Average Workers Need Not Apply
You find the average by examining the rock stars and those performing below expectations. Average workers are all the folks that tend to fall in the middle. Do you have a team of average workers?
The under-performing self-identify. Their work is lousy, their attendance poor, and even when they show up, they haven’t really arrived.
Rock stars are also often easily identified. They are always there when they are needed, pull off some great work, and are self-starters looking for more.
Unexpected Change
The Worldwide pandemic of 2020 has caught some attention. It is a political and media frenzy. Political figures and medical experts getting their five minutes of fame. It’s a serious issue, yet many people question the details.
When you shut down a first world economy, people notice.
Workplaces everywhere are going to change. There will be a new definition of normal, at least for a while.
The handshake is gone, at least temporarily. Seating arrangements, office space, and personal protective equipment, it is going to see some changes.
What may also be gone is the average worker.
Average Workers
Unemployment numbers in the U.S. economy have soared beyond 25 million. How many are average workers?
Like most things. There are some great people in those numbers. There are also some poor performers. Somewhere in the middle is the average worker.
Belts are going to be tightened.
Poor performers will be the last selected.
It is the grade school playground all over again. The best will be picked first. Unpopular, skill lacking, or the non-committed will be picked last. Average workers will wait with heavy anticipation.
Now is the opportunity you have been waiting for. The playing field has been leveled and what happens next is up to you.
Rock stars will be selected first, paid more, and be leading the way.
Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and culture expert. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.