#CustServ Executive Briefing

#CustServ The Customer Service Culture

Executive Briefing

Chances are good your mission statement has something reflecting the importance of the customer. Does your business have a customer service culture or (only) a department?

#CustServ Business Team


Why this matters now more than ever:

Organizations compete every day for customers, sales, and market share. What sets them apart?

In a fast paced, high output, and the lowest price wins economy that is positioned to erupt with new opportunities there is only one answer, exceptional service.

Successful organizations recognize that what happens internally builds the foundation for what happens externally. Now, more than ever before, the most important thing that will make a difference in the experience for your customer is your culture.

Doesn’t price, value, and quality make a difference?

Organizations lacking the expertise or proper culture are forced to compete on price. Competing on price results in the lowest price winning—until it doesn’t. Then everything changes.

Customer service has never been more important and the expectations never more profound. One customer buys based on price, another buys based on value. Only one of them will be loyal.

Your employee teams will make a difference, or not. It is important to lead the way because if you choose to follow the best you can hope for is to be number two.

Team #CustServ


We have already spent a lot of time on customer service and we have people in place to safeguard our reputation and to protect our brand promise, do we really need this?

Customer service is not rocket science, but to be exceptional it requires practice. Employees at any level of the organization may completely understand the principles of exceptional service but the question we should all ask is, “Do they practice it?”

Having a culture of customer service means that the practice of customer service starts within the organization, then it is transferred externally through each and every transaction or touch point. Think of it this way, internal organization dynamics set external tone. Culture isn’t about policies or procedures, or even about a designated department. It is about a holistic philosophy of both internal and external service.

After all, you’re all in it together. 





#CustServ team Dennis E. Gilbert

Please join me for a 90 minute session to learn additional information about why a culture of customer service is more important now than ever before. We’ll also address how by taking a glimpse at the full day seminar, Customer Service Is a Culture, Not a Department. This session will highlight some of the approaches that are used during the seminar and how to start making a difference with culture in your organization today. 

Here is what your attendance provides:

  • Executive briefing, a synopsis on why and how you should create a culture of customer service
  • One copy per attendee of the book: #CustServ The Customer Service Culture (Retail $15.95)
  • View example curriculum and understand how it will be used to help your organization
  • Exclusive pricing for your organization to send employees to the full day public seminar 
  • Exclusive pricing for bringing a workshop(s) on-site to your place of business or other venue
  • Exclusive pricing for additional copies of the #CustServ book to help other team members
  • Networking with other organization leaders who have a similar interest
  • Coffee and donuts (Priceless)

Who should attend:

This event will be hosted and facilitated by national level speaker, Dennis Gilbert, CSP. It is targeted for decision makers, culture and strategy leaders, and those responsible for influencing future direction. Here are some examples:

  • Business executives, owners, C Suite, VP’s, Directors, Managers
  • Decision makers for organization development, growth, and culture
  • Human resource, sales, and marketing executives and managers
  • Anyone responsible to lead, influence, or research organization culture 

What sectors does this apply to?

This is especially relevant for manufacturing, banking, and healthcare. All sectors should be improving their culture including: retail, hospitality, association and trade groups, advertising agencies, technology development, engineering, educational institutions, non-profit, and others. Today every business or organization will benefit from a strategy deeply rooted in a culture of exceptional service. 

This exclusive executive briefing will help leaders to improve decisions they will make that impact the current and future culture of their organization.

When and where?

This event is being held in the executive board room at the Williamsport / Lycoming Chamber of Commerce offices which overlooks the Chamber offices to the North and West 4th Street to the South. The street address is: 102 West 4th Street, in downtown Williamsport, PA. Seating is very limited (about 15 participants only) and your early registration is appreciated.

Williamsport lycoming Chamber of commerce 1  Wmspt Lycoming chamber of commerce

Date:  October 12, 2017

Schedule:  8:15 AM Arrival, 8:30 AM Start, 10:00 AM Finish (networking through 10:30 AM)


Cost per person is $129.00. Williamsport / Lycoming Chamber of Commerce member organizations can save $30.00 by acting now. Due to limited seating the maximum registration is two persons per organization. Thank you!

$129.00 (non-member) Admit One


  $258.00 (non-member) Admit Two


Best Price

Chamber Member

$129.00 $99.00 Chamber Member – Admit One


$258.00 $198.00 Chamber Member – Admit Two


You can also pay by check and/or be invoiced. Please email the attendee(s) name and email address as well as the business name and address to confirm registration, an invoice will follow.


You can bring this event to your private location with your executive team or board of directors. Please contact me directly. 


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