Remove the Emotion, Stop Taking it Personally
Are people in your work group, department, or organization taking it personally? Does the theme, “Remove the emotion,” echo in meeting chambers?
Here is the rub.
The last time I checked, emotion was connected to things like passion, enthusiasm, and even motivation. Workplace energy is connected to emotion. Like it, or not, it is.
Emotions Removed?
Every time an employee is shunned by the statement, “Remove the emotion!” they are one step closer to a disconnect and disengagement.
The next time they feel excited, happy, or energized, a voice inside suggests, “Remove the emotion.”
Certainly, there are sometimes leadership decisions and choices that require a temporary disconnect from the emotion. Making it the lyrics of your corporate theme song is probably not a good idea.
Taking it personally is another trouble spot. People want to be taken seriously and seriousness is often felt to be personal.
People sometimes joke, perhaps with distaste, “It is personal, like a heart attack.” Yet, when expressions of self-reflection are offered, it seems to become too personal.
Seriousness is a fact of business. It may be part of your emotional intelligence quotient. Most would suggest, seriousness is required.
Can you be professional and take things personally? Are these mutually exclusive?
One thing is certain, emotion is often what drives us. Emotion sharpens the presentation of the professional. All of our happiness, fear, and disappointment has a way of moving us.
Personally, I would be cautious about losing the emotional drive of your workforce.
Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.