many situations, the squeeze is on.

Is this what we need more of? Is closer, tighter, and with a squeeze always the best rule of thumb?

The logic seems solid, but is there something different? A different logic, a different way to perceive what needs to happen next?

Loosen Up

In some cases, getting a little bit loose, giving some slack, and allowing a little more time may be more productive.

When there is room to try something new, we may discover something new. That means innovation.

When we give someone slack, we may find more commitment, understanding, and gratitude.

Giving the customer some slack may create more loyalty. The vendor may decide you are more valuable. Trust improves, respect grows, and relationships matter more.

Pressure makes things closer, tighter, and creates the feeling of squeeze. Most people want to get out of tight spaces.

Maybe loosen up a little.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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