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tough tasks

Tough Tasks Actually Give You More

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Do you struggle with the tough tasks? Have you ever wondered why the tough work comes your way while the seemingly easy stuff goes another?

While perception and expectations always condition your view, tough tasks may be what you should seek more of.

Just about anyone can sweep the floor. The same is true for using mainstream software tools or turning a screwdriver.

That’s the easy stuff.

It’s easy to find a burger and fries joint. A great gourmet restaurant is a little bit more difficult.

An attorney’s office is just around the corner. One that is considered the best, well, that is a little more challenging.

Do you have a great idea? You may not be alone. Even the patent for the first telephone was filed by two different people in two different places on the same day.

If everything was easy, everyone would be doing it. There wouldn’t be value for those who do more.

Tough Tasks

The boss often delegates the toughest assignments to the employee who can handle the most.

Is this a disadvantage? Is it punishment for doing great work?

Everything that is easy has a low cost. It is available everywhere, it’s a commodity.

It is true for people and it is true for products or services.

Doing the tough stuff has value. It is important work. Work that will get you noticed. This is what every employer seeks to find more of. It is exactly why they delegate the tough stuff to the best people.

Getting the tough stuff isn’t a punishment. It is a reward.

It is a reward because it means that others cannot rise to the challenge. They don’t have your skills, your knowledge, and your expertise.

Perhaps they aren’t as dedicated as you are.

Great Value

Doing the tough stuff gives you more value.

It is valuable when the promotion opportunity arises.

There is value if economic cutbacks occur.

One way or another, tough tasks give you more.


Dennis E. Gilbert is a business consultant, speaker (CSPTM), and corporate trainer. He is a five-time author and the founder of Appreciative Strategies, LLC. His business focuses on positive human performance improvement solutions through Appreciative Strategies®. Reach him through his website at Dennis-Gilbert.com or by calling +1 646.546.5553.

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