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job objectives

Job Objectives and How You Measure

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Doing a great job matters to most workplace professionals. How is on-the-job performance really measured? What are the job objectives and is there subjectivity in the measurement?

Since the pandemic, metrics and measurements have become even more important. Many workplace leaders have been forced to lead in ways that they never imagined. Remote work teams, hybrid teams, and virtual methods of correspondence are at an all-time high.

Health and well-being set aside for a moment, it’s the perfect storm for tech savvy leaders who wanted this game for more than a decade.

For everyone else, it’s been a culture shift, a pivot, and a learning curve.

If you’re a workplace leader or in some form responsible for collective outcomes as a result of human interaction, how are you measuring performance?

It should start with good objectives.

Job Objectives

Objectives should be considered part of the tactics that pursue the strategy. They should be specific, measurable, and meaningful. They may be evaluated as good objectives by passing a S.M.A.R.T. test.

One problem that often arises is that many objectives are hard to evaluate by numbers alone. If the goal is ten, and the result is eleven, things seem pretty good, however, numbers alone don’t always tell the story.

Nearly every sector needs to recognize there is more. There is more when it comes to quality, customer service, and collaboration. Are those items being evaluated in your performance criteria?

How would you evaluate attitude, integrity, or innovation? Is it able to be proven with a number?

How You Measure

It may be assumed that a salesperson who achieves or surpasses a monthly sales goal has a good attitude. Yet, it is only an assumption, not necessarily a fact.

Metrics and measurements are an effective way to lead. They are effective even when you can’t be there in person to check things out for yourself. Keep in mind, however, they don’t tell the whole story.

Subjectivity is likely a part of most human performance measurement. If it is part of yours be cautious of how subjectivity impacts the work that gets done.

Is customer satisfaction a metric? Is it subjective?

Metrics are great a tool and provide part of the picture. Consideration for designing objectives that include subjectivity often helps individuals align with what really matters.

Do great work.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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