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The Power of Fear

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Listen carefully to what people say, the actions that they take, and the results that they get. Successful people assume more risk. Period.


“I considered saying something, but couldn’t bring myself to do it.”

“I wanted to volunteer but I figured they wanted someone more experienced.”

“I thought about saying ‘hello’ to the owner of the business I work for when I saw them at the shopping mall, but I decided they probably weren’t interested to speak to me.”

Or worse yet,

“I really hate Mercedes Benz automobiles, my boss drives one.”

“Don’t even think about moving to that part of town, that is where all the rich people live.”

“Every time I see that jerk I just get more angry, it must be nice to be so lucky to run a business making that amount of money.”

Does any of this sound familiar? I am constantly amazed at the power of fear. Fear to take a risk, fear of being rejected, fear of taking action or making changes that then creates resentment, anger, or dislike.

For many, the single biggest factor affecting their ability to get to the next level, have the breakthrough they have been wanting, or accomplish something really big lies in their self-limiting beliefs which are enhanced, backed up, and completely supported by fear.

The first step to creating your success—face your fear.


Photo Credit: Skywalk – Switzerland, by Kecko

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