What is a CSP?

what is a csp

Many people ask, “What is a CSP?” Not every professional speaker is a CSP™ (Certified Speaking Professional™). CSP’s are credentialed speakers who have the knowledge, skills, and ability to professionally deliver the topics they represent and create a positive, lasting, and unforgotten impression with your audience.

How many CSPs?

While the exact count fluctuates, there are currently approximately 750 CSPs. They represent fewer than 12% of the professional speakers of the NSA and the GSF (Global Speakers Federation). Some estimates suggest that there are more than 25,000 speaking professionals, representing those who earn all or part of their income from speaking, training, being a master of ceremonies, etc. This means that the CSP™ credential represents fewer than 3% of all professional speakers. The CSP™ is highly coveted by professional speakers but with very strict qualifying criteria, few achieve this professional designation.

Why does this matter?

Participants will evaluate their experience at your event (in-part) based on the topics, expertise, and professionalism of the speakers. Sometimes even the best topics with great content fail to make their mark with participants. Only the best speakers will form connections with your participants that will both engage and inspire them. When you choose a CSP™ you will maximize the value of that session, substantially increasing the experience for your participants.


Dennis Gilbert CSP


what is a csp

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