Catchy Projects, Do They Really Work?
Do you have catchy projects? Do they attract interest, bring in new customers, keep existing customers, or engage your workforce?
People often discuss the law of attraction. One version of the law of attraction tends to suggest that what you think, is what will become true by your own creation. Think positive and you’ll see positive, think negative and you’ll find negative. Sort of a self-fulfilled prophecy kind of thing.
Having catchy projects is, well, attractive.
It is attractive for those who engage with it, and ideally it is attractive for the support of your cause or purpose.
In marketing circles people sometimes talk about things being sticky.
Good ideas are sticky. They aren’t easily shaken off.
The best products are sticky. Once you touch them, use them, or share them people don’t want to let them go.
Even the culture of your organization may be sticky. When you onboard new people they want to stick around.
Are catchy projects the root of success?
Catchy Projects
What makes a project catchy is not easily defined. It is more about the attraction to the project. What makes it clingy, magnetic, or sticky?
Generosity may be a starting point. Most people are receptive to something that feels generous.
Something that is easily shared, literally or metaphorically, might become catchy.
Most business cultures and business endeavors are in favor of catchy.
It is why branding is so important.
The next time you launch something new, whether it is a project, a product, or a service consider the attributes that might make it catchy.
Most things aren’t that catchy, yet the expectations usually are.
Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.