Do You Act Smart, Poised, Confident?
Likely nearly everyone has heard, “Dress for Success.” Some don’t subscribe, and that is OK. However, some questions may remain. Can you act your way to success? Do you act smart? Are you poised, confident, and do you appear successful?
There are plenty of people who are working for professional advancement. Everyone from students anticipating graduation to the senior vice president who is seeking the CEO role. What are your chances for success?
Define Success
Everyone defines success differently.
One person may define success as having a modest home with a swing set and sandbox in the backyard. Another person may believe it is a high-rise Manhattan apartment, a fleet of expensive black cars with tinted windows, and several vacation homes.
Setting aside our differences in definition, how will you get there?
Some believe, what you think, you will become. This is mainstream thinking for many motivational and inspirational thought leaders. I subscribe to this, at least in part.
Act Smart, Poised, and Confident.
Consider asking yourself some of these questions:
- What if I acted totally committed and excited about the new product launch? What if I appeared totally committed to it, even when I may still have a few concerns?
- Imagine yourself right before your next big presentation. An important presentation that you never really saw yourself doing this way or on this platform. Instead of feeling inferior, nervous, and afraid, what if you acted completely confident?
- What would the outcome be if you delivered the change with an appropriately energetic and commanding presence. Even if in the back of your mind you had a few worries about this path?
I believe in dress for success. I also believe in the power of our mind to change our own personal outlook and create a self-fulfilled prophecy.
What do you believe?
Have you considered how the outcomes change when you act smart, poised, and confident?
Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.